!______________________________SUBROUTINES _______________ 260 Titles: REM description of vehicle 270 REM hard copy output 280 GOSUB Titlel 290 PRINT 300 PRINT "______________Vehicle Description____________________" 310 PRINT 320 PRINT "Tire Size: ";Tire_w;" X ";Dsize;"in., Rolling Dia: ";Droll ;" in. " 330 PRINT "Tire Pressure : ";Tire_psi;" psi" 340 PRINT "Frontal area : ";Farea;" Sq. Ft." 350 PRINT "Coefficient of Drag : ";Cd 360 PRINT "Coef. Rolling Frict. : ";DROUND(Froll,3) 370 PRINT "Driveline Efficiency : ";Eff_pct;" %" 380 PRINT "Rearend Ratio : ";Rratio 390 PRINT "Weight : ";Wt;" Pounds" 400 PRINT "Transmission has : ";Max_gears;" gears" 410 FOR G_shift=l TO Max_gears 420 PRINT "gear # ";G_shift;" = ";Gear(G_shift) 430 NEXT G_shift 440 PRINT "% of wieght on drive wheels: ";Pc_drv 450 PRINT "Tire Coef. of Friction : ";Tire_frict 460 PRINT "Max Engine Torque : ";Torq;" Ft. Lbs" 470 PRINT "Max Engine RPM : ";Max_rpm 480 Hp=DROUND(Torq*Max_rpm/5250,3) 490 PRINT "Max Horse Power : ";Hp 500 RETURN ! 510 Out_line:PRINT I,INT(X),INT(Vel/1.46667),B$&VAL$(INT(Rpm1)),G_shift 520 RETURN ! 530 Titlel: REM ___________top titles _____________ 540 PRINT Des$ 550 Td=TIMEDATE 560 PRINT "Vehicle analysis run on ";DATE$(Td);" ";TIME$(Td) 570 RETURN !