Outdoor Intrusion Detectors
Related Equipment

Wanted To Buy in Red

This is a page with links to more information.

The web pages in this group are:
GEO_ID - TRC-3, PEWS, USQ-42, Turd
GSQ154 - All GSQ-154
GSQ160 - Frequency Disconnect -GSQ-160, USQ-46, TS-2963, PP-6446 - TCw - cylindrical module pinouts.
GSS26 - AN/GSS-26 minimal info
Intrusion Alarm Patents
USQ_Rx - Igloo White, USQ-42, USQ-46 details,
PSR-1 - now on it's own page (July 2007)
Modular Outdoor Intrusion Sensors (REMBASS?)
Sonobuoy Based Outdoor Intrusion Sensors
Wireless Driveway Monitor -

After 9/11

Silent sensors lie in wait for bin Laden - Unattended Ground Sensors (UGS)
Tracking vehicles with a UAV-delivered sensor network by UC Berkeley and MLB Co
SMART DUST - Autonomous sensing and communication in a cubic millimeter
CS294-8 Deeply Networked Systems - Mote Documentation and Development Information
20130308426 Deployable ground sensors, Boeing Co, 2016-01-12 - cites 31 patents

Perimeter Products

Fence Protection Systems - uses a cable tied to the fence that's strain sensitive.  This may be the system I saw being tested in the 1960s in Mountain View.

Common Components

These are a series of cylindrical components that are common to a number of Intrusion Detectors.
Most (if not all) of these are made by the U.S. Army Communications and Electronics Materiel Readiness Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703 CAGE Code: 80063 (established 11/04/1974)  (732) 532-5332.
PT1561 Code Plug Programmer - TM 11-6350-288-12, T.O. 31S9-4-18-1
PT1586 Stack Tester
PT1585 Stack Tester? type

TC431 Encoder - Z
TC432 Code Plug - L
Field Programmable Code Plug
TC434 Transmitter - T1
TC438 battery -E1
TC447 short life battery -E2
TC516 Transmitter - T2
TC517 Receiver -R
TC530 Diode Switch - allow T/R operation with one antenna - V
TC533DW - Timing and Destruct
TC534 Decoder
TC560 Transmitter - T3
TC596 Receiver

TC600 - maybe the 600 series numbers are all for missile systems
TC614 crimping tool
TC619 Hi-rise Timing and Destruct (Hi-rise = missile)
TC620 Hi-rise Diode Switch
TC661 ? center module
TC660  ? end module
TC662 - engine detector module
TC664 Wrench
TC665 assembly trough
TC659, TC660 or TC668 - enable/disable module
TC684 -? end module
TC688 ? end module
TC spacer is used for some stacks to get the correct total length
The modules also have letters such as: E1, E2,  L, Z, J, S, R, T, V (the above letter assignments are just a guess)

Sonobuoy common module TA385 - marked T3, DDJ1094BA-1096
This appears to be a common module in every respect except the nomenclature starts with TA instead of TC.
AB-1157/USQ - 3 ground plane radials, uses type-N connector as antenna base. 5985-00-413-4419
ADSID - Air Delivered Sismic Intrusion Detector, VO-67 - Hunting for Submarines in the Mekong River? -
14 July 2008 in Taiwan - The History Television program Battlefield Detectives says (based on input from Vietcong officials) that the sensors were captured and then moved to an open area where a small gas engine was operated near by.  Alter awhile B-52 would bomb the sensor and small gas engine.
CV-1938/USQ -  antenna multicoupler with a type-N input and 8 type-N outputs. Runs on AC or battery power. Bandwidth?
GATE Generic(?) Automatic Test Equipment
GRA-114  Radio Data Link, Sound Ranging
GRQ-21   Expendable Relay
RT-1005A/GRQ-16 - eBay Photo - What is this? Looks like a trasmitter similar to the TS-2963/USQ-46
RT-1374/GRQ-26   Receiver Transmitter
GSQ-113 R-1510 Digital Data Receiver, T1063 Transmitter - The sensors are big pancakes.  The system probably is for protecting very high value items, like nukes.
GSQ-138 - 8 zone seismic sensor system- eBay photo -
GSQ-151 Seismic Detector (is this the TRC-3() ?)
GSQ-154A Miniaturized Seismic Intrusion Detector - TM 11-6350-255-13
DT-383/GSQ         Audio Add-on Unit
BA1546()/U Battery NSN 6350-00-182-7626
? Add-on Battery
GSQ-159 Disposable Seismic Intrusion Detector
GSQ-160 Detecting-Transmitting Set, Electromagnetic - TM 11-5840-352-14, 11-5840-352-24P
AS-2542/GSQ-160 Antenna NSN 5840-00-116-6015
GSQ-171 Directional Infrared Intrusion Detector
GSQ-174 Time & Frequency Control System (NSA) - TM-5895-893-14
GSQ-176(N) Air Delivered Seismic Intrusion Detector (Normal)
GSQ-176(S) Air Delivered Seismic Intrusion Detector (Short)
GSQ-187 - Sensor Monitoring Set & Ant. Group OE-239 (REMBASS) - TM 11-5820-867-12
DT-561(A)/GSQ  hand-emplaced, magnetic detecting sensor - RTM 11-6350-220-30, -12, -23P
DT-562(A)/GSQ. This is a hand-emplaced, SA classifying sensor. It detects targets and classifies them as unknown, wheeled vehicle, tracked vehicle, or personnel.
DT-565(A)/GSQ. This is a hand-emplaced, passive IR detecting sensor
Radio Repeater, RT-1175(A)/GSQ - RTM 11-5820-1116-12
Monitor/Programmer, AN/PSQ-7
Advanced Monitoring Display System . (AMDS)
The sensors, repeaters, and M/P use either BA-5557/U lithium or AA alkaline or nicad Batteries
The REMBASS set uses the AN/GSQ-187 to relay data
GSQ-240A Radio Set - TM 11-5820-1154-12, 5820-1154-23P, 5820-1154-30
GSS-26(A) Alarm Set, Anti-Intrusion Restricted Area - RTM 11-6350-200-10
GXQ-257  Unattended Ground Sensor Set
MSC-77  Sensor Mobile Monitoring System
PEWS- Platoon early Warning Systems AN/TRS-2(V) - TM 11-6625-2784-14, -24P, 14-H
Plant Antenna - uses a small coax connector
PSR-1 Model X-150A
RE-1162/U   Relay Assembly
                     Relay Unit
                     UHF Assembly
                     Battery Box
                     Relay Assembly Antenna Support Kit
RO-376A-USQ        Signal Data Recorder
RO-630/USQ         Signal Data Recorder
                     SMS Antenna Group
                     SDR Remote Kit
                     Communications Group
TRC-3 -
TS-2963/USQ-46     Emission Generator (Different name for Test Set)
USQ-42 Radio Frequency Monitor Set
USQ-46A  Portable Monitor - RTM 11-5820-870?
R1617/USQ-46 (USQ-46A) Radio Frequency Monitor Set
ID-1721 Indicator
TS-2963/USQ-46 Test Set FSN 6625-176-5292
PP6446A/USQ-46 Power Supply FSN 5820-451-5498
CX-12313/U A.C. Power cable FSN 5995-177-3699
Batteries for USQ-46 & TS-2963
AN/USQ-46B(V) - part of TRSS AN/GSQ-261 - covers 138 to 153 MHz with 25 kHz channel spacing 1200 bps data rate for TRSS, REMBASS and optionally M-IRSS data codes - Brochure (BIG file) -WPAFB -  The Conflict in SouthEast Asia (SEA) 1968 - photo of ADSID
USQ-66(V)    Battlefield Area Surveillance System (BASS)
USQ-121     Portable Monitor
                   Test Set, TRSS
USQ-126     Sensor Monitoring System

???  - Sensor, Set - RTM 11-6350-293-12

RTM = Restricted on the ETM web page, otherwise the manual is on line

Deer Repellent/ Seismic Sensor - Home Made Sensor uses Radio Shack Wireless Doorbell as RF transmitter


4158832  Seismic apparatus for discrimination between track-type vehicles and wheel-type vehicles Pat: June 19, 1979 Filed: June 19, 1961 340/943; 340/566; 367/49; 367/136
3877002 Intrusion Detecting System  8 Apr 1975 340/552; 342/27; 342/92 - Microwave based

3875553 Diredtional Detection System, Navy, Apr 1 1975, 331/116.00R - Outdoor intrusion detector that locks onto a land vehicle accoustic signature

PRC68, Alpha Index, Brooke's Home Page  Brooke's Military Information page -

[an error occurred while processing this directive] page created 2 Aug 2000.