- The public documents use:
Username: armystudyguide
Password: pubs
They also have Army Regs & DA PAMs
Note this is NOT a government site and has advertizing.
8 June 2004 - the Search has moved to ATIA-M and is script based so navigation is not like a classical browser.
Note you need to select "Official Departmental Publications" to get to the Field Manuals.
The Computer Based Training Manuals are under the default "Commandant Approved Training"
The 6 icons that may appear after a search include:
(1) i = a link to an Informational page that also has a link to the Table Of Contents and a Download link
(2) Lock = if you need a username and password to access the document ( NOT a link) If you try to download a locked item you'll get a Forbidden warning page.
(3) Key = ?? (NOTa link) it appears you can download a key item
Most of the time the Key icon is paired with the lock icon, but sometimes you see the lock with no key or a key with no no lock?
(4) page = ?
(5) (anchor) = link to download item
(6) new) = for new documents in the last __?___ days, months
After you have downloaded a manual do NOT use the browser's back button, instead click on the "Results" link in the upper left of the page to get back to the search results. That's the only way that works. Any other method and you will need to start a new search.
Are available from the Army Doctrine and Training Digital Library.
I tried this site with a non 128 bit encryption browser and was able to view documents.
In the left frame select SEARCH: Title Search
In the ADTDL Search Form selecting Type: "Field Manuals" and School: "Signals" and pressing Submit will give a list of 23 manuals 5 of them requiring registration to access, but the other 18 are in the public domain including FM 24-24.
To download you can click on the "i" icon just to the left of the Document Number which takes you to the information page.
In the upper left there is an icon "Download Instructions" - click on this icon and you can then download the document in some number of stages.
This will get you the entire document, but not in one file.Fort Huachuca Intelligence Center Field Manuls - FM34-45 has basics of radio propagation
Global - Army Field Manuals -
30 Nov 2002 - This site is intended to supply manuals to official Army personnel and authorized contractors and also will supply some manuals to the public. In order to control the restricted manuals the site requires your browser to have 128 bit encryption capability, even if no user name & password is being used.Are available from The Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA), Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.Recently a second URL was added that is a secure server (https) and some people have better luck using that server.
So you should have a 128 bit browser and try both servers - Starting about 2003 this started working again The order of the input windows is different on the two sites, so pay attention to the window titles or you will have zero hits!
Note: This site is set up to handle classified documents and REQUIRES >=Netscape 4.05 and 128 bit encryption even if you want a non classified document.
Start at the Electronic Technical Manuals Online page, read the disclaimer and press ACCEPT.
alternate secure connection to LOGSA - some have had problems connecting to the plain http link above.
On the Welcome to... page press ENTER THE SITE (you do not need a password for unclassified manuals)
There are three possible search fields:
PIN Number -Publication ID Number - It is the number that is the file name in the LOGSA system.
TM Number - This is the number of a Technical Manual. If you enter 11-5895-1047 but not the -10 at the end, then you will get a list of all the manuals that start with these numbers.
TM Title Text - If you enter TRS-2(V) you will get a list of all the manuals that contain the string "TRS-2(V)".On the ETM Search Results page there will be box just below the title with the number of documents found and a list with 2 links for each document.
The left link is the PIN. If you hold <shift> and <left Click> the PIN number, Windows will open a file save dialog box to allow you to save the document as a file and the default name will be the PIN. I change the PIN to the full TM number (WIN98).
If you just <left click> the right link (the title) then your browser will open Adobe Acrobat Reader and you can view the document. Note that after viewing if you want to print or save it, you will have to wait for another download, you can save a lot of time by saving the document first. Then off-line double click the document title in Windows Explorer/file manager to view it and change pages very quickly.
Army Technical Intelligence Chronology - Army Manuals Listed in the Bibliography of Scientific and Industrial Reports 1946-1949 -
Publications of the Headquarters, United States Army Corps of Engineers -
Maybe only IE can see this site, not Netscape.
TM-5 manuals related to the C of E -
Liberated -- Free Military Manuals
Marine Corps
Marine Corps Publications Website - I have not found actual technical manuals, but have found stocklist manuals with NSN numbers.Air Force Manuals
AF Publications - AF Manuals - just general not equipment specific
OC-ALC/LGLDT Technical Order Management Section Public Access Web Page - contains manuals describing the AF TO system
e-Publishing -
Listing of Classified and Restricted Documents at the Air Force Historical Research Agency - Zipped files containing Excel spreadsheets for about 550,000 documents all over 20 years old as of 2005.
USAF Technical Order Numbering System.pdf -
Air Force History Index - sort of a card catalog to the documents and a procedure to request the document (getting the document may involve a fee)
Special Forces
Special Forces (private web page) - Field Manuals -
Search DA 25-30 can do a "title" , or PIN or IDN search
You can also order Navy and Air Force Manuals
Federal Supply Code Specifications
Department of Defense Single Stock Point for Military Specifications, Standards and Related Publications:
ASSIST-Quick Search - Document ID, Document number or Title (includes nomenclature of part)
Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System (ASSIST)
Procurement Gateway
Technical Manual Publish-On-Demand System (TMPODS)
Navy Electronic Directives System
Navy Online Forms
U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps digital library of current instructions
Search Mil Specs & Drawings -
U.S. Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon - Army Communicator magazine - Museum - Equipment Links -
Downloadable Tutorials on some radios from Fort Gordon - on using TMs -
CECOM Command Publications -How to obtain CECOM equipment publications -
Keesler AFB - Available Products in Electronic Form -
U.S. Government on line Bookstore -
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
PS Magazine - many on line & searchable field maintenance articles
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration - Search - added Oct 6, 2011
National Archives,
Washington, DC 20408,
USA (00 1 202-501 5350).
Record Group 287 supplies US Army Technical Manuals for radio equipment manufactured from 1940 to 1979. Photocopies can be obtained at a cost of 25 cents per page and a $6 minimum order. A "Reproduction Service Order" must first be completed by the National Archives to determine the cost of the specific manual you desire. The manual on this form must be identified by its proper Army Technical Manual number. A booklet entitled Indexes and Lists to Army Technical and Administrative Publications 1940-1979; The National Archives Microfilm Publications Pamphlet Describing M1641, also available from the Archives, describes this procedure"
FSC Numbers
This 4 digit number is the same as the first four digits in the TM number. Some common numbers are:
5355 Knobs and Pointers
5805 Telephone and Telegraph Equipment
5810 Communications Security Equipment and Components
5811 Other Cryptographic Equipment and Components
5815 Teletype and Facsimile Equipment
5820 Radio and Television Communication Equipment
5825 Radio Navigation Equipment Except Airborne
5830 Intercom and Public Address Equipment
5835 Sound Recording and Reproducing Equipment
5836 Video Recording and Reproducing Equipment
5840 Radar Equipment Except Airborne
5845 Underwater Sound Equipment
5850 Visible and Invisible Light Communications Equipment
5855 Night Vision Equipment, Emitted
5860 Simulated Coherent Radiation Devices
5865 Electronic Countermeasures Equipment
5895 Miscellaneous Communication Equipment
5905 Resistors
5910 CapacitorsManual Starting Numbers
TM 5- Technical Manual Engineer
TM 9- Technical Manual Ordinance
TM 11- Technical Manual Signal
FM - Field Manual is generic not equipment specific
TB - Technical Bulletin often used to cover equipment installations in vehicles
TO - Technical Order
MWO - Modification Work Order for changes to equipmentTM Ending Numbers
The last 2 digits (and sometimes a letter suffix) indicate which echelon will use the manual. The echelons are:
The possible ending numbers are:
- Operator and/or Crew (example. -10 is just the operators manual)
- Organizational Maintenance (example -12 is the Operator & Org Maint manual)
- Direct Support Maintenance (DS) (example -13 is the Operator, Org Maint & DS Maint manual)
- General Support Maintenance (GS) (example -14 is the Operator, Org Maint, DS Maint & GS maint manual)
- Depot Maintenance
So in the last two digits the first one will be a lower number than the last one indicating the range of echelons covered. A "P" indicates that Parts are covered to some extent. "HR" is the suffix for a "Hand Receipt" manual that lists what's included and for vehicle installations gets to be a big manual since all the different combinations are covered. A suffix dash number usually indicates that the manual has been split into 2 parts because there's a limit to how big a paper manual can get.
-10 Operator's Manual
-12 Operator and Organizatinal Maintenance manual
-14 Operator's Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support Maintenance Manual
-15-1 Installation
-20P Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists
-23 Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Manual
-24 Field and Depot Maintenance Manual
-30 Avaiation Intermediate Maintenance Manual
-34P Direct Support and General Support maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools Lisits (including
depot maintenance repair parts and special tools)
-35P Field and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists
-40P General Support Maintenance (Including Depot Repair Parts) Repair Parts and Special Tools ListsTechnical Competence Versus Jack of All Trades - has some info about the various levels of support and maintenance
NSN (National Stock Number)
This consists of the FSC 4 digit number followed by the NIIN 9 digit number.
WebFLIS Public Inquiry Selection Menu - NIIN, NSN p/n or CAGE code lookup (Oct 2007)
NATO - Cofication System Country Codes - IE5 or newer needed to use the table sort feature.
Unsortable table version
NATO Communication and Information Systems Services Agency -
NATO Standardization Agency (NSA) Public Web Site - Public Standards - STANAG and others
NIIN Number (Last 9 digits of the NSN)
DSCC - Search for a NIIN and get cost and other data
CECOM - search for a NSN/NIIN or mfg part number
MIL-STD-196E - Joint Electronics Type Designation System - Type of Equipment, Purpose, misc ID for example AN/ARC-73
BINCS Numbers - Commercial And Government Entity (AKA FSCM, aka CAGE)
Back in the 1960s is was Federal Supply Code of Manufacture (FSCM),
then maybe in the 1980s it was Commercial And Government Enitity (CAGE),
now in the 2000s they may be calling it Business Identification Number Cross-reference System (BINCS).
This worked 13 Jan 2005 BINCS .
The Central Contractor Registration web page has a DUNS and CAGE search. (This is one of many government web pages that can only be accessed using IE. Netscape 7.2 just times out without ever getting there. Oct 2004)
Bid Link has CAGE & Contractor search.
This is the number that appears on the name plate of equipment made for the government. Instead of using a lot of space on the name plate for the company name, address, etc. the 5 digit CAGE code number is used. You can look up the company (if it is still in business) at the DLIS CAGE Search Page. This page also has Exact Company Name search, Voice Phone search, Partial Company Name search, and Partial Company Name search. They are in the process of allowing companies to add their web URL and email address to the data file. There is a separate DLA CAGE Code Lookup service that has advanced features for finding the CAGE code of a vendor.
another URL for CAGE search = Type acceptance search page - may have manual, photos, report
a completly different path that worked 10 Sep, 2001 is this links to the /CAGESEARCH URL above through a secure connection. The search in the paragarph above worked 10 Sep, 2001 (but not yesterday).Search Commerce Business Dailey - RFx nad awards typically contain NSN, p/n, nomenclature, etc.
Technical Industrial Liaison Office (TILO) - a very good list of Links
Fort Monmouth Project Book 98 - arranged by: Acronym (AAMDC/FPTOC), Nomenclature (AB-1309/TRC), SYSTEM /EQUIPMENT NAME (AB-1309/TRC MAST)
Program Profiles - Army, Navy, Air Force & Marines
Airpower Journal - The Electromagnetic Bomb -Net Resources - Technology pages
Naval -current projects -vendor catalog - links - includes many countries
Army -current projects -vendor catalog - links -includes many countries
Air Force -current projects -vendor catalog - links - includes many countries
Office of Naval Research - Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) - scientific research and advanced technological development
Railway - company Index -
Mining - company Index -
Offshore - company Index -
Ship - company Index -
Frederick W. Chesson - Signal Corps Technical Manuals, TM-11 Series - overall numbering system explained
Agilent (formerly Hewlett Packard) Parts ID (916) 783-0804 (press 3 for test & measurement instruments) can find the HP part number for anything including obsolete equipment. If you ask for a manual part number and they say that there is not one, ask for the microfiche version part number. To order parts call (800) 227-8164 or FAX (800) 333-1917Brooke's PRC68, Products for Sale (including some manuals), Alphabetical List of Web Pages, Military Information page
A. G. Tannenbaum -
AA4DF's Manuals -
AC6V - Manuals page -
AF4K's Manuals Suppliers List -
Agilent (HP)
Agilent (formerly HP) Tech Support - Parts finder (can NOT use Netscape 4.7x) -
Discontinued Test & Measurement Equipment - Obsolete Manuals & Guides
Where can I obtain manuals for Agilent and Hewlett-Packard test equipment that is no longer sold? - I'm listed along with many others for CDs.
Agilent -...your best bet is to use the "Product Finder" tool at the right side of our higher-level pages. It can accept partial model numbers, and will give you a short list of possible matches. Once you get to the product, you can use the Library area to find the manual. If you don't see the manual after clicking "Manuals and Guides" in the Library area, then it simply is not on the site. is the Agilent ftp site for manuals
Agilent Test Equipment manual (& App Note) sharing - this is just a directory of publications, mostly HP/Agilent, but some Tek
HP journal online - Home - List of online issues - sponsered by HP Labs
HP part number cross reference to common part number
Antenna AB/155U - Seperate Web Page manual pages -
Antique Aircraft-parts - Swiss source for all kinds of manuals -
ARC-5 - alignment and bench test
armymanuals on eBay
ARRL - Manuals page -
Associated Industries-list of the most commonly used accessories, utilized with the various AN/PRC, AN/VRC and AN/GRC radio comunications systems and military vehicles - Product Descriptions -
Artek Media - HP & Tek manuals in hi res
Bell System Practices - goes way back in the Bell system
Big-List - Used Test Equipment and Semiconductor Production Equipment Dealer Directory -
Bit Savers - pdf FTP site -
Communications Publications by Equipment - free on line manuals (Commo Chief?)
Consolidated Surplus Test Equipment Manuals - Commercial Test Equipment - Rent for a week to copy yourself
Cook International - Test Equipment and manuals
B & L Military Collectibles - manuals of all kinds
BAMA (Boat Anchor Manual Archive) - KG7BZ Military Manuals for tube type equipment (added Oct 2004)
Bibliofind - search engine with good prices
CHQ Software - CD-ROMs with a collection of manuals all on the same topic
Don Lancaster's manual page - - mostly aircraft
Electronic Test Equipment Manuals Available -
Electronic Test Equipment Service Manuals and Calibration Manuals: Tektronix, HP, and many others - including surveying instruments
Electronic Texts and Publishing Resources of the Library of Congress - Government Printing Office (GPO) -
ESCO - Italy
Full Electronic books Free to download - design & components
Groucho Publishing - Re-Print Military Literature
HAMMARLUND Historian -
Herb's Test Equipment - some test equipment manuals
Hi Manuals - 1935 - 1980 ham manuals-
Historic Naval Ships Association - Manuals & Documents - Audio & Video -
HP - see agilent above
Infotronix - no on line catalog
Issues of Hewlett-Packard Journal - often new instrments get the whole issue with all kinds of technical info
J. Dosher Operating / User / Service Manuals -
Krasnodar - Russian site with schematics for popular ham radios
Lewis Porter - older HP manuals
Manual Man - online catalog - HP Manuals -
Manuals Plus - buy & sell
Mark's Sources for Military Technical Manuals -
Military Antenna- Ground Applications - nomenclature, NSN, etc.
Military Boatanchor Manuals by KG7BZ - free on line TMs for older equipment
Military Radio Equipment - many BC and other military radio schematics online
Miscellaneous Document Archive - Military/Info Publishing - Military Manual Photocopies -
Mittalaitteet -ham radio topics(ftp) - Manuals - some free manuals for tube equipment (long list of manufacturers) old Rider or Sams pubs
Portrayal Press - mostly military vehicle manuals but some others
Radio Reprints - manuals for tube equipment by Ken who also has the Savage 99 web page
Radio Technical Manuals Courtesy of Peter Gottlieb Schaltungsdienst Lange - manuals for popular electronics products that may not be available in the U.S. - search engine
Service Data -
Sunray's military radio bookshop -
Surplus Al's - Mostly manuals + other stuff albert yascavage eBay Listings
Surplus Stuff has TM-5, TM-9, TM-11, FM, TB, TO, Navships, Other Military -
Rig Pix Schematics & Stuff - commercial ham gear manuals ++
Technical books online! - scans of old books free on line
Tecon Surplus - govt Manuals - web pages don't work with Netscape
Tom G - Test Equipment & Manuals
TM 11-2715 provided by Army Radio Sales Co.- Installation of Radio Equipment in Truck, 1/4-Ton, 4 x 4
TM 11-5985-379-14&P - AS-2259/GR NVIS antenna
Track Pads - User manuals, EMERs & other documentation for military equipment - mostly WS19, but also other stuff
US Navy Radio Communications - 1950's & 1960's - many manuals
VMARS Technical Information Service - manuals for many military boat anchors for the cost of making a CD-ROM
W7FG Vintage Manuals - Links-
Wireless Set No. 19 and related tube equipment manuals
If you have questions about this contact Brooke