1600 - Willam Gilbert concluded that the Earth itself is a giant
1745 - Ewald Georg von Kleist invents condenser
1746 - Pieter van Musschenbroek independently invented a very
capacitor called the Leyden jar (Wiki) (a 1
jar capacitance is about 1nF)
1800 - Volta makes a battery to prove that electricity exists.
1820 - Hans Christian Oersted - discovered that a compass needle moved when electricity flowed through a nearby wire
1820 to 1827 - Andre Marie Ampere - produced
of the unit of measurement of current flow, now known as the
1825 William Sturgeon exhibited electromagnet in England. He varnished the iron core and used bare wire. (i.e. no wire insulation)
1827 - Georg Simon Ohm discovers the mathematical
of electric-current called "Ohm's Law". He used thermopiles
his voltage source to get a very low resistance.
1831 - Michael Faraday generates electricity using
and coil of wire
1828 - Joseph Henry invents
and publishes papers 1831- He sought no patents on any of his
inventions, believing personal
to be incompatible with the dignity of science.
used wire that he insulated by winding silk or cotton tightly
on an iron core, much more efficient than
Sturgeon's loose wire electromagnet.
1837 to 1870 - Telegraph system uses electromechanical relays (Is
the first appearance of the relay?)
1839 - June 27 us patent 1200
"Clock", N. Jerome - uses brass plates to make clock instead of
wood. Allows making low cost clocks that are exported world
and develops U.S. brass and metal working ability.
1865 Interchangeable parts started after the Civil War (1861 - 1865)
1873 - James Clerk Maxwell publishes his "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" (Maxwell's equations)1877 - Edison records voice on tinfoil cylinder phonograph
1878 - Edison opens first DC power utility company.
1887 - Almon Strowger, a Kansas City (7 railroads) mortician, invents the automatic dialing phone system to keep the local operators from directing calls to his competitors.
1888 - Nikola Tesla invented the AC motor and AC power system,
system used by Edison required the generator to be within a few
the load.
Tesla's AC system allowed transformers
step up the voltage
for long haul transmission and step back down near the load.
Although A.G. Bell's patent for the telephone is often reffered to
"the most valuable" patent, I'm not sure if Tesla's AC motor
patent is
as valuable or more so? WIthout the AC motor the AC
system was only good for lighting, like done by George
Westinghouse. Factories need motors and without an AC motor
electricity or steam power were the main options, hydro in some
I heard that he did not invent the
tap on the last transformer
(pole pig). A grounded center tapped secondary feeds the
user. This is a critical safety feature. If there was
to secondary short in the transformer, the full high voltage
many kilovolts) would show up in your house causing great damage,
destruction, etc.
1889- Herman Hollerith uses punched cards to tabulate the U.S.
in 6 weeks, the prior census took many years to count by hand.
Jan 10, 1899 patent 617592
Electric Device is granted for the first Flash
Hubert signed as witness and his employee David Misell is the
1898-1900--- Danish Inventor Valdemar Poulsen invents and patents his "Telegraphone," a wire recorder
1904 - John Fleming devises the first practical electron tube
as the "Fleming Valve" on schematic diagrams tubes are denoted as
etc. (Not really)
1922 - Philo T. Farnsworth, at age 13, invents television to work like the furrows in the field that he plowed. He also invents the Fusor which was further developed by Bussard to supply hot fusion in a reactor that's not radio active when it's turned off and has no radioactive waste.
1928 - Dr. Fritz Pfleumer patent in Germany for what was to
tape recording
1932 The Rural Electrification Administration (REA) is
to get A.C. electrical power to rural areas.
cities now had AC power. But DC was still there and dynamos
common to convert from AC to DC which was still used for things
elevators where DC provided much better control.
1936 - Alan Turing writes about the Turing machine: "On Computable Numbers.."
1937 - George Stibitz used telephone type electromechanical relays for digital logic
1959 - Farichild Semiconductor, Charleston Rd, Mtn. View, makes the first practical planar integrated circuit
1941 - Pearl Harbor attacked bringing the U.S. into WW II
1943 - Work to crack Germany's secret military codes begins at the UK government's Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park
1944- The first experimental V2 rocket is launched from Peenemunde in Germany
1945 - Arthur C. Clarke writes his seminal piece 'Extra-Terrestrial Relays' which is published in Wireless World the following October. This discusses the idea of establishing a system of geostationary satellites that can provide global communications.
1946 - ENIAC is revealed to the US public for the first time. A panel of lights is added, to give news reporters some idea of how fast the machine is working. Thus a Hollywood stereotype is created and the giant brain becomes a feature of 1950s science fiction.
1947 - transistor invented by Bardeen, Shockley and Brattain
1948 - Peter Goldmark, while an employee of the Columbia
System (CBS), invents the 33-1/3-rpm record, to overcome the need
change or turnover the existing 78rpm discs. He earns no
for his invention but, in lieu, receives free copies of every LP
by Columbia.
1957 Oct 4 Sputnik in orbit. (Wiki)
- the Doppler shift could be used to determine it's orbital
elements. That means that if it broadcast it's orbital
then you could determine where you are, i.e. Transit (Wiki)
1960 to 1965 - my college electronics classes cover both tube and
technology and some products use both
1960 April 13 Transit 1B is launched (1A failed to orbit).
1961 - Leonard Kleinrock at MIT publishes first paper on packet switching (precursor to the internet)
1962 - J.C.R. Licklider, head of the computer research program at DARPA, talked about his "Galactic Network" concept
1974 - Sony develops the Betamax VCR
1966 - Lawrence G. Roberts put together his plan for the
1966 - P T Farnsworth (see 1922) patent 3258402 Electronic Discharge Device for Producing Interactions between Nuclei - Invents the Fusor
1974 - Bob Kahn & Vint Cerf publish "A protocol for packet network interconnection" the TCP/IP description (basis of the modern internet)
1976 - JVC develops the VHS VCR
1978 - Feb 22 the first GPS satellite launched.
1982 - first digital audio 5-inch CD
1987 - Digital Audio Tape (DAT) players introduced
1992 - Bussard patent 5174945 Controlled thermonuclear fusion power apparatus and method Dec 29, 1992 based on the Fusor
1996 - DVD players started selling in Japan, and began in 1997 selling in the U.S.
2000 - MP3 ( MPEG Layer III) compressed digital audio recording
(works well with the internet) MP3 dramatically reduces file size
only a
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