Leitz 115A Transit
© Brooke Clarke
& Large
This is similar, if not the same as, the transit I used in a college
surveying course. This Leitz model 115A (now Sokkia
is speced for 1 minute horizontal angle measurements and 5 minute
angle measurements in a single reading. By turning the same angle
times with the scope normal and then 3 more timew with the scope
the accuracy will be improved. When this is done the final
is 6 times the actual reading and when the total reading is divided by
the resulting reading will have about squareroot (6) more
Inverting the scope also removes some of the errors in the
The ability of invert the scope is one of the main advantages of a
when compared to other instruments.
The image is right side up and the Stadia
is 1:100 with a zero adder.
Uses the older 3½" x 8 thread tripod
The carrying case holds the transit and:
- Plumb bob
- Magnifier p/n 8170-20
- Sunshade p/n B-1
- Tool kit p/n S61 (adjusting pins and screwdriver)
- Rain Cover p/n FA0100-0111
The 115 has 4 leveling screws and the 116 has 3. I don't know
what the 'A' in the model number means.
Note that a 3 screw leveling mechanism will change the
of Instrument (HI) as the instrument is leveled but a 4 screw
will not. So in a precision leveling operation you do not want to
the level if you are using a 3 screw instrument.
To go with the trtansit I have a Leitz three piece fiberglass rod which
when collapeed is 54" long & when extended is 11 feet tall.
U.S. patent 4318228
Leveling pole March 9, 1982
Class 33/809;
The lines on the rod have beveled ends so each edge of a line can
read to 0.1" of elevation.
Care and adjustment of K&E
Surveying Instruments
This brochure has a lot of information on the 215 including lubrication, disassembly and use of stadia, etc.
see the bottom of my
Leroy Lettering set page for ordering instructions.
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