LORAN-C Patents
© Brooke Clarke 2006
2811716 Phase Responding Apparatus, Rand, Oct 29, 1957, 342/389 ; 318/608; 324/76.81; 327/11; 327/6
2811717 Automatic Phase Comparator Aparatus, Rand, Oct 29, 1957, 342/389
2811718 Automatic Tracking Loran Receiver, Rand, October 29, 1957, 342/388
Multiple Pulsed Navigation System, Sperry Rand, May 20, 1958, 342/388 ;
368/117 - a 100 kHz system can have a higher duty cycle because of the
shorter propagation times.
2873445 Hyperbolic Navigation Receiver, Rand corp, Feb 10, 1959, 342/388
3034119 Automatic Gain Control System, Sperry Rand, May 8, 1962, 342/392 ; 327/330; 330/133; 330/96; 330/97; 375/345
3044064 Hyperbolic Navigation Receiver, Rand corp, July 10, 1962, 342/389
3079601 Delay Generator, Collins, Feb 26, 1963, 342/385 ; 327/286; 368/119
3153237 Signal Processing Apparatus, Oct 13, 1964, TRW, 342/393 ; 367/125
Blanking Circuit Synchronized with code for Balancing Detector
Interference, Jan 26, 1965, Collins, 342/389 ; 327/12; 327/7; 375/351;
3319250 Double Gate Pulse Matching System for a Loran Receiver, Sperry Rand, May 9, 1967, 342/388
Synchronous Interference Rejection System for Receivers of Phase Coded
Carrier Signals, Sperry Rand, June 13, 1967, 342/389 ; 375/329; 375/351
3325810 Loran-C Cycle Selection System, Sperry Rand, June 13, 1967, 342/390
3332079 Loran-C Cycle Matching Apparatus, Enac/Triton, July 18, 1967, 342/389 - CRT based
3337723 Aug 22, 1967, 701/217 ; 329/341; 340/870.34; 340/988; 702/144; 702/153
3343169 Loran Control and Timing Circuits, Electronic Concepts, Sep 19, 1967, 342/389 - Loran A and C.
3358283 Radio Navigation System, Electronic Concepts, Dec 12, 1967, 342/389 ; 327/50; 375/344 -
3371346 Pulse Segment Identifier, Aerospace Research, Feb 27, 1968, 342/389 ; 327/23; 327/91
3375520 Integrated Navigation Receiver-Computer, Lear Seigler, March 26, 1968, 342/389 ; 701/219
3422433 Loran Receiving System, Guidance Technology, January 14, 1969, 342/388
3453551 July 1, 1969, 377/1 ; 377/125; 377/39; 377/45; 377/69
NAVIGATION, October 5, 1971, Guidance Technology, 342/392 ; 375/345
3706092 Electronic Instrument Servo, December 12, 1972, MIT, 341/111 ; 327/5
3731207 SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFYING PHASE CODED GROUPS OF RADIO FREQUENCY SIGNALS, May 1, 1973, Decca Limited, 327/2 ; 342/389; 377/75
3736590 LORAN-C RECEIVER, A-T-O Inc. (Willoughby, OH), May 29, 1973, 342/389
3743754 LORAN SIGNAL SYNTHESIZER, Singer, July 3, 1973, 434/242 ; 327/251; 341/187; 342/389; 342/391
3806933 PULSED HYPERBOLIC RECEIVING SYSTEM, April 23, 1974, De Vaul; Wayne E., 342/389
3821743 Ferrite Loopstick Antenna Arrays for Loran-C Receiver, Kurt Ikrath, June 28, 1974, 343/748 ; 342/389; 343/788
3858216 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR LORAN RECEPTION, December 31, 1974, DeVaul; Wayne E., 342/389
3868691 LORAN RECEIVER AUTOMATED MASTER SEARCH Feb 25, 1975, Epsco, Incorporated (Westwood, MA), 342/389 ; 701/219
Method of and apparatus for locating predetermined portions of a
radio-frequency pulse, particularly adapted for leading edge location
of loran and similar navigational pulses, Nov 18, 1975, International
Navigation Corporation (Bedford, MA), 342/390 ; 375/342
3934254 Reliable cycle selection in LORAN-C system, Jan 20, 1976, Telcom, Inc., 342/390
3947849 Loran receiver-navigator March 30, 1976, The Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) 342/389 ; 701/219
Method and system for navigation employing incremental range
difference, May 17, 1977, Lockheed, 701/207 ; 342/388; 342/396; 342/397
4134117 Loran C receiver Jan 9, 1979, 342/389 ; 701/207; 701/219
4166275 Loran receiver system, Aug 28, 1979, Digital Marine Electronics, 342/389
4214245 Loran receiving apparatus, July 22, 1980, Kabushiki Kaisha, 342/389
4224623 Loran-C cycle detector, September 23, 1980, Sanders, 342/390
4268830 Self calibration of a LORAN-C navigation receiver, May 19, 1981, Sanders, 342/389
4318105 Loran-C navigation apparatus, March 2, 1982, Sanders, 342/389 ; 701/219
4325068 Loran-C signal processor, April 13, 1982, Sanders, 342/389 ; 455/304; 455/305; 702/191
Apparatus and method for detecting the presence of a pulsed radio
frequency signal, Jan 25, 1983, Motorola, 375/340 ; 327/39; 327/9;
375/342; 702/115
4468668 Method for processing signals in a navigation receiver, Aug 28, 1984, Sanders, 342/389 ; 701/219
4482896 Differential ECD detector for Loran C receiver, Nov 13, 1984, Motorola, 342/390 ; 701/219
System for lightning ground stroke position by time of arrival, Sep 24,
1985, 343/460; 343/388 - info on detecting third zero crossing
4591860 Loran-C receiver, May 27, 1986, Nissan, 342/390
4594594 Loran signal receiver, June 10, 1986, Nissan, 342/389
Method of and apparatus for reducing cycle slippage errors in Loran-C
and similar radio-frequency signal reception, particularly in vehicles
undergoing acceleration, May 10, 1988, Megapulse, 342/390 ; 342/389
4774518 Loran-C signal phase tracking apparatus, Nissan Motor Company, Sep 27, 1988, 342/389 ; 701/219
4804964 Loran-C signal receiving apparatus,Feb 14, 1989, Nissan, 342/389 ; 342/390
RE31962 LORAN-C navigation apparatus, July 30, 1985, Sanders Assoc, 342/389 ; 701/219
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