Instead of using an input optical
system like the prior art tubes this one has about 1,000 times
gain inside the tube.
Four accelerating anodes at up to 16
kV, maybe M3 Sinper-Scope, very limilar to the 1P25.
Hemispherical input at ground, one
other potential of 16 k, flat output window. very much like the
6929 tube in the PAS-6
2535708 X-Ray Generator
2666864 Image Intensifier Tube, R.L. Longini (Westinghouse), Jan
313/527 ; 250/214VT; 313/107; 427/107; 427/109;
427/122; 427/124; 427/64; 427/74; 445/11; 445/12 -
Hemispherical input, but output is
a much smaller flat screen
2555545 Image Intensifier, Hunter (Westinghouse), Jun 1951
- designed for X-Rays
2686885 Insulated Coated Grid for Electron Discharge Devices,
Bailin (Sylvania) - tetrode power tube
2752519 Method and Apparatus for use in Chemical Evaporation
Process, Ruedy (Navy), -
method of making image converter
tube like the 2506018
2774002 Image Tube, D.R. Carlo (International Telephone and
Telegraph, aka ITT), Dec 11 1956, -
Hemispherical input, flat smaller
output, 2.3 kV& 16 kV to tube
2834889 Electronic Camera, Fries, May 13 1958, - image
amplification then to film
2839601Visualize Electric & Magnetic Fields
2851625 Image Tube, Ruedy (RCA), Sep 9 1958 - hemispherical input,
multiple anodes, 1,000 times gain
2857589 Adapter Device for Image Tubes, S.G. Fong (International
Telephone and Telegraph, aka ITT), Oct 21, 1958, -
Fits on front of tube and contains
voltage divider to provide 2.3 kV from 16 kV Sniper-Scope
type tube.
2928969 Image Device, Schneeberger (Westinghouse), - maybe
for TV use