Ukiah, California & Vicinity

"Haiku Spelled Backwards" (Haiku Fan)

© Brooke Clarke 2000 - 2022

Photos taken at my house
Aerial Photo 
    Flower Ants
    Saw Mills
    Fire Attack Reloading
    Cal Fire Huey
    Kaman K-MAX
    5 June 2015 Airport Day
    20 May 2017 - SAR Training
    9 Oct 2017 - CalFire: Redwood / Potter Fires (Mendocino Lake Complex)
    Army Training? 27 April 2018, 9 June 2018,
    27 July 2018 Ranch & River Fires - 28 July 2018 Mendocino Complex Fire
    8 Nov 2018 Paradise Fire
    31 May 2019 Helicopter Practice
    29 June 2019 PG&E Transmission Poles
    Cal Fire Practice 2019 July 16
    27 June 2019 PG&E Line Inspection Practice
    The Saddle Ridge Fire in LA can be watched on FlightRadar24:,-118.46/12#
    Kincade Fire Sonoma County
    2019 October 27 - Burris Fire Mendocino County North of highway 20 near Lake Mendocino
   2019 November 5 Tehama Ranch Fire (CalFire)
    2019 Feb 6 - PG&E
    2020 June 8 PG&E Tower Maintenance
2020 June 19 747 (GST944) Practice/Training McClellan
    2020 July 6 - PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff check flight
    2020 July 7 - 3 Fires?
    2020 July 8 - Old Lawley Tool Rd Fire
    2020 July 18 Yreka Fire
    2020 July 19 Leesville Fire
    2020 July 23 - Milepost 21 Fire
    2020 July 31 - Covelo Fire
2020 July 31 -Potter Valley
    2020 Aug 1 - Apple Fire

    2020 Aug 2 - Lodoga Fire
    2020 Aug 10 - Mina Fire
    2020 Aug 12 - HBAL234 Loon Balloon
    2020 Aug 12 5:12 pm - SOUTH DORA FIRE
    2020_Aug 14_2:26 pm TBD_Cottonwood
    2020 Aug 15 Fire & S. Cow Mtn. Rescue
    2020 Aug 16 - Elk Fire
    2020 Aug 18 Hennessey Fire
    2020 Aug 18 4:00 pm - Creek
    2020 Aug 22 Hull Fire
    2020 Aug 22 LNU Lightning Complex
    2020 Aug 26 - Capella
    2020 Aug 26 -  Vichy Springs
    2020 Sep 7 - First Gate Fire & N. of Lake Pillsbury
    2020 Sep 13 - Multiple Fires
    2020 Sep 14
    2020 Sep 15
    2020 Sep 17
    2020 Sep 18
    2020 Sep 23
    2020 Sep 27 Glass fire
    2020 Oct 2 Glass fire (continued)
    2020 Oct 3
    2020 Oct 4
    2020 Oct 7 - Awareness
    2020 Oct 9 - August Complex Mapping
    2020 Oct 12 - August Complex Mapping
    2020 Oct 13 - Lake County Fire
    2021 April 27 - N499DF Training over Lake Mendocino
    2021 May 21 - Tomki Rd
    2021 May 27 - N499DF practice
    2021 June 17 - Fire North end of Clear Lake (PomoFire)
    2021 June 19 - Fire Schuette Rd NE tip of Blue Lakes)
    2021 June 21 - Fire 11:40 am
    2021 June 21 - Fire 1:00 pm
    2021 June 25 - Fire 12:54
    2021 June 25 - Fire 2:19
    2021 July 6 - Practice
    2021 July 7 - Fire 3:00 pm
    2021 July 10 - Fire The Forks
    2021 July 17 6pm Lowery
    2021 July 29 5:30pm Ridgewood Park
    2021 July 30 - Practice
    2021 Aug 11 - 101 & River St Fire
    2021 Aug 14 - Bell Fire
    2021 Sep 12 -Calpella 14:10 - Hopkins
    2021 Sep 13 - Cloverdale
    2021 Sep 19 -
    2021 Oct 9 - Practice
    2021 Nov 10-11: Ground Water EM Survey
    2021 Nov 14 Ground Water EM Survey
    2021 Nov 22 - 25 N482DF
    2022 Feb 15 - Airbus H125
    2022 May 29 - Firehawk N476DF
    2022 Jun 29 - Laws Fire
    2022 July 8 - West Road & K
    2022 July 9 -
    2022 July 10 - S State St/Oak Knoll and North Court Rd
    2022 July 16 -
    2022 July 17 - Bells Fire, Laytonville
    2022 July 19 - Meadow Fire
    2022 July 22 - Blue Fire
    2022 July 23 - Oak Fire, Mariposa
    2022 July 24 - Banks Fire, Covolo
    2022 Aug 18 - Kennedy
    2022 Aug 24 - Nelson
    2022 Aug 28 Old Fire
    2022 Aug 29 Konocti Fire
    2022 Sep 1 Walker Fire
    2022 Sep 8 Cameron Fire
    2022 Sep 8 Shamrock Fire
    2022 Sep10 - Mosquito Fire
    2022Sep12 Firecrest Fire
    2022Sep13 Hendricks Fire
    2023Jun08 - Firecrest Fire
    2023Jun18 - Pine Fire
    2023Jun21 - West Fire
    2023Jun23 - Golden Fire
    2023Jun29 -
    2023Jly5 - Concow Fire
    2023Jly18 - Stony
    2023Aug15 1-1 Fire
    2023Aug27 Golden Fire
    2023Sep23 Factory Fire
    2023Sep24 Bear Pen Creek
    2024May10 Practice
    2024May18 Practice
    2024Jun25 PG&E EPSS
    2024Jun27 Veterans Fire
    2024Jly5 Schow Fire
    2024Jly8 Mina Fire
    2024Jly9 Springs Fire
    2024Jly13 Kelly Fire
    2024Jly14 McNab Fire
    2024Jly15 Eel Fire
    2024Jly20 Pepperwood Fire
    2024Jly20 Ridge Fire
    2024Jly20 Rios Fire
    2024Jly25 Acorn Fire
    2024Jly25 Grange Fire
    2024Sep3 Masonite Fire
    2024Sep6 Pine Fire
    2024Oct2 Potter Fire
Loon LLC Balloons
Radio & Televison Stations
Animals & Plants: Opossum, Orchid, Olives, Deer, Birds, Bear, Lion, Wasp, Ants, Snake, Bath Drain Bugs, Beetle on Driveway, Frogs, Coyote Bush, Hawks, Poison Oak, Nature's Rototiller
Internet Service Providers
Health Care
Tractors - Chain Saw 

Photos taken at my house

Photos below: Forest in the morning, Forest with Active D-Lighting, Ukiah night sky Milky Way, Gree Laser Pointer 
Forest morning of 11 Nov 2015
Forest behind my
                  house Nov 2006 Morning
Forest November Morning
View from house
This is what pattern 238 "Filtered Light" is about in the book A Pattern Language.
25 Jun 2009 Nikon D300 Active D-Lighting
25 Jun 2009
                  Nikon D300 Active D-Lighting
Ukiah California 7 July 09   The cloud like stuff is the milk in the Milky Way
About a 1 second exposure in Nikon D300.
This is close to what you actually see, except your eye doesn't see the red.
                  California Milky Way
Green Laser Pointer
Brooke's Webcam
Ukiah, California
                  Mountain Mist view from front door
Ukiah, California Mountain Mist view from front door
March 2011 dead
                  Oak fell over
March 2011 dead Oak fell over
Bump on Oak 1
                  Forest 20 July 2011 Bump 1 on Fallen Oak
Bump on Oak 2
                  Forest 20 July 2011 Bump 2 on Fallen Oak
30 Jun 2011
                  6:48 pm sun into TV camera lens
30 Jun 2011 6:48 pm sun into TV camera lens
7 July 2011 Forest in the morning
7 July
                  2011 Forest in the morning
Weed Seed Nature's Velcro (it sticks to clothing)
It's about 1/16" x 1/8"
Shown stuck to black shoe lace.
Weed Seed
                  Nature's Velcro (it sticks to clothing)
20 Oct 2011 A couple of Ultra Light aircraft flew between my property and the South end of Lake Mendocino
20 Oct
                2011 A couple of Ultra Light aircraft flew between my
                property and the South end of Lake Mendocino
Here's looking at you.
20 Oct 2011 A couple of Ultra Light
                aircraft flew between my property and the South end of
                Lake Mendocino
Wine Country in the Fall
Taken using the HDR Camera app in my Motorola Electrify 2 cell phone.
HDR Camera, Motorola Electrify 2 cell phone
Cones on big fir tree Sep. 2013
Cones on
                  big fir tree Sep. 2013
Sunset 12 Aug 2014
Sunset 12
                  Aug 2014

Aerial Photo

Google Maps - Ukiah Airport -
Ukiah Airport - just to the left of highway 101
To enter a Latitude & Longitude use degrees.fraction format.  The above were found with 39.190162 N 123.164023 W


Entrance Door
                  to Got Ukiah, California
Front Door
Ukiah, California
                  Packing Shed
18 wheel trucks deliver to the left.
Forklift takes gondola to this building
or one of the other buildings.

The empty gondola comes out on this
track and an elevator like machine stacks
them 5 high ready for a forklift
to take to the empty storage yard.

California Western Railroad - Skunk Train - be sure to ask which engine you will be riding behind, not all trains use steam engines
Got Fruit - sells locally grown pears
Holiday Inn Express - Ukiah -
International Paper - Masonite Factory - Grinds up grungy logs and makes saw dust then forms saw dust into Masonite panels - closed 2001
InnEVations - Electric Vehicles - out of business - not at
Irish Beach - has rental houses right on the coast, lots for sale, reservations highly recommended.
Jubilee Jumps - large outdoor rentals
Kirk Driving School -
Konoci Harbor - at Clear Lake has live music (tours)
Mendocino Hobbies - - out of business
The T Shirt People - Screen printing (T shirts) & Embroidery ?
Vichy Springs - just a few blocks from my house

Anderson Valey Brewing Company - Boonville, Beer Links -
Mendocino Brewing Company - Ukiah, home of Red Tail Ale - no tours so far
North Coast Brewing Company - Fort Bragg,
Ukiah Brewing Company - Ukiah - my page showing the equipment
Microphor - microflush toilets (2 quart), Roadside Weed Sprayer
Motorsports of Ukiah - Honda products
North Coast Power - solar power stuff
PATCHEN Inc. - Weedseaker, only sprays green weeds, not the dirt
Real Goods
Alternative Energy is in Hopland, about 15 minutes South on 101.  As of 9/99 they are installing a 132 kW - 13,020 panel photovoltaic array - panels owned by Astro Power who is selling output to Green Mtn. Power on East Coast.  After 15 years Real Goods (who is leasing land to AP) will own panels - Real Goods sells a full spec 120 Watt version of the AP panel.  They also have wind generators, micro-hydro generators, efficient lights, etc.
Retech - Manufacturers an increator that can reduce toxic waste into a safe byproduct.  They hold about 17 Patents (search on assignee contains  Retech and Inventor Contains Ukiah).
Rouge et Noir - Camembert, Brie, Schloss - all soft cheeses
Sea Ranch Lodge -
Sonoma Cheese Factory - fine Teleme, Jack and Cheeder cheeses
Suzette M. Cook - digital photography
USS Water Sprots - dive shop
Ukiah Daily Journal -


Nearby Restaurants

Charcuterie - in Healsburg, good food
Harbor Village Restaurant, Four Embarcadero Center, SF (415) 781-8833 - extremely high quality Cantonese food
Madrona Manor - very fine dining & an Inn
St.Orres Inn & Dining Room - found on Hwy 1 using GPS navigator (actual location is 38:47:33 N 123:33:41 W, 95') "fine dining & lodging"

Ukiah Restaurants

Walter Cafe
Patrona's -
North State Cafe -
Romi's Brew & BBQ - Breakfast Menu.pdf - Lunch & Dinner Menu.pdf - (formerly Porter St. Grill - always been on Perkins St)
Romi's Brew & BBQ
Branches - Bakery, Butcher shop, Irish Pub, Wine Bar, restaurant - Closed April 2012
December 11, 2012 now called Crush - the bakery & butcher shop are gone.
The bar/takeout menu is different from the dinner menu.
Butcher Shop (click to see big version)
Branches Meats
Irish Pub
                Irish Pub
Wine - Main Bar
                Wine Bar
Ceiling above main dining hall
                Main Dining Hall

Saw Mills
International Paper - Masonite Factory - Grinds up grungy logs and makes saw dust then forms saw dust into Masonite panels - closed 2001
There are a number of other saw mills in Ukiah, more on them later.
Logging Trucks deliver logs to the mill
Lumber Trucks deliver the finished boards
Saw Dust-Wood Chip trucks deliver materials for other purposes like gardening
Tai Hei Shakuhachi - Japanese Bamboo Flutes by Monty H. Levenson
Ukiah Speedway - oval track
UPS- Cherry St., Ukiah, CA - Customer Counter - UPS has a Depot in Ukiah that serves ?Mendocino County?
Vichy Springs Resort & Mineral Springs -
North Coast Wine & Visitor Center
Anderson Valley Winegrowers Association
Brutocao Cellars -
Claudia Springs -
Edmeades Vineyards - winemaker Van Williamson
Fetzer Vineyards -
Gabrielli Winery -
Goldeneye -
Greenwood Ridge Vineyards -
Handley Cellars -
Husch Vineyards -
Jeriko Estate Winery - Next door they are in the process of making a cave and pond for a new different winery
Lazy Creek Vineyards -
Martz Vineyards - winemaker Larry Martz
Mendo Net Listing of Wineries -
Navarro Vineyards -  winemakers Ted Bennett & Deborah Cahn
Pacific Star Winery -
Parducci -
Pepperwood Springs Vineyards - 2003 changed to EsterlinaVineyards
Roederer Estate -
Scharffenberger Cellars -
Evden Enterprises - world class fully automated machine shop
Metal-FX - world class sheet metal shop
Motion Industries - (part of chain) - stocks bearings, O-rings, Devcon epoxy, etc.
Munnell & Sherrill - (part of chain) 9/2008 just found they carry Devcon epoxy, haven't been there yet
Railway Engineering - makes turnouts and track related items for model railways that both look good and work
Zoégas Swedish coffee -

Moyer Construction-Water Hauling
Martin Moyer,
2181 Road B
Redwood Valley, CA 95470 -



Prune grapes and pears


Prune pears
Gardenia sprouting new leaves, Blossoms soon


Gardenia bloom


pick pears
Redwood empire Fair 2nd week of Aug


pick grapes
Third Saturday - "Early Iron Club" Hot Rod Show, either downtown or in the park: Photo1, Photo2, Photo3


City of Ukiah - 15,000 Population, county seat for Mendocino county.
Sonoma County Library Internet Branch -
County Museum - Willits -
Mendocino County Public Service Directory - Community Home Pages -
Ukiah Area California Highway Patrol -
Caltrans - California Dept. of Transportation -
Mendocino - Fort Brag: Things to see & do
Mendocino Junior College -
Mendocino Transit Authority - bus schedules
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens -
Point Arena Lighthouse and Museum -
Point Cabrillo Light Station -
Willits Chamber of Commerce -
Mendocino County Government - Planning & Building - Inland Zoning code -


The Ukiah Airport is a general aviation airport that is also a home for:

Federal Express Office - 1329 S State St, Ukiah CA 95482 -

Flies a single propeller freight plane on schedule to provide the same good service as they provide elsewhere

California Department of Forestry - CDF Aviation Management Program -

In a rural area where it could take a long time for a fire truck to drive to the site of a fire, it is very comforting to know that the air attack units can be there in a matter of minutes.

Still photos taken 2001

CDF S-2 wing # 73
CDF S-2 wing # 95
CDF OV-10 tail #
Cal Star helocopter
S2 Radial engine -
                  What A Sound

Bags of Fire Trol
                  waiting to be mixed
Fire Trol
 Grumman S2  with radial engines, What a Sound  & www.OV-10  
The S2 carries a mixture of water, red clay (for color), salt, and a sticky stuff like in napalm called Fire-Trol that comes in big cloth bags one bag to a pallett.  It is mixed with water then pumped to the planes.  You can see that the concrete below the planes has a red color.  That's the Fire-Trol red color.

A History Of California Wildfires - zoomable to street level - centered on my house.

27 Aug 2012 CDF tail No. 90 & 91 Reloading

Each plane is loaded with 1,000 gallons of fire retardant.
I estimate the weight to be about 8,500 pounds.

In the past the S-2 bombers had 9 cylinder radial engines, now the S-2AT has turboprop engines. The Fire-Trol has been replaced by Phos-Chek retardant.
One bag of retardant is mixed with 10,000 gallons of water. 

It takes about 2 minutes and 20 seconds to pump 1,000 gallons of retardant. 
That requires a 500 GPM pump allowing for some pipe loss.

The person doing the loading is the "Loader" and the person controlling the plane is the Marshal or Ramp boss.

North Pass Fires

YouTube: The Strange Airplane Designed for a Very Specific Task, 12:35  - the S-2 Tracker
Mill Creek (Cow Mountain) Fire Attack plane landing at Ukiah

Scotts Fire

Cal Fire Maps

3 April 2013 Cal Fire Huey with water bucket just filled at Lake Mendocino
3 April
                    2013 Cal Fire Huey with water bucket just filled at
                    Lake Mendocino

Indian Fire Lake County Air Attack planes over me 7 Aug 2013

24 May 2015 A new chopper heading for Lake Mendocino to get water.

Kaman K-MAX (Wiki) - can lift twice it's empty weight & twice what the Huey above can lift.
Counter rotating main blades, no tail rotators. Movable stub wing.
Designed to be an aerial truck.  Marines called them the "Grasshopper".  An unmanned version being developed.
Using the K-MAX for firefighting is a new service for Timberline Helicopters.
Some details on YouTube, another YouTube, with some history
YouTube: Kmax Type 1 Firefighting Helicopter Northern Ca. Fires - no hydraulics
Interview with a K-Max, 26:05 - w/Bambi bucket
24 May 2015 A new chopper heading for
                            Lake Mendocino to get water. Maybe an Apache
                            AH64 modified for fire duty? 24 May 2015 A new chopper heading for
                            Lake Mendocino to get water. Maybe an Apache
                            AH64 modified for fire duty?
24 May 2015 A new chopper heading for
                            Lake Mendocino to get water. Maybe an Apache
                            AH64 modified for fire duty? 24 May 2015 A new chopper heading for
                            Lake Mendocino to get water. Maybe an Apache
                            AH64 modified for fire duty?
2881989 Air vehicle with rotary wing, Anton Flettner (Wiki), Apr 14, 1959, 244/6, 244/49 - instead of the 2 to 3 lbs/sq ft of normal
choppers this uses 6 to 10 times higher loading and about 5 to 10 times more power, hence has a higher lift capacity.

Unmanned K-MAX helicopter, Stalker XE small unmanned aircraft system (UAS), and UAS Traffic Management (UTM) systems work together to extinguish fire

24 May 2015
In the morning when the Sun is behind me.
Rented by the Feds for a fire
24 May 2015 A new chopper heading for
                            Lake Mendocino to get water. Maybe an Apache
                            AH64 modified for fire duty?

24 May 2015 A new chopper heading for
                            Lake Mendocino to get water. Maybe an Apache
                            AH64 modified for fire duty?

24 Jun 2015 GoodYear Blimp N10A (Wiki) flew over my house
24 Jun 2015
                    GoodYear Blimp N10A

12 July 2016
Boeing CH-47F Chinook C/N M.8406
tail No. 10-08406
                            July 2016 Boeing CH-47F Chinook C/N M.8406
                            tail No. 10-08406
12 July 2016 Boeing CH-47F Chinook C/N
                            M.8406 tail No. 10-08406

12 July 2016
                    Boeing CH-47F Chinook C/N M.8406 tail No. 10-08406
13 July 2016 - another chopper looking for pot.  UH-60 (Wiki).  Notice all the special multi spectral sensors (Wiki).
The local law enforcement agencies train other agencies in how to hunt for pot grows, so some of these flights are actually
looking for pot while others may just be training flights.  Marked United States Army
                    looking for pot
13 July 2016 - this guy flew below the tree line above the creek, never have seen that done before.  A few minutes later he made a pass between me and the creek
                    looking for pot
Flying in the other direction
                    looking for pot

27 April 2017 - I can hear a chopper very close, but have not seen it.

B-17G 14 May 2013

Fig 1 side view
Fig 2 side view engines
Fig 3 engine close up
Fig 4 Norden Bomb Sight
Fig 5 B-17G s/n: 44-85740
Fig 6 Tail Gunners Sight
Turret gunners compensating sight
2399726 Apparatus for aiming guns, Fairchild Camera & Instrument, May 7 1946
Wiki: Reflector Sight, Gyroscopic Sight,
Collimator sight - This is probably a N-6 (not the N-6A).
Fig 7 R-1820 engine close up
Fig 8 Aluminum Overcast nose art
Fig 9 Aluminum Overcast nose art
Fig 10 Wheel well
Fig 11 Wheel well
Fig 12 Wheel well
Fig 13 Wheel well
Fig 14 Bomb bay
Fig 15 Bomb bay
Fig 16 Bomb bay looking at back of cockpit
Fig 17 Landing gear
Fig 18 Waist Gun
Fig 19 Tail view
Fig 20 Takeoff Video
Fig 21 HD Video

YouTube of twin engine flight July 15, 2019 by BlancoLirio: B-25J Mitchell Bomber Ride - "Executive Sweet" over Donner Summit, Ca. - What military connectors are there for audio?

5 June 2015 Airport Day

In the morning heard various planes flying over my house, reminded me that today is airport day.
Event frequency 123.0 MHz

Fig 1
5 June 2015 Ukiah, CA Airport Day
Fig 2
5 June 2015 Ukiah, CA Airport Day
Fig 3
5 June 2015 Ukiah, CA Airport Day
Fig 15 CarStar air ambulance
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, CarStar air ambulance
Fig 5 From Tower looking North
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day
Fig 6 CalFire Huey to the South
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day
Fig 7 Antenna Farm
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day

Fig 9 Hiller Helicopter N91556 1952 UH-12B
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, Hiller Helicopter N91556 1952
Fig 20 NX4435T Yakovlev Yak-52?
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, NX4435T
Fig 10 NX4435T Yakovlev Yak-52?
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, NX4435T

Fig 19 N56642
1941 Consolidated Vultee BT-13A C/N 6097
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, N56642 1941 Consolidated Vultee
                  BT-13A C/N 6097
Fig 11 N56642
1941 Consolidated Vultee BT-13A C/N 6097

5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, N56642 1941 Consolidated Vultee
                  BT-13A C/N 6097
Fig 8 Local Hanger Queen 1942 Vultee BT-13A
5 June 201
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, 1942 Vultee BT-13A
Fig 18 N56CU
1941 North American AT-6A C/N 786536
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, N56CU
Fig 12 N56CU
1941 North American AT-6A C/N 786536

5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, N56CU

Fig 17
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day
Fig 13 Biplane
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day

Fig 16 P-51 44-74389 N64824 "Speedball Alice"
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, 44-74389 N64824 "Speedball
Fig 14 P-51 44-74389 N64824 "Speedball Alice"
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, 44-74389 N64824 "Speedball
Fig 4 P-51 Fly over
5 June 2015
                  Ukiah, CA Airport Day, 44-74389 N64824 "Speedball
26 Aug 2015  ]
Maybe the same as Fig 11?
One Prop
13 Sep 2015 N68GG - 1975 Bell 206b
Very smoky because of wild fires.
box sensor backage on bottom.
13 Sep 2015
                  helicopter N68GG

20 May 2017 - SAR Training

Ukiah Daily Journal: MCSO: Helicopter training at Lake Mendocino this weekend, trail access limited - "The joint training effort will use the National Guard CH47D Chinook, U/HH60 Blackhawk, UH72A Lakota, the Cal Fire UH1H Super Huey and the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Bell 407 helicopters."

CH47D Chinook (Wiki)
YouTube Video
SAR Training,
                  Ukiah 20 May 2017 CH47D Chinook

HH60 Blackhawk
YouTube Video
SAR Training,
                  Ukiah 20 May 2017 HH60 Blackhawk

SAR Training,
                  Ukiah 20 May 2017 HH60 Blackhawk
UH72A Lakota (Airbus)
You see these at the hospital.
Cal Fire UH1H Super Huey
SAR Training,
                  Ukiah 20 May 2017 Cal Fire UH1H Super Huey

Bell 407 (Wiki)
You see these at the hospital.

16 July 2017 Ridgewood Fire

Fig 1 View out my front door 16 July 2017 - Smoke
                  July 2017 Ridgewood Fire
Smoke is on the horizon, not close by
Fig 2 Cal Fire Huey N205BT
carrying water 17 July 2017 10:15:44am
                  July 2017 Ridgewood Fire Cal Fire Huey N205BT
This same chopper is circling
I don't think he can dump and reload
in a manner of minutes.
Fig 7 Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane w/ tank (Wiki) rather than bag
                  July 2017 Ridgewood Fire Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane w/
N4035S operated by Siller, Yuba City

14 Sep 2017

Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane w/ tank (Wiki) rather than bag Code: 749
                  S-64 Skycrane N171AC Code: 749 w/ tank 14 Sep 2017
Sikorsky S-64F Skycrane - Erickson Air-Crane N171AC
Sikorsky  S-64 Skycrane N229AC  Code: 743
                  S-64 Skycrane Code: 743 w/ tank 14 Sep 2017
Sikorsky S-64E Skycrane - Protezione Civile (Erickson Air-Crane)

Friday 29 Sep. 2017

About half a dozen planes were heard overhead,
then within a few minutes the below planes flew over.
Single prop low wing warbirds?
Single prop low
                  wing warbirds?

OV-10 Bronco (Wiki), CDF "110"Cal Fire OV-10
                  Bronco wing no. 110

9 Oct 2017 - Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
The below photos are maybe 1/4 of the flights that went within seeing/hearing of my house.
This has been the busiest few days I've seen/hears in the past 27 years.
There are duplicates, the photos are more or less in order left to right, top to bottom.
Taken very early Monday.
Just over hill from my house.
9 Oct 2017 -
                Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires Just over hill
                from my house.
2: N9696W - Withrotor 96W 1960 Sikorsky S-61A
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N9696W -
                  Withrotor 96W 1960 Sikorsky S-61A
Just caught it before it went behind house.
Chris Pugh Video of 96W
3: N947CH - 1990  CH47D
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N947CH - 1990
10 Oct 2017
4: Croman 96W N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires Croman 96W
                  N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King
5:  single 4-blade rotor orange bag
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
6: CDF "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF
                  "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
11 Oct 2017 -
7: N212HP - 1979 Bell 212 Huey
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N212HP - 1979
                  Bell 212 Huey
8:  CDF "96" 
9 Oct 2017 -
                Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
When line to bag is almost vertical, like this one, it's full.
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N947CH - 1990
                  TANDEM ROTOR LLC CH47D
10: N612CK1962 SH-3H Sikorsky Sea King
Croman 702
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N612CK - 1962
                  SH-3H Sikorsky Sea King Croman
If line to bag is almost horizontal, like this one, it's empty.
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
12: N212HP - 1979 Bell 212 Huey
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N212HP - 1979
                  Bell 212 Huey
13: N212HP - 1979 Bell 212 Huey
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N212HP - 1979
                  Bell 212 Huey
14: the bird is far from the chopper
Single 4-blade rotor orange bag
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
15: - N229H1  ?
Single 2-blade rotor red/orange bag
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
16: CDF "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF
                  "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
17: CDF96 - N440DF - S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF96 -
                  N440DF - S-2F3AT
18: CDF90 - N434DF - S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF90 -
                  N434DF - S-2F3AT
19: Corman N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King
single 5-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires Corman N626CK
                  - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King
20: CDF?? - N438DFS - 2F3AT
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF?? -
                  N438DFS - 2F3AT
21: CDF90
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
22: CDF90
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
23: CDF90
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
24: CDF88
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
25: Medial N3? N5? Single 3-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
26: CDF85 -  N438DF - S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF85 -
                  N438DF - S-2F3AT
27: CDF83 - N424DF - S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF83 -
                  N424DF - S-2F3AT
28 Croman N612CK1962 SH-3H Sikorsky Sea King
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires Croman N612CK
                  - 1962 SH-3H Sikorsky Sea King
29: CDF96 - N440DF - S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF96 -
                  N440DF - S-2F3AT
30: CDF88 - N426DF - 1999 S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF88 -
                  N426DF - 1999 S-2F3AT
31: CDF94 - N404DF - S2F-1
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF94 -
                  N404DF - S2F-1
32: CDF 94 - N404DF - S2F-1
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF 94 -
                  N404DF - S2F-1
33: CDF94 -N442DF - 2005 S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF94 -N442DF
                  - 2005 S-2F3AT
34: CDF 85 - N438DF - S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF 85 -
                  N438DF - S-2F3AT

35: CDF9? - N?
9 Oct 2017 -
                Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
36: Croman 192 -
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires

37: 1965 Croman 103 - SH-3H - N613CK
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires 1965 Croman
                  103 - SH-3H - N613CK
38: Firehawk N135BH - 1987 Sikorsky S70A-27
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires Firehawk
                  N135BH - 1987 Sikorsky S70A-27
39: Single 2-blade rotor orange bag
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
40: OV-10
9 Oct 2017 -
                Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires

12 Oct 2017
41: N9696W - Withrotor 96W 1960 SIKORSKY S-61A
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N9696W -
                  Withrotor 96W 1960 SIKORSKY S-61A
42: CDF "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF
                  "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
43: N612CK1962 SH-3H Sikorsky Sea King
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N612CK - 1962
                  SH-3H Sikorsky Sea King Croman
44: N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King
9 Oct
                  2017 - Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
45: N212HP - 1979 Bell 212 Huey
Single 2-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N212HP - 1979
                  Bell 212 Huey
46: same? as 9: N947CH - 1990 TANDEM ROTOR LLC CH47D
twin 3-blade rotors
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N947CH -
                  1990 TANDEM ROTOR LLC CH47D

47: N31MH 1988 Aerospatiale AS350B
3-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N212HP -
                  N31MH 1988 Aerospatiale AS350B
48: CDF "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
6-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017 -
                Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires 9 Oct 2017 -
                Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N212HP - N31MH
                1988 Aerospatiale AS350B

49: Croman N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King
5-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017 -
                  Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fire Croman 96W
                  N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King
50:  N9696W - Withrotor 96W 1960 SIKORSKY S-61A
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N9696W -
                  Withrotor 96W 1960 SIKORSKY S-61A
51: N22EA Bell 206B
2-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N22EA Bell
52: Croman 96W N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King 5-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires Croman 96W
                  N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King
53: 1965 Croman 103 - SH-3H - N613CK
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires 1965 Croman
                  103 - SH-3H - N613CK
54: N9696W - Withrotor 96W 1960 Sikorsky S-61A 5-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N9696W -
                  Withrotor 96W 1960 Sikorsky S-61A
55: CDF "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
6-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF
                  "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
56: N947CH - 1990 TANDEM ROTOR LLC CH47D twin 3-blade rotors
9 Oct 2017
                -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
57: 1965 Croman 103 - SH-3H - N613CK
5-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires 1965 Croman
                  103 - SH-3H - N613CK
58: N31MH 1988 Aerospatiale AS350B "RESCUE" 3-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
59:N22EA Bell 206B 2-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N22EA Bell
60: ? 2-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N22EA Bell
61:  N612CK1962 SH-3H Sikorsky Sea King
Croman 702 6-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N612CK -
                  1962 SH-3H Sikorsky Sea King Croman 702
62: N947CH - 1990 TANDEM ROTOR LLC CH47D twin 3-blade rotors
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N947CH -
                  1990 TANDEM ROTOR LLC CH47D
63: N31MH 1988 Aerospatiale AS350B "RESCUE"
2-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N31MH 1988
                Aerospatiale AS350B "RESCUE"
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
65: CDF 91  N428DF  S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF 91
                  N428DF S-2F3AT
66: CDF 95 N448DF S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF 95
                  N448DF S-2F3AT
67: Private 1-prop plane @ hi altitude
Above 66:
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
68: Croman 96W N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires Croman 96W
                  N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King
69: N229? 2-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
70: CDF 9?
9 Oct 2017
                -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
71: CDF 9?
9 Oct 2017
                -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
72: N793HT Helicopter Transport No. 793
6-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N793HT
                  Helicopter Transport No. 793
73: CDF 95 N448DF S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF 95
                  N448DF S-2F3AT
74:  CDF ?0
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
75: CDF 9?
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
76: CDF 95 N448DF S-2F3AT
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF 95
                  N448DF S-2F3AT
77: Firehawk N1399?
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
78: Croman N626CK - 1963 Sikorsky S-61N Sea King  5-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
79: N9696W - Withrotor 96W 1960 Sikorsky S-61A 5-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N9696W -
                  Withrotor 96W 1960 Sikorsky S-61A 5-blade rotor
80: CDF "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires CDF
                  "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
81: N9696W - Withrotor 96W 1960 Sikorsky S-61A 5-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
82: Firehawk N135BH - 1987 Sikorsky S70A-27
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires Firehawk
                  N135BH - 1987 Sikorsky S70A-27
83: N9696W - Withrotor 96W 1960 Sikorsky S-61A 5-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N9696W -
                  Withrotor 96W 1960 Sikorsky S-61A 5-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
85: N947CH - 1990 TANDEM ROTOR LLC CH47D twin 3-blade rotors
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires N947CH -
                  1990 TANDEM ROTOR LLC CH47D
86:  2-blade rotor
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
89: N229H?
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
9 Oct
                  2017-Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
92: N22EA Bell 206B
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires
9 Oct 2017
                  -Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires

13 Oct 2017

200: N22EA Bell 206B
9 Oct
                  2017-Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires

201:  17 Oct 2017

Eurocopter EC145 (Wiki)
9 Oct
                  2017-Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires

18 Oct 2017

Twin prop plane at least 5 rows of seats
9 Oct
                2017-Redwood Valley & Potter Valley Fires

Army Training? 27 April 2018

27 April 2018  All of these were in the sky within
the same  half hour (starting about 11:15 am)
CalStar N833CS

27 April 2018 US Army UH-72A  72233
US Army UH-72A
Note nose FLIR/TV pod
27 April 2018  US Army UH-72A 72199
US Army UH-72A
Lack of FLIR/TV pod
27 April 2018  US Army UH-72A 72199
27 April 2018 US
                  Army UH-72A 72199
Lack of FLIR/TV pod
Has Winch

CalStar N833CS
made a high speed pass
just prior to the UH-60
27 April 2018 UH-60 "California Republic"
27 April 2018 UH-60
                  "California Republic"
Did a lot of practice runs.

Army Training 9 June 2018

YouTube: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

UH-60 "California Republic"
9 June 2018 UH-60
                  "California Republic"
did a dozen practice runs, not all overhead
Does not show up at:,-123.18/13
tail #: 26155
UH-60 26155 9 June
CalStar Army Training 9 June 2018

UH-60 "California Republic"
                  "California Republic"
UH-60 "California Republic"
9 June 2018
                  UH-60 "California Republic"
UH-60 "California Republic"
                  "California Republic"

CalStar - photo  Helicopter ambulance (Ukiah Photo - N623MB)

27 April 2018 CalStar N833CS
CalStar N833CS

27 July 2018 Ranch & River Fires

Alert Wildfire camera replay of first hour (6 to 7 pm) as seen from Mt. Konocti.
7 to 8 pm, 8 to 9 pm (IR night vision), 9 to 10 pm,
There is a date+time stamp at the bottom right.

                  "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
CDF "95B" N7095B - Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
Obscured by smoke.
28 July 2018

28 July 2018
                  View from my front door

28 July 2018 View from my front door
Cloud - smoke fire behind mountain. Ranch Fire

28 July 2018
                  View from my front door

Two planes circling my house. 
In the above photo of smoke they are flying between me and the smoke.
They both look like C-130E (Wiki) but with water tanks.
Wiki: Modular Airborne FireFighting System -

patent US7753314, Systems and methods for aerial dispersion of materials,

28 July 2018
                  View from my front door

Two planes circling my house
see above
CH-47 Fire
                  2018 July 27

Cal Fire No. 85
29 July 2018
                  Mendocion Complex Fire aircraft

Cal Fire No. 90
29 July 2018
                  Mendocion Complex Fire aircraft
29 July 2018
Can Fire No. 91
29 July 2018
                  Mendocion Complex Fire aircraft

29 July 2018
                  Mendocion Complex Fire aircraft

Thunder Head over fire
29 July 2018
                  Mendocion Complex Fire aircraft
29 July 2018 - View from my front door
Pyrocumulus Cloud (Wiki)- smoke fire behind mountain. Ranch Fire
Cal Fire No. 89
29 July 2018
                  Mendocion Complex Fire aircraft

CH-47 with water bucket (smoke in background)
29 July 2018
                  Mendocion Complex Fire aircraft

N389AC Bombardier obscured by smoke

3 August 2018 during evacuation warning Blackhawk No. 850
Blackhawk with
                  Orange ball of water


N389AC AeroFlite Bombardier No. 260
N389AC Bombardier No. 260
N392AC AeroFlite Bombardier No. 261
N392AC AeroFlite Bombardier No. 261

8 Nov 2018 Paradise Fire

The sky is so dark at noon that yard lights are turning on.  Has a sci-fi look out my front door.

8 Nov 2018
                  Paradise Fire

31 May 2019 Helicopter Practice

Mendocino County offers helicopter training for various agencies and this year that includes: our Sheriffs SAR, California National Guard, California Office of Emergency Services training other Search And Rescue crews.

Fig 30
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
There was  a VIP tour for the immediate neighbors Saturday 1 June 2019.

Fig 40 Crane (training about lifting people)
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 41 M4 Mount far end of windowsill
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 42 Front Two Frog Eyes ECM sensors
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 43 yours truly
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 46 Whit antenna for VHF FM (police/fire) coms
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 49 Rear pair of Frog Eyes ECM sensors
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 44 Wheel mechanism
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 47 Rotor hub is cmplex
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 48 The passenger ceiling is the bottom of the engine
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 45 VHF low band antenna along bottom.
Horizontal lade antenna below STATES.
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 50 Four roof mounted antennas
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 51 What looks like a circular step is the FLIR mount.
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice
Fig 52 Motorsports, Ukiah Vehicle
31 May 2019
                  SAR Helicopter Practice

29 June 2019 PG&E Transmission Poles

Heard a Huey and a smaller helicopter and thought it was more SAR practice.  But it turns out it's PG&E replacing wood transmission poles with metal poles using choppers.

They are working at the peak of Deerwood Dr. and also an adjacent valley.

Also see Telephone Poles Fig 36

Note the transmission line needed to be shut down to make this change.  So doing the Deerwood Poles and the one in the next canyon at the same time saves down time.
2019Fig 30 from the Telephone Poles web page.
                    Transmission Poles 20 June 2019
The metal poles were delivered by truck to the site on Deerwood.
2019 Fig 30-1PgePole-05
29 June 2019
                    PG&E Transmission Poles
The metal poles were delivered by helicopter N633SC to the site in the next canyon.
29 June 2019
                    PG&E Transmission Poles
First pole partially installed on Deerwood.
29 June 2019
                    PG&E Transmission Poles
Second metal pole being put in place on Deerwood.
29 June 2019
                    PG&E Transmission Poles
A metal pole being installed in next canyon.
Note smaller helicopter going opposite direction in background. 
This one did no carry metal poles, but did carry pallets of supplies.
2019 Fig 30-2 Finished (taken with LG G6 phone)
29 June 2019
                    PG&E Transmission Poles
Note the distribution pole at the right side with two transformers.
See Telephone Poles Fig 5
This pole was replaced but the reason is not clear.

                    Transmission Poles with Glass HV Insulators &
Took this to show the glass High Voltage Insulators and afterwords saw the big bird perched on the tallest metal pole.  Note in the photo above that the ground is sloping.  The poles are the same height and the cross bar is installed level, so the uphill pole sits higher above the cross arm than the downhill pole.  The bird is perched on the highest point for a few miles in all directions.

Cal Fire Practice 2019 July 16

First heard Borate bombers flying overhead then a Huey that was close, so went out to photograph it, and there was a white CalFire pickup head to tail with a fire engine then they drove in opposite directions.  The fire engine going down hill (first photo).  Then a second fire engine drove a little down hill and backed into my driveway to make a T-turn and go up hill (second photo).  Then within a few seconds a Huey flew near overhead in the uphill direction. (third photo).  Later more Borate bombers overflew (S-2F3AT (Wiki) no photo, but see above for many prior photos of these).

                    Fire Practice 2019 July 16
Engine 173 or 1173?
                    Fire Practice 2019 July 16 Engine 1183
looks like a 4 man crew.
                    Fire Practice 2019 July 16 N499DF -
CalFire Howard Forest 101

27 June 2019 PG&E Line Inspection Practice

Fig 1  N65PJ Camera under nose
27 June 2019
                    PG&E Line Inspection Practice N65PJ
Fig 2 FlightRadar24
27 June 2019
                    PG&E Line Inspection Practice - FlightRadar24
Fig 3  about 5:32 pm heading back to Ukiah airport
27 June 2019
                    PG&E Line Inspection Practice - FlightRadar24
Rough Video

Kincade Fire

CalFire: Kincade Fire

Alert Wildfire Camera view from Geyser Peak. Start 2019/10/23  9:32 pm, (in NearIR Big Dipper),  10 to 11 pm, 11 to midnight, midnight to 1am, 1 to 2 am,  

Solution for AC power caused fires

A possible solution to power line caused fires may depend on understanding hot embers aka firebrands.  The vast majority of these are under 3/16" in size and might be thought of as red hot charcoal briquettes.  The amount of energy in such a small briquette is very small so it can not ignite something like a solid 2x4 or even a twig.  All it can do is ignite a dry leaf or other fine kindling.  It's like starting a fire in a fireplace.  You can not use a paper match to light a log.  So . . .

To prevent sparks from a blown transmission tower from lighting the forest on fire the ground below the transmission tower for a width about as wide as the tower is tall on either side of the center line needs to be cleared of vegetation.  That way when a piece of molten jumper wire lands on the ground there will be a lot lower change it can start a forest fire.

To prevent a problem with power distribution poles trees should be cut back so that a falling branch can not bring down a line.  To go with that the vegetation on the ground should be cut back along a path along the center line out to whatever distance a down line can reach.

Kincade Fire

2019 October 27 Burris Fire Mendocino County North of highway 20 near Lake Mendocino

I have received evacuation warnings and there are evacuation orders for the Lake Mendocino bridge & DeLago area.
Warning: E of Russian River, W of Lake County line, South of hw20, North of hw175.
Bombers knocked it out 3:48pm. and it came back.
CalFire: Burris Fire

Fig 1 TNKR94 Taking off from Ukiah Airport
TNKR163 at Burris Fire.
                    October 27 Fire Lake M & hw20
Fig 2 General area of Burris Fire
                    October 27 Fire Lake M & hw20
Fig 3 General Area of Burris Fire
                    October 27 Fire Lake M & hw20
Fig 4 Two OV-10 in the air A500 & A501
                    October 27 Fire Lake M & hw20
Fig 5 View covering both today's Burris fire & Kincade
                    October 27 Fire Lake M & hw20
Fig 5 View covering both Burris & Kincade fires
                    October 27 Fire Lake M & hw20
Fig 6 Photo from my front door
as of 2019 October 30 the cause is not known.
                    October 27 Burris Fire Mendocino County North of
                    highway 20 near Lake Mendocino

2019 November 5 Tehama Ranch Fire

A plane overflew my house going fast.  It was AA110 coming back from the fire.
This FlightRadar24 page captures both the Ukiah airport and the fire location.

                    November 5 Tehama Ranch Fire

2019 Feb 6 - PG&E

PG&E work
                    N3181F 6 Feb 2019
This morning heard Huey near by.  Turns out it's flying in and out of the same canyon as used on a prior PG&E upgrade mission on 29 June 2019.
The registration number is N3181F.  Not showing up on FlightRadar24 (too low or ??).  Has landing lights turned on.

2020 June 8 PG&E Tower Maintenance

At 10:41 & 10:43 am a truck towing a trailer full of PG&E fittings and another with a bucket drove past my house toward the location of the landed Hughs MD 500 chopper.  So I'm guessing this is a PG&E operation.
This is probably related to the high voltage towers, and in particular the tower that's to the West of the one that was replaced a year ago.

2020 June 8 N502HB
2020 June 8
at least 3 more of these trucks
Bucket Truck
2020 June 8
at least two of these trucks
at HV Tower
2020 June 8 N502HB

2020 June 8
There appears to be a Grapnel Hook at the end of the cable.
The implication is that there's not enough room for this small
helicopter to land near the HV tower.
Note that the load is being carried back to the staging area near my house.

2020 June 19 747 (GST944) Practice/Training McClellan

YouTube: blancolirio (Juan Brown): 747 Supertanker LIVE! - lost feed just prior to takeoff, but followed on FlightRadar24:
(feed came back: 747 LIVE -

GST944 is the 747 doing a plain water drop
GST944 is
                      the 747 doing a plain water drop
N85DR is the plane directing the drop, also from McClellan
N85DR is
                      the plane directing the drop

2020 July 6 - PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff check flight

This morning I heard a chopper, but nothing on FlightRadar24.  Around 3:10pm heard and photographed N1957Z (Fire 572), but again not on FlightRadar24.

                    (Fire 572)
N1957Z On contract from Redding Air Services to PG&E for Public Safety Power Shutoff checks (Wiki).

2020 July 7 - 3 Fires?

After hearing an attack aircraft overfly my house I found what appears to be a practice near Flouts Springs.  Then noticed a fire at the North end of Clearlake.  Then another fire at the South end of Clearlake.

2020 July 7
                  3 Fires - FlightRadar24
FlightRadar24 the white dot may be a practice fire near Flouts Springs, but a tanker showed up, practice???
The two green trails from an OV-10 at the North and South ends of Clearlake are fires.
At first I thought there was a mistake when I noticed the camera was pointing south-East, not at the North end of Clearlake, so I looked
at FlightRadar24 and saw the fuzzy green ball where it was pointed.  The red is probably a retardant drop before it hit the ground.
FlightRadar24 something happening at Flouts Springs, fire or practice?
White dot is real fire at North end of Clearlake.
N440DF, tail 96
                  heading for Flouts Springs 2020 July 7
N440DF, Tail 96
                Tail 96 2020 July 7
N434DF Tail
                  90 2020 July 7
N434DF Tail 90 about 4:30pm 7 July 2020 over my house going to Flouts Springs.
about 4:39 N440DF, Tail 96 is also going to Flouts Springs.

2020 July 8 - Old Lawley Tool Rd Fire

Heard chopper, but it was not on FlightRadar24 (probably the PG&E line inspection, see above).  But noticed three planes coming out of Ukiah: N410DF, a couple of N4nnDF tankers which I followed to Old Lawley Tool Rd. where there are circling planes.

2020 July 8 - Old
                  Lawley Tool Rd Fire
Notice that Mount St Helena is just above and to the left of the fuzzy circle.
2020 July 8 - Old
                  Lawley Tool Rd Fire Camera on Mount St Helena.  In right pane you can see it's aimed down and to the right so this is the fire shown on FR24.

2020 July 18 Yreka Fire

CalFire is calling it the Badger Fire.
Heard a Borate bomber take off and of FlightRadar24 saw another follow him.
They ended up going to what I'm calling the Yreka fire.  It may be closer to Colestin.

The Medford Rogue Valley International Airport is just North of the fire.  But there's an ADS-B blackout over the fire area. I think the two planes from Ukiah droped on the fire and then went to Medfore to reload.  There's also a red&white Blackhawk.
N448DF, N428DF, N442DF,
Antelope Yreka1 Camera
                    Colestin Fire 2020 July 18

                    Colestin Fire 2020 July 18

Note black dashed line where there's no ADS-B coverage.
2020 July
                    18 Yreka Fire

2020 July
                    18 Yreka Fire Although an ariplane shows up in the photo,
because of the ADS-B blackout, it is not on

2020 July 19 Leesville Fire & Big Foot Road Fire & Susanville Fire

2020 July 19
                    Leesville Fire

Big Foot
                    Road Fire

Big Foot Road

Old Bully Choop Rd, Platina Rd

West side of valley,-122.74/13,-122.75/14#
 TV camera WestPeak2

Flat Fire
Redding Airport is a hub

[40.791509, -123.437051] - seems too far north & west

Flat Fire 40.8, -123.4,-122.76/12,-122.55/11

N461DF (from Redding) circling,  bombing: N426DF, N485DF, N448DF, N442DF, N434DF, TNKR01, N428DF, T103,(20 July:)  N795HT (SkyCrane), N811KA,
West Peak 2
Big Foot Road
                    Fire 2020 July 19

Big Foot Road

2020 July 19 19:14
                    "Hog Fire"

Susanville "Hog Fire"

East side of valley
TV: Axis-antelopeMtnSuSanville 2020/07/19 8 to 9 pm: video from Hamilton Mtn2,-120.86/12

Circling: N407DF (A501), N690HB, N741JR (LEAD55),
Bombing: TNKR137, TNKR161, TNKR914, T103,
(2020 July 20:) 40.4,-120.9N402DF, N109Z, N425DFN70K, N440DF, N403DF (flew over house)

Fisher on I5 2020 July 19, 18:15
Out on 20 July
North of valley
Poor ADS-B reception when planes low (bombing),-122.38/13
SCPR263 & SSCPR260 got a drink from Shasta Lake first

2020 July 23 - Milepost 21 Fire

2020 July 23 heard Borate bomber over fly my house just after 3 pm

N428DF heading NE from Ukiah - not this fire see below
N438DF heading N from Santa Rosa
N434DF heading N from Ukiah
N440DF doing laps to Fort Bragg &  Milepost 21
N403DF (OV-10) circling

maybe 10 clicks NE of the city of Chico, on the West side of hwy 32.,-121.71/14#

N428DF bombing
N485DF bombing
N425DF bombing

N408DF (OV-10) circling

2020 July 23 4:23pm,-121/10
GST944 & TNKR914 heading North - both disapeared from FR24 nearLassen National Forest - poor ADS-B coverage.

SCPR260 & SCPR263 - bombing near Mt Hoffman, N690JK circling
TNKR012 & TNKR137 loading at Kalamath Falls flew past the Mt Hoffman action & heading South

2020 July 25
3pm N428DF heading north, N440DF heading NW, N421DF heading NW,  TNKR01 at Klamath Falls waiting to take off (ADS-B is on),
N440DF & N421DF crossed paths near McConaughy Gulch Rd then N440DF dropped off ADS-B.
N450DF is over flying the same area
TNKR912 is on the ground at Medford
Hard to follow with poor ADS-B coverage.
N425DF & N426DF & TNKR104  heading north
TNKR01 has left Klamath Falls and heading SE
TNKR912 has left Medford and heading NE

2020 July 31 - Covelo Fire

Heard overfly about 4 pm.,-123.23/14#,-123.17/10 - includes fire and Ukiah airport
Broadcastify: - "Logan IC"
4:36 pm about 30 acres, 4:57 about 25 acres, forward progress stopped.
N410DF (OV-10 #110) - circling
TNKR01 (BAe 146 #01) - tanker
N434DF (S-2 # 90)
N428DF (S-2 # 180)
N442DF (S-2 #94) -
N484DF (Sikorsky Firehawk) -
N448DF (S-2 #95) -

2020 July 31 5:15 pm - 6350 Potter Valley Rd. "East Incident"

air assets called,-123.08/12
5 to 10 acres burning up river, structures above fire 7 - 12 MPH.  Air attach here.
N434DF (S-2 # 90) - came from Logan fire. - bombing 5:32 landing at Ukiah, taking off 5:38,
N410DF (OV-10 #110) - coming from Logan fire
N428DF (S-2 #180) - taking off from Ukiah 5:30
more tankers (total 4)
More copters (total 2)
North Horseshoe Circle
Copter 101 respond to Potter Valley
N433DF (S-2 #86) - on the way
N481DF (UH-1 #104 )- on the way, %:53 turning back
N438DF (S-2 #85) - bombing - 6:08 leaving - room for choppers
N433DF (S-2 #86) - on the way 5:52, 6:08 leaving - room for choppers
N499DF Copter #101 (UH-1 #101) at scene (not on FR24 - locked)

Apple Fire,-117.09/11# - news chopper? - Live on YouTube - Select Johnstone1 then view for full screen.
Alert Wildfire YouTube summary video

2020 Aug 2 Lodoga Fire - 4:22 planes over flying my house:

N410DF (OV-10 #110)  - circling
N428DF (S-2 # 180), coming back 5:05, 2nd bombing @ 5:15, 5:21, 5:22 heading to Ukiah, 3rd 5:55 bombing, 6:02 to Ukiah, bombing 6:59,
N434DF (S-2 # 90), coming back 5:05, 2nd bombing @5:14, to Ukiah 5:20, bombing 5:50, to Ukiah 5:54,
N450DF (S-2 #93) , 2nd bombing 5:12, 5:17 heading to Ukiah, 5:40 heading to Ukiah,
4:42 all 3 have dropped and are heading back to reload, bombing 6:48, to Ukiah 6:50,
Sites2, Target: 281 degrees. Net: Northbay, County: Colusa, Region: LNU, ISP: DigitalPath, Sponsor: PGE
N433DF (S-2 #86) from Santa Rosa, 4:58 bombing, 5:03 heading to Ukiah reload, bombing 5:38, bombing 6:47, 6:48 to Ukiah,
N438DF (S-2 #85) on the ground at Santa Rosa, ADS-B active, 2nd bombing @ 7:05
TNKR104 (MD-87 #104)  - arriving 5:03, bombing at 5:04, 5:10 on way back for reload, 5:39 bombing, bombing 6:25, to reload 6:35
N711GH (UH-1 #) 5:16 on the way from Vacaville, flying past to the West? 5:30, 5:35 on the scene, bombing 5:52, bombing 6:46, 6:48 heading home?
N795HT (Sky Crane ) - 5:20  coming from Chico, 5:25 bombing, 5:27 E Park Res, 6:08 bombing,  6:58 going home
2020 Aug 2
                    Lodoga Fire
N410DF in the upper left.

2020 Aug 2
                    Lodoga Fire Lead plane B#20 showing TNKR40 the drop path.
2020 Aug 2
                    Lodoga Fire 6:33 TNKR40 or TNKR140
BE20 (Beach King Air #lead plane) 5:32 on scene,
TNKR 40 (BAe 146-100 #40) on the way from Sacramento, 6:29 2nd bomb run, to reload 6:35
TNKR104 (MD-87 #104) bombing 5:48, 5:49 heading back to Chico, bombing 6:26,
T100 (S-2 #100) - from Eureka, bombing 6:44, to Ukiah 6:47,
GST944 (747 #944) 6:45 on the way from McClellan, heading back 7:02

2020 August 10 - Hopper Lane/Crawford Road Fire (CalFire: Mina Fire)

~6PM Facebook "Be advised of a fire in the area of Hopper Lane/Crawford Road in the Covelo area. Fire and law will be in the area with large equipment and apparatus so please avoid this area to help keep the roads clear for them."

5:21 N461DF (Super King Air #86)
N428DF (S-2 #180)
N434DF (S-2, #90)
T100 (S-2 #100)
5:50 TNKR01 (BAe 146-200A #01)
(S-2 #)
N448DF (S-2 #95)
N485DF (UH-1 Firehawk #205)
TNKR163 (Avro RJ85 # 163)
BE20 (Beach King Air #lead plane)

2021 May 21 - Tomki Rd

Bomber flew over my house.
CalFire: Tomki Fire -
Alert Wildfire TV: 
Cow Mtn 1.
Eden Valley:
Broadcastify: Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP - - Click the Play Arrow to start.,-123.25/13#
A500 -
T88 -
T96 -
N481DF -
N499DF -

2021 May 27 - N499DF practice

N499DF - 2021 May 27 -
                    N499DF practice
2021 May
                    27 - N499DF practice

2021 June 17 - Fire North end of Clear Lake (Cal Fire: Pomo Fire)

5:15 pm to 6:20 pm

From Ukiah
N441DF OV-10:
N499DF UH-1:
T90 S-2:
T86 B433DF S-2
From Santa Rosa
T89 S-2 N425DF : 
From Chico
T-88 S-2:
TV Camera
T88 Dropping in this photo
2021 June
                    17 - Fire North end of Clear Lake

2021 June 19 - Fire Schuette Rd & Hwy 20 NE tip of Blue Lakes)

N441DF - OV-10 - 2:50 heading to Ukiah - 2:56 landed
N499DF - UH-1
T85 S-2 - 2:50 heading South - circling Cloverdale
T-86 S-2 - 2:50 heading South - circling Cloverdale
T90 S-2
2:58 releasing engines and transports

2021 June 21 - Fire 11:40 am (Covelo incident)

N441DF - OV-10
N499DF - UH-1
T90 - S-2
T96 - S-2
11:56 appear to be turning back.

2021 June 21 - Fire 1:00 pm

                    June 21 - Fire 1:00 pm

Radios: Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP
N411DF - OV-10
N499DF - UH-1
T90 - S-2
@1:10 ordering more support 4 ea tankers, 2 ea helicopters
T-85 - S-2 from Santa Rosa arrived 1:17
Water Tender 5290
T86 S-2 took off from Santa Rosa about 1:14
Hard closure for Black Bark, warring for evacuation.
1:42  T-93 - S-2 -
N489DF UH-1 (C901)
1:48 reverse 911 for Black Bart rather than door to door.
1:58 Release T-90 & T-93.
2:24 - N499DF back to Ukiah airport
@:25 - N499DF back to fire, C901 to Ukiah airport, N441DF heading back to Ukiah.

2021 June 25 - Fire 12:54

Here's TV coverage:

2021 June
                    25 - Fire 12:54
Notice UH-1 N499DF and fire trucks on the left.
This looks like a normal first response.
1:26 fire contained.

2021 June 25 - Fire 2:19

Near Sulpher Bank Dr beween Clear Lake and Borax Lake.
Heard them on the way home.
contained before about 2:45

2021 July 6 - Practice

                    Bell UH-1H
Maybe has Bambi Bucket in the back seat?

2021 July 7 - Broiler Fire 3:00 pm

Cal Fire: Broiler Fire

2021 July 7
                    - Fire 3:00 pm
Camera: axis-redwoodgrade
2021 July
                    7 - Broiler Fire 3:00 pm
Camera: axis-redwoodvalley

near but not at the Broiler Steak House - Redwood Valley - West side of 101.
Broadcastify: Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP -

N441DF - Took off @ 3:00
N499DF - UH-H
N487DF Sikorsky S-70i Firehawk
3:44 second alarm - two additional engines
West Rd closed on Broiler side.
1703: starting to release units.
1735: release T100 & T85
1736: N441DF, N499DF & N487DF still in the air.
1820: release all but N499DF
Tankers heading to N38.52, W121.14?

2021 July 10 - Fire The Forks

11:28 N441DF and a couple of tankers went to Hwy 1 & Westside Rd near Hardy, circled a couple of times then headed back.

Alert WildFire: axis-redwoodvalley - Axis-RidgewoodGrade - @ 16:47 you can see a smoke plume in the distance.  By 16:50 the camera is zoomed in.
N441DF -
T90 -
Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP
around 5:20 planes back to airport but still smoke on the cameras - ground crew has it contained.

2021 July 17 6pm Lowery

N499DF took off from Ukiah about 6 pm.
T91 just flew over my house (6:16 pm) - 6:44 MT return to Ukiah)
Both heading 27 deg.
The fire is near Lowery.
Already at the fire are:
A240 - OV-10   @3200'
C906 - UH-1H 
T96 S-2
6:30 ------------
A500 OV-10 @ 1800' - 6:55 RTB
T94 S-2 - 6:55  RTB
N205BT  UH-1H
T95 S-2 - 6:55 RTB
TNKR131 C-130 from Chico - 6:46 in holding pattern - 6:52 cancelled RTB
T96 S-2 from Redding RTB
7:00 pm
A240, T96 & N499DF still working,-122.59/13
Tehama County Fire Dispatch

2021 July 29 5:30pm Ridgewood Park

2021 July 29 5:30pm Ridgewood Park
Probably N499DF with Bambi bucket.
Camera: axis-ridgewoodgrade -
Broadcastify: Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP -
6:55 N441DF - RTB - tankres already at base, N499DF & N487DF still working fire, 7:00pm Fedex (C208) letting N441DF land first.

2021 July 30 - Practice

N499DF practicing over the Lake Mendocino spillway which is across the street from me.

Fig 1
2021 July
                    30 - Practice N499DF
Fig 2
2021 July
                    30 - Practice N499DF

2021 Aug 11 - 101 & River St Fire

2021 Aug 11 -
                    101 & River St Fire
the water where N499DF is filling the Bambi bucket is the old gravel quarry.
PG&E Outage Map
                    Outage Map 11 Aug 2021

N499DF - 5:05pm RTB for fuel - 5:17 filling Bambi bucket - 5:55 RTB
N410DF - 5:20 RTB
T90 - 5:17 RTB
T91 - 5:23 RTB
T85 - 4:50 RTB - close up - distant view
My WISP internet service stopped when the AC mains turned off.  But after starting the house generator and switching to AT&T DSL I'm up and running.
5:30 PG&E lines de-energized; 5:37 refreshing outage map showed no outage, but I have not received a call from PG&E
PG&E web page shows start 4:11. 5:55 do not know if power back.

2021 Aug 14 Bell Fire North of Cummings

CalFire: Bell Fire as of 3:22pm 15 acres, 0% contained, CAL FIRE Mendocino Unit,
axis-blackoak camera - very smokey

N410DF - released 16:55 A120 is replacement
N499DF - RTB when - 17:58 N499DF working fire
T91 - 17:59 RTB
T96 - released empty 17:52
4:10 supplies for 100 people requested
4:30pm = 30 acres, moderate spread, Foster Creek Rd (Off Bell Springs Rd), evacuating a dozen residences
T91 rolling at 16:41.
A120 - OV-10 almost there
5:57 down-grade evac order to a warning.

2021 Sep 12 -Calpella 3:48pm (CalFire: Hopkins Fire)

North side of Moore St (adjacent to Russian River).

2021 Sep
                    12 -Calpella
2021 Sep
                    12 -Calpella
2021 Sep
                    12 -Calpella My good friend Paul lost his house.
His Polaris Ranger EV survived.
Note all the trees in the tweet are not burned.
Below photo from Press Democrat.

N410DF -
N499DF -
T90 -
T91 -
14:31 call for two more tankers and another helicopter.
Broadcastify: Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP
Alert Wildfire: axis-ridgewoodgrade - axis-redwoodvalley - axis-clelandmtn2 -
2:45 All PG&E lines East of bridge powered off.
T85 -
3:00 pm
1591 4,000 Gallon water tender responding
T86 -
15:09 40 to 50 acres.  Hwy 20 and Lake Mendocino, Marina Dr. - Jumped Marina Dr. might run to the Lake.
15:40 split into two divisions.
N811KA - Bell 212
N471CH - CH-47D
N4717V - 690A at 10,000 ft mapping heat
REC17V - at 10,000 ft mapping heat?
4:28 300 acres.
5:17  N487DF - S-70i Firehawk
5:47 pm A140 replacing N410DF
6:09 pm N410DF RTB
6:07 pm T85 & T86 heading home.
6:11 pmN811KA, N499DF & N487DF still working fire with A140 circling
7:12 pm A140 RTB
7:28 pm N499DF - RTB

2021 Sep 13 - Cloverdale

Broadcastify: Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP -
Alert Wildfire: axis-Mt. Sanel 2 - Pine Mtn -
T91 - in the block 16:09 -
T85 -
N471CH - CH47D
N57B - Beech C-12, 12,625 ft, 202 knts - mapping? yes circling fire location.
16:00 T93 -
N496DF - ?

2021 Sep 19 -Indian Springs: 39.69,-123.35

N410DF - Bird Strick RTB - 4:27 overfly airport for inspection - 4:29 landed
T90 - 4:17 circling - 4:30 RTB
T91 - 4:17 RTB covering N410DF
N499DF - N. on Hwy101, right on 162, - 4:30 RTB
4:23 DOZER 1141 Stage in place

2021 Oct 9 - Practice

Cal Fire
                    N499DF 2021 Oct 9 - Practice

2021 Nov 10-11: Ground Water EM Survey

10 Nov. 3pm N414PJ - Bell 407 - flew to P.J. Helicopters Inc. in Red Bluff. 3:57 sitting on their ramp.
- USGS: Airborne geophysical surveys - Calif Water Resources: Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Surveys - Schedule: Ukiah Valley Nov 11, 2021 -
12 Nov around 1:30 N414PJ took off from Red Bluff PJ Helicopters and flew North along I5.  I called PJ Helicopters and they said N414PJ was doing LIDAR work and not AEM.  I've asked the California Water Resources Board, but so far they have not called back. No helicopters near my house on 12 Nov. (PS 11 Nov was Veterans Day, a holiday)

4628266 Apparatus for direct airborne electromagnetic prospecting of hydrocarbon deposits, helicopter based for oil exploration
6244534 Airborne electromagnetic system, helicopter based large loop
10252801 Electromagnetic survey system having tow assembly with attitude adjustment, Geotech, 2019-04-09, -
Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Surveys For Ground-Water Resources: A Decade of Study by the U.S. Geological Survey -
USGS: Low-flying Helicopter Survey to Map Subsurface Geology and Groundwater Near Silverton, Colorado - Geotech VTEM -
Papers -

2021 Nov 14 Ground Water EM Survey

4:00 pm to 4:30 AS50 Airbus H125 N351CH (Helibro LLC, Red Bluff - associated with PJ Helicopters) -

Fig 1
AS50 N351CH 2021 Nov 14 Ground Water EM Survey
Fig 2
AS50 N351CH 2021 Nov 14 Ground Water EM Survey
Fig 3
AS50 N351CH 2021 Nov 14 Ground Water EM Survey
Fig 4 FR24 Track
AS50 N351CH 2021 Nov 14
                    Ground Water EM Survey

2021 Nov 22 - 25 N482DF

C101 - For the past few days our new Sikorsky S701 FireHawk (Wiki: S-70) (Wiki: UH-60 Black Hawk) has been on training flights.

2022 Feb 15 - Airbus H125

What is this flight about?  Let me know.

2022 Feb
                    15 - Airbus H125
The accuracy of the repeated flights seems to indicate some type of automated control.

2022 May 29 - Firehawk N476DF

Brand new Sikorsky S70i made for CalFire.  YouTube:
Alert Wildfire: Cow Mtn 1 -

C901 (N489DF) Bell EH-1H- 2:52 Released
N410DF (OV-10) 2:43 RTB
2:35 release tankers
2:39 cancel inbound dozer

2022 July 8 - Grove Fire West Road & Road K

                    July 8 - Grove Fire West Road & Road K
Cow Mtn 1  3:57 pm.
2022 July
                    8 - Grove Fire West Road & Road K
4:26: N41-DF circling
Notice C901 over water pond near center of image.
T90 & T91 RTB

Cow Met 1
Watch Duty - Grove Fire -  Watch Duty is an app. (installed on my Android)

N410DF -
T90 - 4:16 released
T91 - 4:16 released
C901 (N499DF) -
4:15 pm almost under control.

2022 July 9 -Lake county

Either a false alarm or ground crews handled

2:10 pm
N410DF -
C910 - rigged for lift
T90 -
T91 -
2:12 all RTB

2022 July 10 - Wildfire: S State St/Oak Knoll and North Court Rd

11:30 Got notification on Watch Duty & mendo ready email - 12:01 cancel wildfire.
                    July 10 - chopper lift assist
RE06 & C901 at airport.
                    July 10 - chopper lift assist

Medical Rescue: 39:08.02 -123:07.02 for extraction

11:55 C901 - rigged for lift assist (RE06 can land on roof, but C901 needs to land on the ground) - Ground pad no longer active.  Would need to shut down the Hospital Way.  C901 can not land at hospital, will land at airport.  12:16 at airport.
RE06 - go to airport.
12:22 Ambulance taking patient to hospital.
12:22 Mountain incident canceled.

2022 July 16 -Brush Creek & Mountain View Rd

Broadcastify -

N410DF - 6:0? RTB
C910 -6:05 still working fire - 6:16 pm RTB
T90 - 6:0? RTB
T91 - 6:0? RTB

2022 July 17 - Bell Springs Fire, North of Laytonville

Alert from Watch Duty.

5:15 First Drop T96
White outline of burned grass
2022 July
                    17 - Bell Springs Fire, North of Laytonville

Broadcastify -
BlackOak TV camera
Facebook - Mendocino Action News
4:59pm: E1251 -
5:02 - first report: 20 acres, multiple structures threatened, moderate spread

C910 -
T96 - Headed North - 5:50 back at scene - 6:14 at scene -
TNKR96 - Headed North
T90 - Headed North
T91 - Headed North
REH01 - in area, related - no
A120 - 5:09 circling - 6:14 at scene
5:30 - low rate of spread, no evacuations
---------------- almost out -------------

2022 July 17 - Brooktrails, Sky View Road, Gate incident

Big Call Up: E1183, E1172, E1173, T1143, U5240, U5290,

T90 - 6:14: nothing showing, reduce to code 2 - UTL -
T91 -
N410DF - Tankers released loaded 6:23 pm

2022 July 19 - Meadow Fire

                    July 19 - Meadow Fire
                    July 19 - Meadow Fire 1:15 - Chopper & bucket + plane
                    July 19 - Meadow Fire

Mendocino Action News
Boonville Mtn 1 TV camera
Broadcastify -

12:21: N410DF
C910 -  getting water from pond near Anderson Valley Historical Museum
T90 - 12:41 taking off for another run
T91 -
12:45 T85 - from Sonoma county
N477DF - CalFire S70I
1:40 TNKR132 -
T100 -
N43U - Beech 200T Super King Air probably IR mapping
2:30? Tankers RTB

2022 July 22 - Blue Fire

Mendocino-Sonoma county line
Watch Duty #772 -
Geyser Peak TV - 3:08 very faint smoke now, so almost out.
mendocino action news -
N410DF - OV-10 - 3:09 released
N477DF - S70i FireHawk - 3:09 released
2:45 T90 - S-2 - 3:09 released
T91 - S-2 - 3:09 released
3:07 E1193
E1183 - 3:10 released

2022 July 23 - Oak Fire, Mariposa

37.48N 119.87W
Broadcastify -Mariposa
Mt Bullion2 TV -
Miami Peak 1 TV - started more than 12 hours prior to noon 23 July 22
CalFire - Oak-fire
A505 - 12:45 on the way to Fairfield
A504 -
N4717V - 690A mapping
N795HT - CH-54A
N39HX - Kaman K-1200
N555AS - Bell 407 doing what?
12:20 TNKR01 - back @1:20
12: 25 LEED71 - Beech C90GT - some heavy planes coming
12:30 TNKR162 - back @ 1:35 - back @ 2:30,
12:45 T83 on the way - back @1:30 - back @2:26
12:48 T82 on the way dropping 1:02- back to reload @2:20
--------------------------------------------- There may be a smaller fire near Groveland A440, C404 S70i, T83, --------
N719HT -
1:05 N404AJ CH-47D - on the way
2:22 request for a couple of Type 1 choppers
N877XL H125-

2022 July 24 - Banks Fire, Covolo

4:38 Watch Duty 790 -
4:50 Call up engines
Alert WIldfire TV Big John 1 -
4:53 Ukiah Planes taking off
N410DF - 5:05 start circling 4700', CW, 5:35 RTB
T90 - 5:09 frozen, poor ADSB reception?, 5:35 heading back,
T91 - dropped and 5:08 RTB, 5:30 overflew my house, heading to fire, 6:08 heading to fire
4:57 Mendo Action News -
Rx 156.1950 Tx 151.0850 Tone 27: 167.9 (Wiki)
AA2CG - Cessna 550
5:20 fire stopped, may or may not be contained
6:11 Release T91 & T91 - Dump 200 gallons retardant

2022 Aug 18 - Kennedy- Near Redding

UC Fire map had it first

Support from Ukiah:
T90 - dumping @1:15
T91 - dumped & at Redding airport 1:15
Already working fire:
AA2CG - Cessna 550 Citation -circling @4000'
C406 S-70i Firehawk
N381SH - Airbus H125
TNKR116 -BAE 146 at Redding airport
TNKR168 - Avro RJ85
JPR52 (N257MC)  - at Redding airport

2022 Aug 24 - Nelson Fire

10:48am alert
C910 made a pass - smoke dying out by 11:00
10:57: N410DF - circling
T91 - hot at airport waiting, 11:00 shut down.

2022 Aug 28 Old Fire

2022 Aug 28
                    Old Fire
Flight Radar 24
Lat: 39.11, Lon: -123.19

Alert Wildfire: Hopland1 - 3:13pm black smoke, 3:23 white smoke, 3:38 no smoke
Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP -
N410DF - circling 3pm. 3:35 RTB
C910 - 3:40 working fire
T90 - released, Ukiah ETA 15:43
T91 - 3:30 tanker on ground, Ukiah & forward progress stopped
about 4:30 pm power outage - related to this fire?
                    electrical outage 28 Aug 2022
between 500 & 4,999 houses.

Electricity restored at 5:18 pm

2022 Aug 29 Konocti Fire

Lake County Fire & Law -
N77HS - 690D
N486DF - S-70i
C910 - Uh-1
T91 - S-2
T-86 - S-2

2022 Sep 1 Walker Fire

4:03 Watch Duty
Broadcastify: Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP
C910 -
N410DF -  on the way - 4:37 RTB (N77HS on station)
T91 -
T90 -
4:30 T85 on the way
4:30 T86 on the way
4:30 N77HS on the way
4:30 N487DF on the way
4:30 T93 on the way
4:33 PG&E Distribution & Transmission hot, working on shutting down Distribution, Transmission will take some time
Ridgewood Grade 2 - 2022 Sep 1
2022 Sep
                    1 Walker Fire
Redwood Grade 2 -  2022 Sep 6
                    Sep 6 Walker Fire
2022 Sep 6
C910 - directing dozers
Fire heading to water treatment plant.
4:20 - Requesting Tankers
N410DF - 4:27 Just leaving Ukiah airport
                  4:32 at fire
                  4:40 circlingCW  @4300'
T91 - 4:34 at fire -4:38 RTB reload
          4:44 landing
          4:52 heading North to fire
          5:09 landed
           5:17 heading North
T90 - 4:39 RTB reload
          4:46 landing
          4:55 heading North to fire
          5:11 landed
          5:20 heading N.
T85- 4:49 on the way from Santa Rosa
         5:22 heading N.
5:00 3 tankers circling
T96 - 5:19 has dropped and now heading to U.
          5:33 heading N.
                    Sep 6 Walker Fire
9 Sep 2022 - 5:20 - smoke dying down
5:10 N487DF - S-70i - passing Ukiah airport
5:18 at fire
                  Sep 06 - Walker Fire - N486DF far away from me
2022 Sep 7
8:54  T91- heading 11 deg - maybe not the Walker Fire - Probably the Mosquito fire.

2022 Sep 8 Cameron Fire

discovered 9:30 am,-123.74/13#
N410DF -
C910 -
T91 -
T90 -

2022 Sep 8 Shamrock Ranch Fire

discovered at 5:05 pm,-123.45/14#
Mendocino County Fire and CalFire -
N410DF -
C910 -
T91 -
T93 - from Santa Rosa?Chico
T90 -
5:20 all 3 tankers headed back to Ukiah to reload
5:26 request 1 water tender
5:45 T93 back then heading to Chico
5: 48 - 6290 responding, 5464 available, 6881 pickup personnel, 7051 responding,  6881 available,
5:52 - T90 back
5:55 - N57B - Beech C-12 @12, 30 miles out - coming from Mosquito fire
6:00 - T90 - RTB
2022 Sep
                    8 Shamrock Fire
Black Oak TV
N57B Mapping
                    Sep 8 Shamrock Ranch Fire

6:15 almost no smoke on TV

2022 Sep10 - Mosquito Fire

CalFire: Mosquito Fire Incident -33,754 acres, 0% contained, started: 09/06/22 6:00 PM
Facebook: CalFireNEU -
Alert Wildfire TV Antelope Yreka 2
5:25pm Heard T91 overfly my house and is heading 11 deg. 6:02 arrived at fire.
A500 - OV-10
N32WS - Rockwell 690 @8,550'
A503 - Beech A200CT - 13,625' mapping
T96 - S2
Blocked - 54 mph, 4,900' - chopper? - 5:30 both Blocked choppers flying South along highway 5 and landed at the Weed airport.
Blocked - 44 mph, 4,950' - chopper?
CFCNU - Bell 212
N4TV - H125
N809PJ - UH60A
TNKR167 - Avro RJ85 -

2022Sep12 Firecrest Fire

Reported 4:35
Mendocino County Fire and CalFire -
N410DF -  circling
C910 (N499DF) - on the way
T91 - powered up on runway @4:40 - turned back to ramp
T90 - turned back to ramp
pretty much over 4:45

2022Sep13 Hendricks Fire

Discovered at 1:19,-122.97/14
Camera Mt. Konocti
Lake County Fire and Law -
1:28 noticed N410DF taking off - heading 120 deg, to Clear Lake - 
T-90 and T-91 also taking off - following N410DF -
N487DF S-70i is heading toward N410DF.
A140 - OV10 -
1:51 Contained - T90 and T91 RTB loaded
2022Sep13 Hendricks Fire

2023Jun08 - Firecrest Fire

Escaped Control Burn
Almost all the cameras at AlertWildfire are down!
N479DF - Sikorsky S-70i Firehawk
T90 - Marsh S-2F3AT Turbo Tracker
3:20 pm - fire is out

2023Jun18 -Pine Fire

4:50 pm
N410DF -
T90 - 5:49 release tanker
N487DF -
1:43: 1183 @scene

2023Jun21 - West Fire

1:23 pm
Alert California: Redwood Valley 2 -
Broadcastify: Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP -
N410DF -
N479DF -
T91 -
2 pm almost out

2023Jun23 - Golden Fire

N410DF -
N479DF -
T90 - RTB
1:41 Water Tender 6290 @scene - 2
T85 - canceled 1:44 RTB

2023Jun29 - Konocit Incident

2023Jun29 -
                  Konocit Incident
5:30 pm
N410DF - 5:39 feet wet Clear Lake - circling over water -
T90 -
T91 -
all heading SW (125 deg)
N487DF -
5:50 RTB

2023Jly5 - Concow Fire

3:45 pm
N410DF - CW circle
T91 - CCW circle - returning to fire @ 4:30 after reload.
C101 (S-70i Firehawk)
15:57 1184 at scene (CalFire Mendo: Engine 1184 - 2018 International 7400 4x4 / BME Type 3 wildland (500/500/20F)
15:57: N410DF & T91 circling
T96 - from Fortuna - overflew my house 4:36 after reloading
4:42 T91 & T96 released.

CAL FIRE Mendocino Unit -

2023Jly18 - Stony

2:48 pm

Glenn county: CAL FIRE - SHU/TGU Dispatch -

T91 -
T94 -
T93 -
C101 - flying nearby but not going to fire?
3:43 released most air assets.

2023Aug15 1-1 Fire

A about a dozen different lightening fires started last night.
Fire started more than 12 hours ago, i.e. prior to 1AM, probablylightening hit since there was a Nixle alert yesterday.
1:18 pm Watch Duty: 1-10 Fire
Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP -
Alert California - BigJohn1 -
N410DF - not a circle but two circles, so two fires?
T85 -
A140 - flew by, on the way to Pilot Fire (Little Pilot Rock, Bridgeville) [1-12 Fire: 39:59:05 123:18:207]
A120 -
T95 -
T94 -
T90 -
N57152 - mapping
T93 -
T91 -
TNKR210 -
N588AJ - CH-47
A240 -
T96 -
N690AR -
ATK505 -
A505 -
N793HT - CH-54A

2023Aug27 Golden Fire (Watch Duty)

1:02 pm
Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP -
N410DF -
T85 -
N492DF -
C101 -
T86 -
T91 -

2023Sep23 Factory Fire (Watch Duty)

Mendocino County Sheriff, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire and CHP
2023Sep23 Factory Fire
Alert California: Cow Mtn1 -

6:01 pm
N5712 - landed at Ukiah Airport -  can do mapping, but not yet?

2023Sep24 Bear Pen Creek

11:30 am Sunday,-123.11/16
N5712 - Circling
T91 -
T90 -
Lack of OV-10 and lack of chopper - maybe training? no fires seen on AlertCA cameras.

2024May10 Practice

2024May10 Practice
Cal Fire
Sikorsky S-70i Firehawk
Call: CFR601
Tail No. N482DF

Recently heard that these now have 24/7 capability.
The UH-1 choppers did not fly fire attack at night.

2024May18 Practice

The S-70i FIrehawk, a Reach REHxx, an this UH-60 (has ADSB turned off) are flying around the South end of Lake Mendocino.
First responders train at Lake Mendocino, Ukiah hospital

UH-60 Practice
                  18May 2024
                    Practice 18May 2024
May 19

                    Practice 19May 2024
                    Practice 19 May 2024

2024Jun25 PG&E EPSS

Power out about 9:55 am.

Fig 1
                    PG&E EPSS
Fig 2
                    PG&E EPSS
Fig 3
                    PG&E EPSS
Fig 4 claim 1478 customers off line.
I checked downtown Ukiah, power on.
I checked Orr Springs Rd, power off.
                    PG&E EPSS

2024Jun27 Veterans Fire

started from vehicle fire 3:21pm
Near the Reading airport where retardant can be loaded.

Watch Duty - Veterans Fire
Alert California Camera: Ducket Peak 2 -
CFR93 -S-2
N848CE - Rockwell 690A
N716HT - CH-54B
N9122Z - Bell 212 (Huey)
TNKR160 - Avro RJ85
CFR96 - S-2
CFR88 - S-2 4:05
CFR90 - S-2 based at Ukiah that I heard overfly me

2024Jly5 Schow Fire

4:24 pm
heard CFR90 overfly me
CFR110 - OV-10
CFR90 - S-2
CFR612 - S-70i
N208NR - Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, doling loops? mapping?
4:56 Fedex lands, CFR90 taxis home and shuts down

2024Jly8 Mina Fire

2:10 pm Watch Duty
Alert Claifornia - Big John -
CFR612 - S-70i
CFR91 - S-2
CFR90 - S-2
CFR96 - S-2 (Fortuna)
CFR120 - OV-10 (Fortuna) 5100' 3:50 back to Fortuna
2:40 - request Type 1 chopper - Type 2 Standard OK -
T95 - S-2 (Redding)
CFR94-S-2 (Redding)
N426TP - Cessna 550 CitationII (Chico) - control (replace CFR120) ? 6000'
TKR16 - dBAe 147-200A - leaves Redding 3:28 , arrives 3:45 -
INTEL12 - Beech C-12 (Army, Sacramento) - 12,700'
N793HT - CH-54A
TKR16 - dBAe 147-200A again @ 4:45
TKR210 - 737-3H4 - 5:00 on the way

2024Jly9 Springs Fire

Vichey Springs is just across the hill from me.

                    Springs Fire
My house is in the upper left corner.
                    Springs Fire
Sheriff car & CDF pickup on my street
talking to next door neighbor
                    Springs Fire - Sheriff car & CDF pickup on my

Watch Duty - started 7:04
CFR110 - OV-10
CFR605 - S-70i
7:50 most trucks going home.

2024Jly13 Kelly Fire

10:49 am
Watch Duty
CFR110 - OV-10
CFR90 - S-2
CFR91 - S-2
CFR605 - S-70i
11:16 - forward progress stopped.

2024Jly14 McNab Fire

reported: 11:24 am
contained: 5:12pm

CFR110 - OV-10 RTB replaced by OV-10 from Santa Rosa
CFR90 - S-2
CFR91 - S-2
CFR605 - S-70i

2024Jly15 Eel Fire

12:44 WatchDuty
Alert California Redwood Valley 1
CFR90 - 2nd pass 1:05
CFR91 -  2nd pass 1:06
CFR110 -
CFR605 -
E-6B Mercury over flew fire (Wiki)
CFR96 (Fortuna) - circling 1:04 

2024Jly20 Pepperwood Fire (Round Valley Reservation)

1:09 pm WatchDuty Pepperwood Fire
CFR110 - OV-10A - 1:24 circling CW 6400' - 2:14 released RTB
CFR90 - S2F3AT - 1:25 circling CCW 5400' 
CFR91 - S2F3AT - 1:26 circling CCW 5500'
CFR605 - S-70i - arrived 1:30 - 2:00 RTB - 1:28 water to the South
1:32 request additional air tanker & Chopper
T95 (Redding) - S2F3AT -1:59 circling CCW 5500' - 3:09 reloaded on the way back
CFR606 - S-70i - [poor ADSB coverage] - 2:11 arrive - 3:20 RTB
ATK6TP (Chico) - at 7500' FIRIS mapping - "Intel 12" King Air "WiFire" - CALOES -
N426TP (Chico) - Cessna 550 Citation II - circling CW at 6400'
CFR93 (Chico) - S2F3AT -
CFR85 (Santa Rosa) - S2F3AT -3:05 to Ukiah to reload

2024Jly20 Ridge Fire

Lake County
N848CE - Rockwell 690A
CFR85 -
CFR91 -
CFR93 -
LEAD47 - King Air 250
TKR210 - 737-3H4

2024Jly20 Rios Fire

5:58pm Watch Duty -
CFR110 -
CFR90 -

2024Jly25 Acorn Fire

1:01 pm
UperLake 2 Camera
Lake County Radio
CFR110 - OV-10 CW 4500
CFR652 - OV-10
TKR210 (Santa Rosa) - 737-3H4
TKR167 (Santa Maria) - Avro RJ85
CFR85 - S-2
CFR86 - S-2
CFR89 - S-2
CFR90 - S-2
CFR93 - S-2
N482DF - S-70i
N57B - Beech C-12 Huron CW 12425' - FIRIS mapping -  "WiFire" - CALOES -3:25: 151 acres
CFR140 - OV-10
6:06 request 2 tankers: CFR85 & CFR86 now leaving Grange fire, 6:11 circling Cow Mtn,  6:16 at fire - 6:26 going home
CFR601 - S-70i on the way, at fire 6:?? disappeared

2024Jly25 Grange Fire

                    Grange Fire
2024Jly25 Grange Fire
may have been started by chain on boat trailer - RAM 2500
3:45 pm
Watch Duty
Philo 1 Camera  (almost no smoke 5:19)- Philo2 - Hawkeyeranch -
CFR90 - S-2
CFR652 - OV-10 - 3:51 passing Ukiah Airport - going home 5:57
TKR210 - (Santa Rosa) - 737-3H4 - 3:51 passing Ukiah Airport
CFR85 - S-2
CFR605 - S-70i - divert to Howard Forest pick-up crew
TKR167 (Santa Maria) - Avro RJ85
4:06 call for water tenders
CFR86 - S-2
CFR85 - S-2
4:30 CFR605 back w/crew - 4:33 landed next to 128? 4:33 took off?
CFR91- S-2
N4035S (Chico) - S-64E sky crane, arrived 4:44 - going home 5:40
4:42: 128 mile marker 25 - both sides
TKR210 - returning @ 4:48
CFR90 & CFR91 (N428DF) arriving 5:01 RTB 5:08
PG&E power lines on fire
CFR85 & CFR86 arriving 5:09 CFR85 RTB 5:17, CFR86 RTB 5:18
TKR167 arrive 5:10 depart 5:16
CFR91 & CFR90 Take off 5:18, working fire 5:27
TKR210 working fire 5:30 - on way home 5:55
switch to Cal Law for unit to unit coms
120 acres = 50 + 70
CFR110 - OV-10 - on the way, arrive 5:49 -
5:58 CFR110 & CFR605 only two aircraft working fire, TKR167 arriving
CFR86 & CFR85 working fire 6:01 -
TKR167 - leaving 6:08 -
CFR91 arrive 6:11
2024Jly26 7:30am: 80 acres, 5% containment, active status

2024Sep3 Masonite Fire
CFR605 - S-70i - overview then back to Howard Forest

2024Sep6 Pine Fire

CFR110 - OV-10
CFR90 - S-2F3AT
CFR91 - S-2F3AT
CFR605 - S-70i

2024Oct2 Potter Fire

Watch Duty: 2:21 pm - South side of hwy20 just East of the Northern end of Lake Mendocino
CFR110 - CW 4200'
CRF90 - CCW 3100'
CFR91 -
CFR605 - 1650' poor ADSB coverage -
2:44 - holding between 2 & 3 acres
3:34 air assets released

2020 Aug 12 - HBAL234 Loon Balloon

Loon LLC (Wiki) is a Google effort deploy internet based on a high altitude balloon.

See Loon LLC Balloons below.

2020 Aug 12
                    - HBAL234 Loon Balloon
5:25pm at
LATITUDE:  39.963

2020 Aug 12 5:12 pm -  SOUTH DORA FIRE
17:46 stop air attack on all 4 fires.

N410DF (OV-10 #110) small circles landed 6:00 pm
N428DF (S-2 #180)
N461DF  (Super King Air #86) large circles landed 6:02 pm
N407RW (Bell 407)
N434DF (S-2, #90)
N499DF (UH-1 #)
N438DF ((S-2 #85)
PCM76500 (FedEx)

2020 Aug 12
                    5:12 pm - Practice at Ukiah Airport
2020 Aug
                    12 5:12 pm - SOUTH DORA FIRE

2020 Aug 14 2:26 pm TBD Fire Near Cottonwood, West of I5,-122.43/13#

2020 Aug 14 2:26
Eighmy camera
UH-1 Firehawk dropping retardant
& S-2
2020 Aug 14 2:26
see near Eureka below

N421DF (OV-10 #240) - Redding, tight circles
N442DF (S-2 #) - Redding
N485DF (UH-1 Firehawk #205) - Chico
N428DF (S-2 #180) - Ukiah
N434DF (S-2 #90) - Ukiah
3:25 only a small amount of smoke.
3:42 two planes departing Ukiah heading 340 deg (N-N-W), not toward the above fire.
N461DF (Super King Air #86) -
N410DF (OV-10 #)

2020 Aug 14 near Eureka

2020 Aug 14 near
N450DF (S-2 #93) - flying coast around Eureka

N461DF (Super King Air #86) and
N410DF (OV-10 #110) heading toward him.

This fire to the right with N485DF (UH-1 Firehawk)
& N421DF (OV-10 #240)
T100 (S-2 #100)
N448DF (S-2 #95)

N690AR (Aero Commander) circling to the right
N77HS (AC90)

2020 Aug 15 Fire & S. Cow Mtn. Rescue

2:27 pm
N410DF (OV-10 #110) 
N434DF (S-2 #90) - Ukiah 
N428DF (S-2 #180) - Ukiah 
all heading North
T100 (S-2 #100) - from Eureka heading SE - North Covolo - 2: 55 turned back before arriving,-123.29/12#
N499DF  (UH-1 #101)
3:09 holding at 10 acres - N428DF on the way to Ukiah
3:10 N434DF on the way to Ukiah
Releasing tanker truck 9051? loaded back to Ukiah
N499DF & N410DF still there.
3:13 N410DF on the way back to Ukiah - detour helping with rescue at S. Cow Mtn.
3:20 N499DF (UH-1 #101) - copter 101 is airborne -
3:42:  expects to land at @ 3:47
4:05 all units released from Covolo fire.
 South Cow Mountain Rescue
 N976HP (Airbus H125) Reach - S. Cow Mtn rescue - 4:14 on the way to UVMC
second patient extracted, will need assistance at UVMC
airborne  4:00 pm for UVMC arrived about 4:21
2020 Aug 15
                    2:27 pm
2020 Aug 15
                    Rescue Reach

2020 Aug 16 - Elk Fire (CalFire)

8:46 am
N410DF (OV-10 #110) - first out,-122.54/12

N434DF (S-2 #90) - Ukiah 
N428DF (S-2 #180) - Ukiah 
all heading North East
N450DF (S-2 #93)
N473NA (BAe 146-200A #TNKR01) -
N795HT (Sky Crane ) -
TNKR163 (Avro RJ85 # 163)

Nearby fire?
N142Z (Dept of Forrestry Sherpa #05)  9:20 am till about 11:20 pm
N499DF (UH-1 #101) - yesterday & this morning at Covolo fire.  Now where N142Z was.

2020 Aug 18 Hennessey Fire (CalFire),-121.12/13#
axis-stlaspeakwest camera
                    Aug 18 Hennessey Fire
Nevada County Air Park (Wiki)
White line is aprox location of runway.
In FR24 if you zoom in a lot it shows up, but at this scale there is no Blue dot marker icon.
                    County Air Park
2:20 N408DF (OV-10 #230) A230
A501 (OV-10 #430)
N426DF (S-2 #88)
T82 (S-2 #82)
2:31 N525DF (S-2 #89)

N806BA (AT-802 #805) not spotted yet.
N398LA (AT-802 #898) not spotted yet.
Wiki: SEAT AT-802), TouTube: SEATS Historic Return to California - @0:30 N806BA - @2:33: N398LA (AT-802 #898)

2020 Aug 18 4:00 pm - Creek?

N434DF (S-2 #90) - overflew my house on way back to Ukiah. Takeoff @ 4:36, heading North (not here)
N442DF (S-2 #94) - bombing fire reloading take off @ 4:26 heading North (not here)
N414DF (OV-10 #140) - circling
C906 (UH-1 #205) N490DF - leaving area @ 4:39 - return to Howard Forest
N499DF (UH-1 #101) -
Howard Force Base at peak on 101 between Ukiah & Willits
                      Force Base at peak on 101 between Ukiah &

2020 Aug 22 Hull Fire

Just North of Lake Pillsbury,-122.83/10#

2:50pm N561AJ (CH-47D)  
N428DF  (S-2 #180) 
N448DF  (S-2 #95)
C501 (Cessna 501 Citation )
N450DF (S-2 #93)
4:37pm N62GT (Beech B200 King Air)
N174EM (Bell 429 )
TNKR01 (BAe 146 #01)

Wildland fire engine types (Wiki)
Aerial Firefighting (Wiki)

2020 Aug 22 LNU Lightning Complex

N410DF (OV-10 #110)  been over fires to the East and West of Santa Rosa today.
N425DF (S-2 #89)
N421DF (OV-10 #240) at Ukiah 5:05 pm
TNKR911 (DC-10 #911) 4:59 39 mi from Rock ID (heading West 8600' 287 knots) 5:07 dropping. N470DF is lead plane.
TNKR912 (DC-10 #912) 5:25 approaching again (6100' 270 knots 270 deg track) 15 km out 5:34 dropping.
4:00pm TNKR40 (BAe 146-200A #40) 30 km behind TNKR911 @5pm (4425' 265 knots) 5:13 dropping
N470DF (OV-10 #505)
N421DF (OV-10 #240)
N295EA (MD-87 #105)
N623PD (Airbus H125)
4:59 A501 (OV-10 #501, N407DF)
N433DF (S-2 #86) Type 3 tanker

2020 Aug 26 - Capella,-123.2/12#
N410DF (OV-10 # 110)
N428DF (S-2 #180)
N448DF (S-2 #95)
N434DF (S-2 #90)
Alert Wildfire TV - CowMtn1 -
N499DF (UH-1, #101) - Hovering between N State st and the Russian River. 3:01pm. back at Howard Forrest Helitack base by 4pm -Sherrif, Fire, EMS, Cal Fire & CHP
By watching the UH-1 you can get a good idea where there's fire.

2020 Aug
                  26 - Capella
2020 Aug
                  26 - Capella

2020 Aug 26 -  Vichy Springs

Evacuation order on Nixle at 5:03
TNKR40 (BAe 146-200A #40) - not VS but Doe Trail fire Lake county
N450DF  (S-2 #93) flew over then on the way to Spring Valley, Lake county fire
Evacuation resended
5:26 water tender released

2020 Aug 26 - Spring Valley

N410DF (OV-10 #110)
N450DF  (S-2 #93)
N426DF (S-2 #88) on the way to Spring Valley - 5:55 heading 197
N425DF (S-2 #89) 
- 5:55 heading 197
N442DF (S-2 #94)
5:41 CMD4 (Airbus H135) - then heading for Clear Lake?

2020 Aug 26 - Middletown

LNU Lightning Complex - Broadcastify

N414DF (OV-10 #140)
LEAD47 (King Air)
N438DF (S-2 #85)
N433DF (S-2 #86)
N410AJ (CH-47)
N672MP (UH-60 Black Hawk)
TNKR911 DC-10 #911) - circling 6:01, 6:04 following LEAD47 for drop, to Middletown,
GST944 (747 #944) - circling 6:01,
5:50 TNKR912 (DC-10 #912) - leaving McClellan heading 188

2020 Sep 7 - First Gate (Oak?) Fire& N. of Lake Pillsbury

This morning I heard an overfly and it was related to the fire North of Lake Pillsbury.  A search of CalFire showed it might be the Hull Fire (but it's supposed to be out).
Also this morning there was an OV-10 flying the outline of Lake Sonoma (maybe because it's Labor Day and a fire danger?) - there were no fire fighting planes in the area.,-123.3/11#  This view shows both fires.
There is not an AlertWildfire camera covering either fire.
As of 1:23 there's been 3 Nixle evacuation emails. Cal Fire, Sherwood, Brooktrails and Little Lake Fire... (Oak/Gate)
CalFire: Oak Fire started 1:26 pm
First Gate
N. of Lake
Lake Pillsbury
N. of Lake
A503 (King Air N461DF) @Ukiah 4:46, 4:48 heading 115
N433DF (S-2 #86)
N438DF (S-2 #85)
N499DF (UH-1, #101)
N434DF (S-2 #90)
T100 (S-2 #100)
N481DF (UH-1) on the way @ 1:34
2:10 since evacuation complete ordering Type 1 tankers.
N212HP (Bell 212)
2:28 VLAT tankers Maps 9 and maps 2 requested.
2:31 N410DF (OV-10 #110 ) left McCellan, heading 304 3:05 arrived. (161 knots)
(do the VLATs have their own lead plane?)
2:43 N450DF (S-2 #93)
2:49 N414DF (OV-10 #140) left Santa Rosa,
heading 339, arrived 3:10
N428DF (S-2 #180)
3:23 N804PJ (UH-60) from Red Bluff
3:24 TNKR911 (DC-10 #911) at McCellan - went to Shaver lake fire.,-119.44/12#
4:42 @ McCellan
GST944 (747 #944) at McCellan 3:37 takeoff to South, CCW turn, 3:40 over McCellan heading 305, 286 knots, probably arrive in 20 minutes or 4:04. 4:38 @ McCellan.
N57112 (Rockwell 690A) circling @7300'

C501 (Cessna 501 )
N450DF (S-2 #93)
N561AJ (CH-47 )
TNKR01 (BAe 146 #01) - was working this morning along with T100 01 back @ 2:19
1:39 N295EA (MD-87 #105)
N690AR (Aero Commander)
N407CF (King Air)
4:13 N804PJ (UH-60)

First Gate & Lake Pillsbury @ 3:13
N. of Lake
N805PJ (UH-60) heading 270 circling near Abhayagiri (Wiki)
3:32 after a half dozen circles heading 5.
3:34 about 5 clicks East of the Gate/Oak fire.
First Gate & Lake Pillsbury @ 3:58
N. of Lake
Note the row of planes coming and going to Ukiah to reload.
GST944, the 747 is on the way. I expect a drop a little after 4 pm.

N690AR, N561AJ are working above Lake Pillsbury.

4:58 Release hold on VLAT #944
 GST944 (747 #944) at McCellan 5:27 in the air.
 (slowed down on the way, 5:55 circling nearby
6:03 bombing one U turn then heading home
5:10 N295EA (MD-87 #105) 5:33 in area circling
5:22 TNKR911 in the air, heading 129
BE20 (King Air) - circling

A503 is circling near Rumsey
N425DF (S-2 #89)
N426DF (S-2, #88)
N485DF (UH-1 Firehawk #205)
5:19 they all are heading West.
N485DF (UH-1 Firehawk #205) - made one circle
6:10 from recon: 851 acres
6:12 AA500 (OV-10 #500) heading to Oak, approaching from the South East. A500 (5600') following N414DF (4600') Clockwise.  Attack planes around 3000' Counter-Clockwise.
6:26 N414DF heading  South to Ukiah.
6:28 N410DF (OV-10 #110 ) heading N from Ukiah
 6:32 GST944 @ McCellan 6:39 released
6:53 T100 (S-2 #100) - joining from North 7:03 released
near Los Lomas, Walbridge Ridge
20 clicks W of Healdsburg,-123.1/13
N16TV (UH-1)
N672MP (EH-60A)
N410AJ (CH-47)
A503 (King Air N461DF)
N425DF (S-2 #89)
N426DF (S-2, #88)
N623PD (airbus H125)
Hood of Honda odyssey van with white paint.
Hood of Honda
                  odyssey van with white paint 2020 Aep 9
Notice that some of these are black, i.e. they were embers that burned out.  The color balance is close to how it looks with eyes because of the yellow sky color.

For the past couple of days there has been no air attack on the fire because the Visual Flight Rules require 3 or more miles visibility and it's not there.

The Alert Wildfire cameras are showing a lot of smoke.

2020 Sep 13 - Multiple Fires

Hull Fire

Around 1 pm heard overfly, it was N434DF (S-2 #90) working the Hull fire (CalFire)  just above Lake Pillsbury. N442DF (S-2 #94).  In addition N4717V (Rockwell 690A) and 50 HV (King Air), N57112 (Rockwell 690A).  The interesting part is the three AT-802s FB211 (AT-802) ,FB 212 (AT-802) and FB214 (AT-802)  are working the fire getting water using floats on Lake Pillsbury then landing at Ukiah.
2:33 TNKR01 (BAe 146 #01)
2:35 BE20 (King Air)
2:37 N434DF (S-2 #90) is circling near the Ukiah airport.  The last that that happened there were fires.  Maybe just touch and gos?
2:25 FB211 (N825DA AT-802 #211) is moving at Ukiah airport.
2:48 FB212 (N21DA AT-802 #212)
FB212 (N21DA #212)
There's a lot of smoke.
When they go low they disappear from FR24.
On the way from Ukiah to the Hull fire.
3:25 2:49 FB214 (N779DA AT-802 #214) is in the air.
3:29 A503 (King Air) overflew my house, heading 156 (not the Hull fire?).  Circled to the East of the Willits valley and heading 352.
3:36  REH3 (Airbus H135 REACH chopper N34RX) arriving at hospital from Napa airport.

Creek Fire

Checking McCellan TNRK107, TNKR911 & TNKR912 are working different parts of the Creek fire (CalFire).

Oak Fire

Checking the Oak Fire near Willits - no aircraft.

2020 Sep 14

Has the look and feel of training.
Overfly about 10 am N51BH (HH-60L (Wiki) medical and precision lift up to 9,000 pounds)
He's landing in a field off Frod Rd and near the Russian River (Heli Base for August complex).
about 11 am:
CGWGK (Eurocopter AS350) from Canada
CFZQB (Bell 212) from Canada
TNKR107 was active at McCellan about the same time a Trump was there.  Now (11:40) it's at the August Complex.  But what will be the lead plane? C501 (Cessna 501 Citation)
CGWGK is nearby the August Complex.  Here to help fight the August Complex.
11:42 TNKR01 (BAe 146 #01) is a few minutes away.
They are working in a circle around Big Signal Peak.
N51BH (HH-60L) in the air
N82BH (UH-60) in the air.
2020 Sep 14 N51BH
                  - HH-60L training?
Blocked helicopter takes off from field.
A120, BLOCKED, N51BH all near August Complex fire
2020 Sep 14 N51BH
                  - HH-60L training?
shortly after this he landed?
2020 Sep 14 N51BH
                  - HH-60L training?

Noon: GST944 left McCellan heading 131.  Probably going to the Creek Fire (CalFire)
N623PD (Airbus H125)
A120 (OV-10 N413DF #120) working August Complex
BLOCKED - a helicopter taking off from the same field.
1:30 pm
N234BH from the North coast  seems to be going to Ukiah airport
N234RF from Eureka seems to be following N234BH
PS BOE2 (777-9 Wiki) on test flight from Seattle, loop at Tomalas Bay near S.F. and on the way back.  Overflying Ukiah.
N805PJ (UH-60) is near BLOCKED - a few clicks East of Island Mtn. near Old School House Rd.
A different BLOCKED coming from Chico.

Heli Base

A field off Ford Rd and near the Russian River.
The main Base Camp is at the Ukiah Fairgrounds.
The BLOCKED choppers are that way because the owners choose it.
Many of the choppers are hired by CalFire and with each is a ground crew.

2020 Sep
                  14 Heli Base Ukiah CA
(Eurocopter AS350)
2020 Sep
                  14 Heli Base Ukiah CA
2020 Sep
                  14 Heli Base Ukiah CA
(HH-60L (Wiki) medical and precision lift up to 9,000 pounds)

N16TV (UH-1H Iroquois) from Heli Base
N407WF (Bell 407) working August Complex
N1698 (King Air) working August Complex
N410DF (OV-10 #110) wording A.C.
A120 (OV-10 N413DF #120) working August Complex
3:05 landing at Ukiah, N428DF (S-2 #180) working the Fork fire (CalFire)
There does not seem to be an air arm attacking the Oak fire near Willits.

2020 Sep 15

The West side of the August Complex (CalFire) is being fought from Ukiah.
The fire is moving West toward Willits (Wiki) and Brooktrails (Wiki). Compare the below map with the one from 2020 Sep 7 above.
2020 sep 15 -
                  August Complex fire
WLDLD28 (Pilatus PC-12) at 16,000' drawing flower?
2020 sep 15 -
                  August Complex fire
4:05 FB212 (N21DA AT-802 #212)
2020 sep 15 -
                  August Complex fire
Larger scale view of three flowers
2020 sep 15 -
                  August Complex fire

GUARDIAN 327 - "DFPC operates 2 airplanes that are outfitted with state-of-the-art infrared (IR) and color sensors (EO) operated by sensor operators from the Division of Fire Prevention and Control Wildland Fire Management Staff. The PC-12 is a high performance turbo-prop aircraft that can cruise and work safely at altitudes above 20,000 feet. Based out of Centennial Airport, the PC-12 can takeoff and be over a wildland fire almost anywhere in Colorado in less than an hour."
2020 sep 15 -
                  August Complex fire
WLDLD28 going home 5:38 N57112 is retracing path
above the one just finished.
2020 sep 15 - August Complex fire
N57112 (Rockwell 690A) - mowing the grass 4 to? pm
YouTube Wildfire Thermal Infrared Live Streaming from Air Attack Training -
Flying over same area as
WLDLD28 and at the same time.
"Mowing the Lawn"
2020 sep 15 - August Complex fire
N410DF (OV-10 #110) back to Ukiah about 2:48
N4717V  (Rockwell 690A #AA15)
A501 (OV-10A N407DF #501) arriving 2:30
WLDLD28 (N328SF Pilatus PC-12)
N57112 (Rockwell 690A) - mowing the grass 4 to5 pm
TNKR01 (BAe 146 #01) - at Chico about 5:30 - bombing 6:20
TNKR107 MD-87 #107) - at Chico about 5:30 - bombing 6:20
TNKR911   (DC-10 #911)
SCPR260 (CL-415 SuperScooper #260) - water from Lake Pillsbury YouTube: How The $30 Million 'Super Scooper' Plane Was Built To Fight Wildfires, 8:15
SCPR263 (CL-415 SuperScooper #263) - water from Lake Pillsbury
FB211 (N825DA AT-802 #211) - water from Lake Pillsbury
FB212 (N21DA AT-802 #212) - water from Lake Pillsbury
FB214 (N779DA AT-802 #214) - water from Lake Pillsbury
N82BH (QXE2285 UH-60A)
N672MP (EH-60A)
T100  (S-2 #100)
N450DF (S-2 #93)
N493DF (Bell EH-1H #902)
N51BH (HH-60L)
N242BH (Bell 206L-1)
N16TV (UH-1H Iroquois) - fill bucket from Lake Mendocino
CGWGK (Eurocopter AS350)

2:20 N493DF (Bell EH-1H #902) flying along CA 101 North of Willits

2020 Sep 17

12:30 Noticed a new plane:
N922AU (P-3A #22, these were sub hunters) - from Santa Rosa
    1:26 on the way 7,200', 264 mph, track 349. following (6650')  A501 (5500'), 1:35 going back to Santa Rosa
N923AU (P-3A #23, these were sub hunters)  - on thw way from Santa Rosa 1:00 pm at 7,500' (304 knots)
TNKR911 (DC-10 #911) was here earlier
    1:25 on the way 8000', 399mph, track 312
    1:32 holding circle 6,950', 205mph. 
    1:34 Following (5875', 197 mph following A501 (5000' 165 mph)
N434DF (S-2 #90) working fire at 5700'
12:55 on the way from Santa Rosa TNKR01 (BAe 146 #01) at 7,450. 
GST944 (N744ST, 747 #944) on the way from McCellan 1:03 at 9,400' (275 knots). 1:08 staging circle at 7,450'. 
    working fire 1:14 following A501. 4,900' (168 knots)
TNKR01 (BAe 146 #01) 7350', 204moh, track 351,  1:50 following A501, 1:54 following A501, 2:00 going home
N428DF (S-2 #180) 1:38 heading to fire
N434DF (S-2 #90) 1:56 leaving Ukiah for fire
TNKR160 (Avro RJ85 #160)

A501  (OV-10A N407DF #501) circling CCW at 7,000'
N77HS (Rockwell 690D) circling CW at 8,500'
N414DF (OV-10 #140)
N417V (Rockwell 690A)

N12AK appears heading to August Complex fire? 12,000' 157 mph track 263 - going to Ukiah Airport.  Not fire related
N389KT appears heading to August Complex fire? 8,550', 82 mph track 247 - going to Ukiah Airport.  Not fire related 2:00 on ground

N51BH (HH-60L) working fire at 4,125'
    1:37 heading back to Heli Base, 1:42 at Base
N82BH (UH-60A) working fire at 4,100'
C-GWGK (Eurocopter AS350) working fire at 5,000'
N672MP (EH-60A) working from at 4,650'
C-FZQB (Bell 212) on the way at 2,400'
BLOCKED on the way from Santa Rosa landed at Ukiah airport 1:22
N988B Bell 206 - working along highway 20 at Ukiah Airport 1:43
N401AJ (CH-47, Billings) 1:50 on the way from Bast to fire
N850PJ (UH-60A)
N611AC (Bell 407) -
OV-10 A501 sitting on compass rose at Ukiah Airport
OV-10 A501 2020
                  Sep 17 Ukiah Airport
Pyrocumulus cloud over August Complex fire 2020 Sep 17
as seen from Deerwood Dr.
Pyrocumulus cloud
                  over August Complex fire 2020 Sep 17
N350FV (Beech 300 Super King Air 35) was mowing the lawn around midnight at 27,000'.
N350FV (Beech 300
                Super King Air 35) was mowing the lawn around midnight
                at 27,000'.

2020 Sep 18

N401AJ (CH-47, Billings)
2020 Sep 18

N51BH (HH-60L)
2020 Sep 18

N51BH (HH-60L)
2020 Sep 18

N933CH (Bell 205)
2020 Sep 18

N82BH (UH-60A)
2020 Sep 18

2020 Sep 18

2020 Sep 23

Over the past few days I've noticed that the helicopters are filling their Bambi Buckets from the North East corner of Round Valley.  But there's no body of water there.  So how are they filling up?

2020 Sep 23
                  Helicopters filling Bambi Buckets over land
Note that many helicopters have a track that makes the same loop over the North East corner of Round Valley.  Since there's no body of water shown on the map, how are they filling up?

Heliwell -
Fireflex Pumpkin Tank -

2020 Sep 27 Glass fire (CalFire).  It was 800 acres in the morning, by 1pm 1200 acres.

While still dark it smelled of smoke so I closed the windows.  In the afternoon I took the new air quality meter outside where it measured PM2.5: 66 outside, 22 inside, 4 coming out of the Rabbit Air filter.
Time Lapse (11:00) of the first 10 h0urs of the Glass fire.

The StHelenaSouth AlertWildfire camera 12 hour playback shows the fire starting shortly prior to 3:48am.  A couple of hours later the camera was panned and zoomed to center the fire.
I heard a chopper and FlightRadar24 showed it heading South East and moving the map in that direction showed a lot of aerial firefighting activity near Saint Helena. 
N57112 - was mapping the fire in the morning
Then the FR24 server stopped working.
Around 2:30pm it's back on line.
GST944 -
N410DF -
N414DF -
3:10 N57112 - 3:38pm still mapping
3:10 TNKR912 -
N7QY - H125
N805PJ -
Napa County Fire and CAL FIRE LNU East - nothing heard
Santa Rosa airport has retardant and fuel so is active.
N530NC - Bell 212
N672MP -
N425DF - S-2
3:19 N433DF - S-2
TNKR102 - MD-87
N425DF - S-2
3:22 TNKR911 - DC-10; arriving 3:39
3:41 N42SL - Bell206 abc13 News 8200' - covering Glass fire 4:01, should have footage of GST944. 4:06 over downtown St. Helena then on the way home.  Facebook -
Global News: California wildfires: Aerial footage shows destructive path of new Glass fire in Napa County -
Bloomberg QuickTake: Now: California Orders Evacuations as Napa County's Glass Fire Spreads 'Dangerously Fast -
KPIX cbs SF: Raw Video: Zero-Contained 'Glass Fire' Burns 1,000 Acres in Napa Valley - GLASS FIRE: Raw video of evacuation of St. Helena hospital -
4:00pm GST944 - 747 - N410DF (lead)
4:16 TNKR40 - BAe 146
N438DF - S-2
N374PA - Bell 212
5:16 abc live feed from N42SL stopped - track 164 - 5:50 landed at Hayward Executive Airport.
GST944 - 747 a few minutes out, 5:24 arrived,

2020 Sep 28 Glass fire (continued)

The Glass fire has expanded to 11,000 acres.  I believe hot embers (Firebrands) are an important part of this.

11:41 FlightRadar24 is down.  It may be very popular to the point that the server effectively has a DDoS (Wiki Unintentional DDoS) problem.
FlightAware - is a similar ADSB service, but shows nothing for this fire.  It's aimed at tracking commercial airliners.
ADSB Exchange is about raw data, not a usable map.
FlightRadar24 status: - Note emailing will not work when their server is down.

2020 Sep 28 Glass
                  fire (continued)
This image of N57112 was from a history yesterday morning.

2020 Sep 29 Glass fire (continued)

FR24 is working.  Retrieved the above plot of N57112 from yesterday's archive.

12:46 N57112 is working the Glass fire and the North Complex fire.


When a fire first starts the air attack is in full force, that's to say planes of all sizes and helicopters are working to help the ground crews establishing fire breaks at the heel and flanks of the fire.
But in half a day the winds reverse.
After a couple of days for a fire that's large enough (maybe over 10,000 acres) there's too much smoke for VFR flying rules.  That's the case now (2020 Sep 29).  There's only a few helicopters in the air.

2020 Oct 2 Glass fire (continued)

N57112 (Rockwell 690A) -17,600'  mowing the lawn over Glass fire.
RCN112 (?) -17,700'  mowing the lawn over Glass fire.
Why the duplication???  almost identical ground tracks.  Maybe to do a comparison test or validation test of RCN112? This is the first time I've seen it.
Both left of the Redding airport 2 minutes apart.  10:57 both on the way back.

2020 Oct 3

The smoke has cleared enough for the heavy aircraft to resume operations.

Glass Fire
AlertWildfire Camera - StHelenaSouth
4:52 GST944 (747) -
TNKR10 (BAe 146 #10)
N421DF (OB-10 #240)
AA500 (OV-10 #500)
N410DF (OV-10 #110)
N512PA ( Bell 212)
N383SH (Bell 206)
N425DF (S-2 #89)
5:24 TNKR914  (DC-10 #914)
TNKR911 (DC-10 #911)
N923AU (P-3 #23)
TNKR912 (DC-10 #912)
N922AU (P-3 #22)

August Complex
The largest fire in California History (YouTube) (CalFire)
N242BH (Bell 206)
C-GWGK (AS350)
N401AJ (CH-47)
N82BH (H-60A)
N561AJ (
CFZQB (Bell 212)
N316LH (Bell 212)
WLDLD28 (Pilatue PC-12) - drawing flowers at 23,025 feet (has been operation most of the day)
CONDR26 - at 17,600 feet mapping (out of Redding)
FB212 (N12DA, AT-802 #212)
FB211 (N825DA, AT-802 #211)
FB-214 (N779DA, AT-802 #214)
N840PJ (H-60A)
N118MB (H125)
N672MP (H-60A)
N316LH (Bell 212)
N690AR (Rockwell 690)

2020 Oct 4

1:25 pm
WLDLD28 (Pilatus PC-12/45 - flowers at 23,050' - August Complex & North Complex
N690TG (Rockwell 690A) - moving the lawn at 8,450' - August Complex
Don't see any fixed wing planes on neither the August Complex or Glass fires.
around 3:45
Mt Helena is showing the fire getting very near the towers and there appears to be lots of fixed wing aircraft nearby.

AA500 (OV-10 #500)

A501 (OV-10 #  )
TNKR0357 (DC-10 #911)
TNKR912 (DC-10 #912)
N4334DF (S-2 #90)
N922AU (P-3 #22)
N617AC (Bell 407)
N805PJ (H-60A)

Glass Fire 2020
                  Oct 4 4:42 GST944 (747 #944)
GST944 (747 #944)
Just to the left of the smoke.
Glass Fire 2020
                  Oct 4 4:42 GST944 (747 #944) on prior days that path to the left has been covered
and again just now.

N923AU (P-3 #23)
N922AU (P-3 #22)

2020 Oct 7 - Awareness

12:21 N410DF (OV-10 #) - takes off from Ukiah Airport and circles Ukiah Rifle & Pistol Club.
2020 Oct 7 -
While the OV-10 was flying there was a helicopter pinging ADS-B at the HeliBase.
But he did not take off, and the ADS-B shut down.  Maybe on stand-by?
I didn't see any S-2s ADS-B signal from the Ukiah Airport.
That indicates the ground crew has it under control.

12:32 I receive a Nixle alert: Alert Message: VICHY SPRINGS RD/ SITUATIONAL AWARENESS
12:48 plane lands at Ukiah airport

2020 Oct 9 - August Complex Mapping

N57112 (Rockwell 690A) - is mowing the lawn, i.e mapping the August complex in order to draw the fire map.

2020 Oct 9 - August
                  Complex Mapping

2020 Oct 12 - August Complex Mapping
For the past couple of days there has been extensive mapping activity at the August Complex

N57112 (Rockwell 690A) - flying at 16,450', not mowing the lawn, but rather defining the perimeter?
N57112 RNC112 - flying at 16,700' and following N57112 - maybe calibration or time difference study? 12:10: Lat 41.338, Lon -123.429 Forks of Salmon which seems above the August complex. (poor ADSB coverage here).  This is about the same Lat as Mt. Shasta.
N57112 N690AR (Aero Commander 690A) - 7,550'

FRESH68 (KC-135R, 62-3537, MLAT position (FR24)) - out of Vacaville 11:53.  9800', 357 mph, Track 300 deg - appears to be on the Great Circle route to Japan/Korea.   I expect the MLAT tracking to fail as soon as the plane is out of line of sight range of a few receivers.  Does FR24 have receivers on the coast such as at Ft Bragg or Mendocino?

2020 Oct 13 - Lake County Fire (centered on Sutter Lakeside Hospital)

2:55 pm N410DF (OV-10 # ) takes off from Ukiah airport - at 3500' there's good ADS-B coverage. 3:54 on the way back to Ukiah airport . . . so under control?
3:17 Nixel email "EVACUATION ORDER for North Lakeport in the area of Lakeside Heights, Hill Road East, and Penelope Court Area. Residents are advised that there is an IMMEDIATE threat to life and property from a wildfire, and are urged to evacuate.  Please leave the area. "

at 2600' there's poor coverage of the S-2s.
3:27 N434DF (S-2, #90) - returning to airport for reload -

N428DF (S-2 #180) 3:46 on the way back to reload,
N433DF (S-2 #86)
3:33 CalFire Incidents has no info
2020 Oct 13 - Lake
                  County Fire
3:59 24 acres.
4:01 holding at 24 acres.
CONDR26 (N410DF) - to the North mapping the August Complex

4:03 Nixel "Update on the Lyons Fire in North Lakeport Fire.  Forward progress has been stopped and fire crews are working in the area to make it safe for people to return home."

2021 April 27 - N499DF Training over Lake Mendocino

Flying over my house on the way out and back.

Loon LLC Balloons

A company called X (Wiki) was started in 2010 as a spin off from Google.  Later Loon LLC (Wiki) spun off from X.
Official Loon web site.

How Project Loon’s smart software learned to sail the winds, 2017 - overview of navigation plan

From a white paper "Loon and a Terrestrial LTE Network: How Loon Coverage Impacts an Existing Terrestrial LTE Network, The Interactions between the two Networks, and the Loon User Experience" - LTE network (Wiki) DL= 795.5 MHz for Peru

These fly between 50,000' and 70,000' altitude.
10162044 Balloon-based positioning system and method, Richard Wayne DeVaul, Waleed KADOUS, Eric Teller, Cliff Biffle, Edward Allen Keyes, X Development LLC, - A way to know position when GPS does not work.  Loon balloons are below the ionosphere so Total Electron Count is not important and a single balloon-ground frequency will provide accurate range information. Balloon-balloon communications may be by optical link. Balloon-ground may be: 802.11 (WiFi), GSM, CDMA, UMTS, EV-DO, WiMAX and/or LTE.

2020 Aug 16 notice there are a lot of them:
HBAL230 - Sioux Falls, ID; 43.898N, 95.834W
N253TH -Sioux City, ID; 42.509N, 96.476W
HBAL136 - Fort Worth, TX; 33.883N, 96.855W
HBAL262 - Fort Stockton, TX; 30.05N, 102.81W
HBAL255 - Linares, Mexico;
HBAL256 - Linares, Mexico;
HBAL258 - Linares, Mexico;
HBAL260 - Linares, Mexico;
HBAL259 - Linares, Mexico;
HBAL253 - Linares, Mexico;
HBAL257 - Linares, Mexico;
HBAL116 - Gulf of Mexico:
HBAL126 - East Peru
HBAL128 - East Peru
HBAL231 - Pacific ocean West of Peru
HBAL235 - West coast of Peru
HBAL192 - West coast of Peru
HBAL211 - Pacific Ocean, East of Brazil
LOON - R. of Congo
HBAL212 - Angola
HBAL139 - Angola
HBAL176 - Angola
HBAL165 - Angola
HBAL210 - Uganda
HBAL138 - Kenya
HBAL180 - Kenya
HBAL217 - Lubumbashi
HBAL168 - Lubumbashi
HBAL229 - Lubumbashi
HBAL184 - Malawi
HBAL191 - Malawi
HBAL189 - Inhambane
HBAL167 - Inhambane
HBAL199 - Indian Ocean
HBAL179 - Indian Ocean
HBAL244 - Papa New Guinea

Sheriff's Helicopters

UKI - Ukiah Muni Airport - Air Nav information
Ukiah Airport Communications

                       CTAF: 123.0
                     UNICOM: 123.0
                  WX AWOS-3: 134.750 MHz (707-462-7005)
WX AWOS-2 at 1O2 (16 nm SE): 118.35  MHz (707-262-0380)


Nearby radio navigation aids

  VOR radial/distance                 VOR name   Freq        Var
  -------------------  -----------------------  ------       ---
  ENIr022/5.5                 MENDOCINO VORTAC  112.30 MHz   16E

  NDB name                    Hdg/Dist  Freq  Var  ID
  --------------------------  --------  ----  ---  -------------------
  LAMPSON                     282/16.7   217  16E  LOP  .-.. --- .--.
   I think Lampson is long gone, replaced by
  UKiah                                  371 kHz   UK    ..-   -.-

Yokayo Elementary School - Airport web page -

Ukiah Prop Busters

This is an airport for Model Airplanes, it's just South of Ukiah surrounded by vinyards.
NTSB Acd #      Date                 Location      Regi          Make   Model              Severity
LAX04FA093   Apr 04, 2004   Ukiah, CA   N4130D   Piper   PA-32R-301T   Fatal


Amtrack has a bus station at the Burger King at the intersection of Perkins and the 101 highway.

Radio & Televison Stations

KUKI  1400 AM -Station Data - tower near N. State St. & CA101
KOZT 95.3 & 95.9 FM - Mendocino has a lot of rock musicians, great programming, on the coast in Fort Bragg
K-wine 94.5 FM - Adult Contemporary
KZYX 90.7 FM & KZYZ 91.5 FM - PBS with a great variety of programing
KMFB - 92.7 coast 96.7 Ukiah valley - oldies
KMKX - 93.5 classic and new rock

Radio Frequencies -

California municipal radio frequencies by Michael Sattler -
CDF Frequency List -
California - Ukiah Scanner Frequencies - note 10,525 & 24,150 MHz are police radar frequencies


Mendocino County - Geographic Information -
around my House -  Deer, Turkeys, Chicks, Rabbits, Squirrels (they bark), Quail (they click), Dove, Bear (they get into the garbage), Rattle snake, brightly colored millipead, Raccoons and all kinds of birds, Buzzards, Old Oak Root Fungus, New Oak Root Fungus (Or is it something else? Bats.
4 Dec 2006 - Tried using an ultrasonic converter to listen for bats at dusk (5:30 pm) but did not hear any.  They are not active when it's cold, but in the summer they are.

Animals & Plants

2020 Oct 23
Discovered after opening a patio umbrella.

For listening to bats see my web page: bats
Mystery Animal
Cone shaped head with white on both sides and a tail that's curled down in a vertical plane.  Walks slowly. Just under 3 feet long.

Didelphis marsupialis---the Virginia opossum.  It's a long way from home.
Snake head at left.
Snake in the
                  Rose bushes
When I took photo saw body, but not head.
Red Dove
When indoor plants like Gardenias or Orchids are placed by the master bath window that faces south east they get morning sun and do well.  Photo on left is of a Red Dove orchid in bloom for the second time.
June 2007 same orchid has two flower stalks this year.
Orchid June 26 2010

Photoshop CS4 stacking focus
Experiment stacking two images to improve focus using CS4

Violet Wild Flower
Violet Wild
Growing wild outside back door intermixed with California Poppies.
Water Lily Lotus Flower
White Water Lily Lotus Flower
at forest end of tub
Red Water Lily Lotus Flower
Red Water Lily Lotus Flower
at house end of tub
Olive Harvest 2013 Ukiah
9 Nov 2013 the  Mission and Manzanillo olives were picked and taken to Olivino in Hopland, California to make olive oil. The oil was picked up the next day.  They used the blade crusher rather than the stone mill because of the type of olive and how ripe they were.  See the Olivino Mill web page
for an explanation of the various machines used on the olives.  They use Vitone olive processing equipment.

Youtube Video

Azolla growing in pond aka: Mosquito fern (Wiki)  Leaves float, long parts are roots.
maybe each clump s 1/4" across.  Covered all of the surface of pond.

27 Oct 2017 - Oak Root Fungus
27 Oct 2017 -
                  Oak Root Fungus
27 Oct 2017 -mushrooms
27 Oct 2017 -
                  Oak Root Fungus


Netflix:  NATURE: The Private Life of Deer - interesting info about white tail deer
Young Buck (less
                than 1 year old)
Buck brothers
                (less than 1 year old)
7 May 2008 a couple of bucks that are borthers and less than one year old
Deer April
10May14 Fawn 4 days old
                  Nursing Fawn 4 days old
10May14 Nursing Fawn 4 days old
                  Nursing Fawn 4 days old
Deer Bones
Maybe around December a deer was found dead behind my garage.  No sign of injury or other cause of death.  It was moved about 10 feet away and although the outside temperature was near freezing some turkey vultures had a meal or two.

Then the carcass disappeared.
Deer Bones
1 May for the first time since winter I was walking on the gravel covered path around my house and there were most of the deer bones, all white and clean.  I think they are so well preserved because of being on the gravel.  In cases where they are in the dirt they tend to vanish.

I'm 99% sure a bear dragged the carcass and then eat what meat there was.  Later maggots cleaned the bones.
Buck at Salt
Buck at Salt Lick
two fawns in
                  back yard 18 Sep 2011
two fawns in back yard 18 Sep 2011
19 Oct 2014 Buck
Photo taken through beveled glass front door
19 Oct 2014
Oct 2016 Buck - probably the one who broke Coyote Bush.
Note 2 new points at lower right.
Oct 2016
                  Buck - probably the one who broke Coyote Bush.
14 Oct 2017 - old 6 point buck in back yard
Looks like the same buck of Oct 2016 (above right)
Notice that all 3 buck photos were taken in October (2014, 2016 & 2017)
14 Oct 2017 - old 6
                  point buck in back yard
2020 Oct 15Deer  near front door
2020 Oct 15Deer
                  near front door


Turkey Vulture in front yard 8 Apr 2014
Turkey Vulture in front yard 8 Apr 2014 Turkey Vulture in front yard 8 Apr 2014

Turkey Vultures in front yard 25 Mar 2015
Turkey Vulture in front yard 25 Mar 2015
2 Turkey Vultures in front yard 25 Mar

California Towhee Aug 2013
California Towhee (Wiki) Aug 2013
Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker (Wiki) Dec 2013
Flicker & Nest 26 March 2023
Flicker &
                  Nest 26 March 2023

Pileated Woodpecker (maybe 10" tall?)
basis for Woody Woodpecker
Large Woodpecker 11 Jun 2014

Large Woodpecker 11 Jun 2014
House Finch
House Finch
Woodpecker eating seeds?
Woodpecker eating seeds?
Purple Finch (female)?

13 Oct 2014 New small Nyger seed bird feeder & new Lesser Goldfinchs
three birds in photo (click on photo for larger image)
Small seed
Sprouted Nyger seeds
                  Nyger seeds
30 Mar 2015 Squirrel eating from sunflower seed bird feeder
Cracking sunflower seed and eating
30 Mar
                          2015 Squirrel eating from sunflower seed bird
Can climb fence as fast as a tree
30 Mar
                          2015 Squirrel eating from sunflower seed bird

After awhile the squirrel climbed down and moved
away maybe ten feet.  A couple of ring neck pidgins
landed on the post six feet away and the squirrel
came back and claimed the seeds.  Later the pidgins
were on the ground below the feeder eating the

Rear feet hold fence, front feet hold birdfeeder
30 Mar
                          2015 Squirrel eating from sunflower seed bird
Brewer's Black Bird 3 May 2015
Brewer's Black Bird
Squirrel's eat more seeds than the birds.
This is the first time I've seen them on the
feeder at the right with the yellow seeds on the right.
In the past they have only gone after the
Sunflower seeds on the left.
Squirrel's eat more seeds than the
Tried moving the sunflower seed feeder to a stand along
pole, but the squirrel climbed up the pole like an inch worm.
26 Oct 2017
So added the cone and thought that solved the problem, but NO.
I'm guessing he jumped from the ground to above the cone.
Will try raising the cone.
                          got to sunflower seed bird feeder.

Salamander on
                  driveway after rain
Salamander (Wiki) on driveway after rain

Turkeys were making a lot of noise, but by the time I got the Nikon D300s with the 300mm Lens and tripod outside they were just leaving.  Over 100 feet away.
June 2014 Bear photographed next door & Bear Scat in my backyard.
Bear Scat
Taken at neighbor's place
2014 Deer in the Forest Eaten by Vultures & Bear - YouTube -

30 Aug 2016 Bear here
                  checking my garbage


Around 2009 - 2013 there have been a number of sightings by neighbors.  Just as the sun was setting I went out the front door.  From the sound of the lion's roar, that sounded pretty much like those from the movie Cat People (IMBD), this was a full sized lion.  Looking to my left where the sound came from all I could see was black forest since the setting Sun was to the lion's back.


In front of house where lawn used to be.
Rabbits 29
                  Apr 2017

Wasp Nest 30 May 2008  (Wiki, paper wasp)

Wasp Nest Under
Last Year's now
                  empty Wasp Nest
They make new nests in the spring when water, mud and plant material is available.  They do not reuse last year's nest.
These are under the second story eves, a location very hard to get to be any predator.
Wasp Nest Under Construction
Last Year's now empty Wasp Nest
Wasp Mud daubber?

Mud Dauber (Wiki)

mud dauberes make their nest on the ground.
Paper wasps make there nest under the eaves.


House Ants laugh at
          Raid Double ControlWhen confronted with indoor ants I tried Raid Double Control baits, but the ants seemed to recognize them and stay away, not one ant had gone inside after many hours.  You can see the active area has not one ant in photo at left although there are at least 16 ants in the photo.  Using the ant identification guide at U.C. Davis showed that these were Odorous House Ants and that I needed either Fipronol or Hydramethylnon baits.  After trying 4 local stores Combat Source Kill was found with Hydramethylnon.  Ants gone in a couple of days.  Combat Source Kill  is made under U.S. patent 4563836 which covers the design of the bait, not the chemical used.

 Once you know what type of ant you have THEN look up which bait has the needed active ingredient using
Table 2 lists common names and what active ingredient they have.
Within a few days the ant population was noticeably lower and after about a week there were no ants to be seen in the house.

Ant Stake This ant stake (all of them?) contains hydramethylnon and is the recomended ingrediant for an ant bait for the Pavement Ant that's here 4 Sep 2010.  Used a toothpick to stir some water into the bait and wiped it on the wall next to the spot where they were coming into the house.  Within an hour the swipe was covered with ants.  After four hours there are still ants at the bait, as shown in the photo.
10mm Ant
2 Apr 2011
Chicken Hawks (Wiki)
After the 9 October fire we have removed a lot more undergrowth.  Now there's clear flying under the trees so a half dozen Chicken Hawks are now here.
Chicken Hawk

Flower Ants

These ants appear to have a white flower pointing forward.  It's like an inverted umbrella and they can carry it open or furled.  There were thousands of them migrating toward the Sun on 31 Aug 2012.
Flower Ant???
In this photo there are at least 3 flower ants.  One at the left center with the flower furled (point at left).  One at the center with the flower open, and one just below where the flower looks like a cylinder (not pointed).

Our Curator Assistant, Stefan Cover, identified the ants thus:
The ants look like Messor andrei to me, a common California harvesting ant.  The ants in the picture are carrying seeds.
Professor Edward O. Wilson | Harvard University | Museum of Comparative Zoology | 26 Oxford Street | Cambridge MA 02138-2902 | FAX 617-495-1224

Bath Drain Bugs

Bath Drain
There insects (6 legs) seem to move from the bathtub drain.
about 10 mm overall length.
What are they?  Let me know.

Beetle on Driveway

Beatle on

Beatle on
What are they?  Let me know.      

Probably Soldier beetles (Wiki)  
Largus Cinctus (Bug Guide)
27 Sep 2013 - moth (Wiki) lands on stapler and poses for photo op
27 Sep 2013 - moth
                  lands on stapler and poses for photo op


There's a pond in the fenced part of the back yard and this time of year (April 2016) they croak, sometimes all night.  This frog is about an inch long and somehow he got into the kitchen and on top of the hot water pot.
Frog on Hot Water Pot in kitchen
maybe 1" long
Frog on Hot
                  Water Pot in Kitchen
2020 March 18 a lot of Frog croaking noise
This guy is much bigger than the tree frog at left.
Maybe 4" long.  Note filled air sack.
2020 March 18 a
                lot of Frog croaking noise

Coyote Bush (Wiki)

October 2016  Some animal broke a few branches.  Then a day or two later more branches were broken.  Then some days later more branches broken and a smaller nearby bush had it's branches broken.
I haven't seen other plants broken like this before.  What animal and why?  Let me know.

One idea is that this is a narrow passage between a fence and steep slope, so a bear walking on all for legs might just step on the bush, but no signs of scat nearby.

Another idea is that it's been cold (40s F) at night and the deer may be in rut (Wiki).  But why break only the Coyote bush?

Coyote Bush with
          branches broken by some animal

Poison Oak

Nov 2023 - easy to see this time of year.
Poison Oak Nov 2023

Nature's Rototiller

This probably caused by Ground (black) squirrels (Wiki) which do a lot of damage.  But maybe something else?  In past years I've seen tracks, like where a ditch is located, but this is the first time I've seen large areas covered.  Note we have plenty of tree (gray) squirrels (Wiki) which are fun to watch.
Katie, who used to live in the French Alps says pigs may be the cause.  I've since heard that there are wild pigs here, but this is the first time I've seen this.

Mendocino County Hunters Harvested California’s 5th Highest Amount of Wild Pigs During 2020-2021 Season -

                  Rototiller ground squirrels?
                  Rototiller ground squirrels?


Grace Hudson Museum -
NAS - Peregrine Audubon Chapter - Local Bird Sightings -
Mendocino Environmental Center - Mendocino County Environmental Groups -
Mendocino Lost and Found - Mendocino County's Metal Detecting Club
The Community Foundation of Mendocino County - a public resource for community philanthropy


Many years ago there was a government Lattitude observatory here in Ukiah on Observatory road.  It was one of a handful of observatories characterizing the wobble of the Earth.  It had a mederian telescope and the elevation angle of stars was measured at the precise time that they crossed the meridian.  The night sky here is still awesome.
Ukiah Astronomical Society -Yahoo U-A-S listserver web page:
Taylor Planetarium and Observatory - Lake County

Internet Providers

Pacific Internet - This is where my web pages are hosted - Now at GoDaddy  - was sold and the new owners were not able to maintain web pages.
Mendonet -
Mendocino Community Network - Directory -
JPS net -
MendoLake Online - web services & local links

Health Care -

Ukiah Valley Medical Center -


It turns out the California has banned small tractors that can do these things.  The only small tractors now available are "garden tractors" that do NOT have provision for working attachments.
A small tractor would be handy for:

Two Axle Tractor

Bobcat - skid-steer loaders - small sizes don't accept many accessories
Kubota - they own the small tractor market - Lampson Tractor, North Bay Tractor
B7300 - 16 HP - 12.5 HP@PTO - Bush Hog:  662H backhoe, 1846QT loader, PHD2101 Post Hose Digger,  RTS series of rotary tillers
B2100 - 21 HP
B2400 - 24 HP
Bush Hog - Makes front loaders, back hoe, tiller, post hole digger, etc. attachments
Rainbow Ag on Perkins st - John Deere tractors -
John Deere - Gator -
Kawasaki - Mule -
AGCO -used to  make Allis Chalmers - I had a B12 (12 hp) with front loader & tiller

Single Axle Tractor

These are also known by many other names.
In Taiwan you see these on the side of the road with a large trailer filled with agricultural products.  I'm sure that in the field other attachments are used.
UN - Single axle Tractors -
Two-wheel tractor (Wiki)
They are much more maneuverable than a four wheel tractor.


BCS - America - YouTube - claim to be the largest single axle maker in Europe (in Italy since 1940) 5.5 to 13 HP models
Earth Tools - carries BCS & Grillo - YouTube -
Grillo Italy - Australia  - YouTube
DONGFENG - Power Tiller/Two-wheel Tractor -
Gravely - Rapid series 9 to 20 HP
Kamco - 3.5 HP and lower
Mingsin - Walking Tractor
Siam Kubota - user hostile web pages - NC+ Dual Clutch : 980mm (about 1 meter dia) cage wheel for rice paddy - YouTube
VST Tillers - 8 to 13 HP tillers
Yanmar power tiller - YouTube - some are monsters with ride behind
Hezhengfeng - single vertical tine tiller

Chain Saw

When you live in a forest a chain saw is one of the common tools.  SAFETY is very important!
Echo CS-330T chain saw Aug 2009 - need chain saw (my old McCullough was given away some years ago) since there are now more dead trees both still standing and laying on the ground.  The trees are mostly under 8" diameter so a chain saw that's gas powered, light and with a short bar would be much easier to use than a big lumber jack type.  After a lot of searching I found the Echo CS-330T.

It came with a small bottle of 2-stroke oil (enough to make 1 gallon), a bunch of manuals, a combination tool, and an anti-kick-back tip.  In addition I bought a 2 gallon gas container, spare chain, 5/32" chain file, chain oil.  When the chain gets dull I'll swap chains and sharpen the dull one.

In the photo the chain is too loose.  The anti-kick-back bar tip has not been installed for a few reasons: (1) it prevents plunge cuts and (2) with a blade this short the actual remaining cutting length is very short, (3) may lead to jamming (not chain but tip and saw body).

Note: it takes some force pulling back on the red chain lock to free the chain but only a slight forward force to lock the chain.

Note: The grease guns for lubing the chain wheel at the tip of the bar could not be found after searching a number of the local stores that sell chain saws and the manual does no mention a need to grease the wheel, so I'm hoping it will be OK without grease.
Echo CS330T boxed
This is a 17 1/4" x 11 1/4" x 6 inch box modified
to hold the chain saw and all it's related accessories except for the gas.

The box is a size that happens to fit well on the
storage shelving I use.  By using a box this size much more can be stored on the same set of shelves.

 Starting Tip

After sitting for over a year my McCullough chain saw would not start.  Removing the spark plug showed small water drops.  The fix was to use canned air and blow dry the plug and also the cylinder.  After that a few pulls on the starting cord with the plug out to clear out the cylinder and it started on the first pull after the plug was installed.

It's best to run out the gas the last time you use an small engine that has a carburetor so that no gasoline is left in it.  A gas shutoff is now common on many generators for just this reason.  Fuel injection is another way around this problem, like on the Honda EU7000iS.


If the chain touches dirt it will become dull instantly.  This applies even when stopped, i.e. the oil will hold the dirt and at the next cut the dirt will dull the blade.


The there is an inlet off of the Russian River where soil setteles out.  In the past they used an excavator to remove the dirt so that it could be trucked away, now they have a tower machine with an engine at it's base.

Self Propelled String Trimmers

Bear Cat - 73350, 73265 & 73455 have 3 speeds forward
Troy Bilt - manual push only


In Taiwan June through August 2008.


26 Sep 2005 Thunder Storm26 Sep 2005 Thunder storm.  Photo taken looking East at sunset.

National Weather Service -Interactive Weather Information Network - Ukiah Ariport -

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