Piezo Electric Resonator 3 Apr 1923, 310/314 ; 310/318; 310/319;
331/163; 333/187; 601/2 - The first
Quartz crystal patent. 1472583
Method of Maintaining Electrical Currents of Constant Frequency 30
Oct 1923 331/163 ; 330/112; 331/158; 331/159; 331/164
The above patents were licensed by General Radio and used in their
Tuype 275 Piezo Electric Oscillator using a single 199 vacuum tube.
Practical quartz plates in the range of 100 kHz to 1.5 MHz. 1782117
Method of Mounting Piezo Electric Resonators for the Excitation of
Various Overtones 310/321 ; 310/365; 310/366 1789496
Electrical System 20 Jan 1931 455/71 ; 331/158; 331/164 - G.W.
Pierce describes crystal oscillators
General Radio by James Kilton Clapp
Clapp invented the Clapp oscillator which uses a capacitor in series
with an inductor (or crystal) to allow adjusting the frequency (Wiki).
Most of these patent numbers appear in the manual for the GR 1100-A
Frequency Standards (Radio
Nerds) or the 1105 Frequency Measuring Equipment (Radio
Nerds). 1967184
Vibrator Apparatus, GR, July 17, 1934, 310/350 ; 219/210; 310/343;
Temperature compensation of an oscillator by fractional cycle
synthesis June 12, 1984 Baylor 4453834
Electronic timepiece with temperature compensation June 12,
1984 Suzuki et al. 4443116
Electronic timepiece April 17, 1984 Yoshida et al. 4427952
Oscillator circuit with digital temperature compensation January 24,
1984 Zumsteg 4427302
Timekeeping signal source for an electronic timepiece January 24,
1984 Watanabe 5459436
Temperature compensated crystal oscillator with disable October 17,
1995 Pucci et al. 5473216
Piezoelectric device for controlling the frequency-temperature shift
piezoelectric crystals and method of making same December 5, 1995
Brosig et al. 310/346; 310/344; 310/348; 310/361 5473216
Piezoelectric device for controlling the frequency-temperature
shift of
piezoelectric crystals and method of making same December 5, 1995
Ishizaki et al. 310/346; 310/344; 310/348; 310/361 5525936
Temperature-compensated oscillator circuit June 11, 1996 Post et al.
331/47; 331/116FE; 331/158; 331/176 5548252
Digital temperature compensated crystal oscillator August 20, 1996
Watanabe et al. 331/176; 331/36C; 331/116FE; 331/158; 331/173;
331/177V 5572169
Temperature-compensated piezoelectric oscillator November 5, 1996
Iwamoto 331/176; 331/1R; 331/17; 331/158 5574408
Oscillator circuit having a memory that stores the characteristic
information of the individual oscillator crystal November 12, 1996
Zwack 331/176; 331/66; 331/158