This is a compass system aka Horizontal Situation Indicator (Wiki: HSI) or Flight Director (Wiki) system that used both a directional gyroscope and a magnetic flux valve to determine north. Got this as part of my passion for north finding, gyroscopes.and Navigation The story is that it was removed in working condition to be replaced with a glass panel system. It is the Collins PN-101 Pictorial Symbolic Navigation System.
The system consists of the following parts:
Collins Directional Gyroscope
Uses air or vacuum to spin gyro.
Type: 332E-3G Ser No. 339
Wt 4.9 lbs TSO: C6c
Collins Part No. 522-2645-00
7 male pins.
The 332E-4 is a cylindrical gyro also used with the PN-101 system, 11 male pins).
Electrically driven with continuous service and quick warm up
The332E-5 has maybe 26 mail pins.
Sperry Flux Valve
Part No.: 656520
Sperry Phoenix Co. Div. of Sperry Rand Corp.
U.S. Patents 2047609, 2383460, 2383461, 2476273 (see below)
There is fluid inside and when held with the dome pointing down it feels like there's a pendulum inside Maybe a first order attempt to keep the sensor level.
Ohms Table
Note number show above is tag on wire, letters are part of Flux Gate.
I'd guess that the input winding is between D & E.
The sense winding output is A, B & C.
F is the common point of the "Y" connected sense windings (no connection).
Collins Course Indicator
Type 331A-eG TSO C6c
Wt 3.2 lb Ser No 31117
Collins Part No. 522-2638-003
Collins Radio Company
Cedar Rapids, Iowa U.S.A.
3-3/16" square front, so maybe an ARINC (Wiki) 408 3ITA size instrument
Collins 328A-3G Slaving Accessory
Type: 328A-3G FAA TSO C6c
Wt: 3.7 lb Ser No: 41
Collins p/n: 522-2644-011
Marked for 27.5 VDC input, not 23.5 VDC.
Contains Synchro (Wiki) and gear train to resolver (Wiki).
Collins Mount
Type 390R-5 TSO C6c
Wt 0.6 lbs Ser No 260
Collins Part No. 522-2930-00
Collins Radio Company
Cedar Rapids, Iowa U.S.A.
Collins Slaving Control Unit
This unit was not part of the package so I'm not sure what model it shoud by, maybe:
Collins Control and COmpensation Unit
Type No. CCU-65 FAA TSO C6c
Wt .4 lb S/N:
Collins pn: 622-6135-001 (note all other parts start with 522-)
DB-25m connector on back
Collins 51R-7 VOR/LOC Receiver
Used to supply those signals to the Corse Indicator
Collins 323A-2G Compensator
Used when Flux Gate is near magnetic material.
Fig 1 Directional Gyro Front
Fig 2 Directional Gyro - vacuum/Air Back
Fig 3 Sperry Flux Valve (compass)
Fig 4 Horizontal Situation Indicator Front
Fig 5 Horizontal Situation Indicator Back
Fig 6
Fig 7 Connector matches gyro
Fig 8 332E-4 Directional Gyro - Electrical
(for reference - don't have)
11 male pins
(the 332E-5 has maybe 26 mail pins)
Fig 9 cover removed from Flux Gate
cover fells like fish paper.
Fig 10 Collins Mount Type 390R-5
Just wires going to 30 terminal socket.
ARINC 404 Air Transport Rack (ATR) 1/4 Long
Fig 11 328A-3G Slaving Accessory
Fig 12
Fig 13 This equipment is wired for 27.5 (VDC) excitation.
For 23.5 excitation consult instruction manual.
Fig 14
Fig 15
2943482 Flight director (Wiki) aircraft instrument, Edgar H Fritze, Horst M Schweighofer, Collins Radio Co, Oct 23, 1956, 73/178.00R, 340/973, 340/975, 340/976, 33/329
A feature of this invention is the superposition of ilight director steering information over that of basic attitude information.
PN-101, FD-109, or ???
Flux Valve
2047609 Magnetic field direction and intensity finder, Haig Antranikian, Jul 14, 1936, 33/301, 33/362, 324/247, 340/870.33 - 2 bars at 90 deg.
This may be the key "Flux Valve" or Flux Gate patent.
2383460 Magnetic field responsive device, Beach Lennox F, Purves John C, Purves Corp, filed: Mar 28, 1941, pub: Aug 28, 1945,
324/253, 33/361, 336/120, 340/870.33, 336/10, 318/690, 324/247
two versions, "Y" & 2 bars at 90 deg
2383461 Flux valve compass system, Beach Lennox F, Curry Robert S, Esval Orland E, Fragola Caesar F, Sperry Gyroscope Co Inc filed: Oct 10, 1941, pub: Aug 28, 1945,
33/317.00R, 324/253, 74/5.4, 244/175, 33/361, 340/870.33, 33/303, 324/244
"Y" type only.
2476273 Apparatus sensitive to magnetic fields, Lennox F Beach, filed: Sep 17, 1942, pub: Jul 19, 1949,
324/253, 324/117.00R, 425/DIG.330, 324/247, 33/361
RE18855 Electrical current wave changing device Jun 6, 1933 - saturating transformer P.S.
1004102 Voltage-regulator, Sep 26, 1911 - relays with secondary winding on spool that can add or subract turns
1635060 Induction voltage regulator, Jul 5, 1927 - hecial winding w/movable contact
1813409 Alternating current controlling apparatus, Jul 7, 1931 - AC lamp brightenss
1828900 Electric controlling apparatus, Oct 27, 1931 - uses core saturation
1998209 Ward-leonard control system Apr 16, 1935 - motor generator control
2032455 Voltage regulating system, Mar 3, 1936 - precision instrument application
2047609 see above
2158500 Magnetic field direction finder, Guerra Ugo, May 16, 1939, 33/361, 324/254, 324/247 - bars at 90 deg
2241499 Earth inductor compass, Barth Gustav, Siemens App Und Maschinen Gmbh, May 13, 1941,
33/319, 324/244, 33/357, 340/870.33 - strapped down, no gimbals
2360851 Rotating field excited flux valve, Curry Jr Robert S, Sperry Gyroscope Co Inc, Oct 24, 1944, 324/253, 33/361, 340/870.33
clean sine wave output (minimizing the normal strong second harmonic)
2374166 Magnetic field responsive device, Beach Lennox F, Purves John C, Purves Corp, filed: Aug 2, 1941, pub: Apr 24, 1945
324/253, 33/361, 340/870.33, 324/254, 324/345
same coil for driving and sensing
2383459 Indicator for magnetic fields, Lennox F Beach, Purves Corp, filed: Jul 30, 1940, pub: Aug 28, 1945 - "Y" type
33/361, 324/247, 324/253, 341/32, 340/870.33
2383460 see above
2383461 see above
118 - 136 MHz Aircraft AM band RF Spectrum Analyzer plot of the aircraft AM VHF band
Aircraft Clocks - as you would expect the Russian clock does not follow ARINC standards.
Aircraft Pilot's Standby Magnetic Compass
AN/ARN-89 Direction Finder Set
Black Box maybe a beacon for high value assets to be tracked by aircraft?
CRT-1B Sonobuoy
GRC-206 Program Pacer Speak Foreword Air Control MT-6250
KY864U Encoder/Decoder-Analog/Digital maybe a 1/4 Short ATR box
Light Weight Low Frequency Beacon Part No. 123402 for Aircraft ADF systems
North finding
Flux Gate Patents
TI 9100 LORAN-C Receiver Type III - for aircraft use prior to the shutdown of LORAN-C
MIL-S-5807A Sextant, Aircraft, Periscopic
MD-1 Automatic Astro navigation system for B-52 (Star tracker)
MC-1 Magnetic Compass Calibration Set similar to AN/ASM-344
PRC-90 Air Crew Survival Radio & Battery Adapter
PRC-112 Survival Radio
PRM-32 (TS-20) Test Set, Radio Survival
Radar Warning Receivers tells pilot direction, rough distance and type of ground to air threat
Radio Direction Finding
SDU-5/E Marker Distress Light & Battery Adapter
TW100F/AT Transworld Datron Fly Away H.F. Radio
Transworld TW7000F HF SSB Flyaway Transceiver
Collins PN-101
Collins PN-101 Pictorial Symbolic Navigation System Operator Guide p/n: 523-0755801 / Ed 3, Rev 0 1964-08-15
Collins PN-101 Pictorial Symbolic Navigation System Operator Guide p/n: 523-0755824 / Ed 5, Rev 9 1986-07-14
SW Aviator - HEADING SYSTEMS: A Compass by Any Other Name…by Alisa Christenson, Santa Fe Avionics - learned about the slaving control
Flying Magazine Nov. 1962, pg 120 - "New for 1963 is the PN-101, a pictorial symbolic aircraft situation presentation; in other words an indicator which will show VOR deviation, to-from stabilized heading, course interception information, crabe angle needed and complete ILS capability. A stabilized compass system which will drive an RMI is built into the unit which is expected to be in the $3,000 category. A solid state DME and a transponder are expected to be abailable late in 1963 as an integral part of their Solid State System (SSS). This is a complete and integrated line of navcom equipment which is expected to be fully developed by the last quarter of 1963. But the end of 1962, the line is expected to consist of the DF-203 ADF, 51V-4 glideslope receiver, 51Z-4 marker beacon receiver and the 57RV-1 VOR/LOC glideslope navigation system. The 618M-1 tranceiver should be available in January, 1963 followed toward the end of the year by the DME and transponder to fill out the SSS line."
Flight Manuals - PN-101 Manuals: Installation, Maintenance , Instruction has wiring diagrams and a bench test wiring diagram + procedure.
1969 thru 1974 Cessna Model 301P and 310Q Illustrated Parts Catalog -
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