Digitech Data Industries used to make a modular Bit Error Rate test system. Each module was just over an inch wide and 3 Rack Units high (5 1/4"). The system consists of the following components(left to right). The description is just my best guess of what they do since I don't have a manual and have not used this instrument. Solid state construction. using discrete transistors and 7400 series TTL logic, the golden age of electronics. Double sised printed circuit boards with shoe eyelets for through holes.
- 2001 13 slot rack frame
- PM 1 Power Module with +5, +12 and -12 Volt supplies
- IM 2 Interface Module for Polar or 20 ma or 60 ma current loop
- blank panel
- AM 1 Analyzer Module measures the input signal
- OM 2 Output Module with High Level, Low Level and Clock 1/4" jacks
- TM 2 Timing Module with 16 BAUD rates from 45.5 to 9600
- GM 1 Generator Module that allows control of what character is sent or the built in message.
- DM 1 Distortion Module allows the bias and distortions of the generated data to be controled
Includes a line cord but is missing the line fuse. When a fuse is installed it powers up.
The CV-89A/URA-8A is a Military tube type FSK converter with a CRT type tuning indicator.
The CV-483/URA-17 is a Military solid state FSK converter with a CRT type tuning indicator
The MD-1142 (BR Communications 6029C) Time Deversity Modem
The Frederick 1203 FSK Demodulator
The Frederick 600A BER tester
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