Repair Facilities for Military Radios
Any good surplus places in USA (2009) - physical locations of electronic related stores & hamfests listed by state
2024May22 Design News Electronics Surplus stores
Repair Facilities for Military Radios (2018)
"Frank Zavada" <>
Robert Downs, Texas, Robert Downs,, manuals & mil radio related <= 1960 vintage mil radio repair
Mcvey Electronics, 324 Ann St, Newburgh, NY 12550,, (845) 561-8383 - Mil Radio Articles -
Steven Haney, Haney Electronic Company,, 8012 County Road 1009, Godley, TX 76044-3688, Cell: 817-480-2282 - PRC-25, PRC-77, VRC-12 radios, VIC-1 intercom
Communications, Ltd.,Carson City, NV, Chuck, N7UVZ,, "...can do most of the repairs/alignment on the "new Family Radios" that are out there. I did this in the Army for my last 10 years in the Service, I repair/Align to 10-20 Standard per the -35 Manual."
Abex - UK dealer with interesting microwave, optical, vacuum, etc. items
AIL Sysems - merged with EDO Corp & Dorne & Margolin -
Allied Electronics - broad line distributor
All Electronics - mostly commercial components
Almost All Digital Electronics - test equipment kits
American Artifacts - Scientific Medical & Mechanical Antiques -
American MilSpec - eBay - radios, cables, and much more
American Trans-Coil Corp - parts GRC-106 specialists - eBay -
Amidon - ferrite and powered iron cores
Anchor Supplies Ltd - European surplus
An/Com Industries - manufacturer and supplier of Military ground Tactical communications equipment
Antique Electronics Supply - kits, tubes, etc.
Antique Telephone Repair -
Army Man - eBay - some cables, connectors
Army Radio Sales - UK - radios from all of Eurpoe -
Army Surplus Amsterdam - English web pages, will export, has many generators, but no radios
Army Trucks Inc. - Military Vehicles for rental in Movies, TV, Commercials, etc.
ars - Antique Instruments, radios, telephones, microscopes, etc.
Ask Jan First ! - parts
Associated Industries - Radio & wire line coms equip
Astron Wireless Technologies (formerly Astron Antenna Co) - low profile antennas
Atlantic Microwave - COM21 VHF antenna
AUSA -Publications include: Army Magazine, Green Book -B
B.G. Micro -
B.M.Electronics Co. Japanese but Fumio Miyato can respoond toEnglish emails
B&L Collectibles - general mil surplus mostly Ephemera
Baco Army Goods -page translation Babel Fish - Google - Leger radio = Military Radio
Balance Industries, Inc. - military and commercial avionics
Balboa Trading Company S.A. - poor descriptions and no photos
Barnas Military Surplus and Radio - an eBay store by John Baranosky - tripod kits for GRA-4 & camo masts
Barnstormers - From complete planes to parts
Barrett Communications - backpack HF rig
Bendix King - air nav instruments (See Relm for radios)
Bird Electronics - power meters
Bluefeather - Special Connectors for Military Surplus and Aerospace Hardware -
Boonton Electronics - a subsidiary of Noisecom -
BPB Surplus - mostly aircraft related but also some other interesting stuff
Brian Carling, AF4K - Crystals
Bulb Direct - Lamps for about everything including radios
Bulb Man - Many lamps including some T1.25 type, like for the URM-25C
C and H Sales Company - any rotating electrical machine you can think of, components, optics, transits, etc. eBay Store: C-AND-H-SALES also closed
Carolina Growler - reproduction Jeep Kits
Celestial Design Co. - LCD Suppliers - new & surplus -Graphics LCD Panels - Dave Erickson's Engineering Web Page
Charles Edwin Inc - antique barometers and formal longcase clocks
Codan Limited - sophisticated remote area communication equipment and systems (UN vehicles in Afghanistan)
Cold War Remarketing - mostly vehicles, including radio trucks but might have some VIC-1 components
Columbia Electronics International, Inc. - complete military radio systems in quanity
Combat Radio - UK dealer - interesting stuff, photos and archives of past items
CommoCentral - mostly rack size and larger
Communication Concepts, Inc. - Kit for Motorola App Note762 1.6 - 30 MHz 140W amp- and other ANs
Communications Repair Depot by Craig J. Coley
Compass Technical Services -
Conic (now part of L3 Communications, Litton, Terracom) - PRC-130, PRC-132
Condor Systems - supplies govt with ELINT/ESM, SIGINT, COMINT systems ->EDO Corp
Contact Information for State and Federal Surplus Sales - links to many official gov sites
Cubic Defense - Manuals for obsolete receivers -
Cubic Communications, Inc. - DF equipment and HF, VHF receivers
D and D Radio - Japan - their English page is under construction
Datron World Communications Inc - located in Vista, CA, Mike Murphy's back yard
Dave Panek - collector and seller
Defenselink (U.S. Department of Defense) -
Dennis Schneider - Army Surplus Agent - 30 tons of Wireless equipment
Deutsche Optik - Mike Murphy sells the Harier wind dir for $12 these guys for $50 - be sure to shop
Digi-Key - has some mil type connectors
Disposal Services Agency - official UK military suplus from the MOD
Don Lancaster Guru's Lair - has some surplus stuff
Dorne & Margolin - see AIL Systems - see EDO Corp - Antennas -
Dragon Man - S. of Colorado Springs?
DRMS (Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service) -
DRS Technologies - SIGINT Products - WJ-8611Digital HF/VHF/UHF Receiver
Electric Radio (ER) Magazine (email) - On Line Catalog parts & Literature
Electro Mavin - technical electronic excess -
Electronics Dimension - AB155/U masts @ $150
Electronic Goldmine - Mostly commercial components, but some government/military stuff - some Mil Surplus Electronics-
Electronic Soicex - French dealer
Electropuces - French dealer with English titles mostly test equip
Eika-Tronic - PRC-2015 (VHF) NSN 5820-25-145-2452 & PRC-2045 (UHF) NSN 5820-25-147-6941
ESCO - Mil Radios & Accesories - Babel Fish Italian to English
European Surplus (aka Swiss Link)- is in Northern California and sometimes has electronics
Eyring - (computer stuff, BUT ->) NVIS antennas ELPA 301A - Patents: 4839661, 4829310, 4825224, 4750001, 4743917
E-Z-Hook - In addition to the hooks they have coax connectors and adapters
Fair Radio Sales - In business a long time, ask them since they have more than they advertise - highly recommended
FAQ - location of Surplus stores in US, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia
Far Circuits - printed circuit boards for many magazine articles (847) 836-9148 Illinois
Flame Enterprises - ?
FJW Optical Systems (Find_R_Scope)- IR and UV viewers including long IR (heat)
Frank Zavada, KD7HVL - works on PRC-104 family radios including the GRC-193 plus PRC 174 PRC 320 PRC 515 also the GRC 106 and Harris gear such as the Pacer Bounce and that vintage Harris gear RF 590,RF1310 RF110 etc.
Frederick Electronics - HF data modems
Front Line Military Vehicles - mostly vehicle parts, but has some Radio Equipment
Gemmary - Antique Scientific Instruments
General Atronics (now DRS Technolgies) - TA-1035/U Digital Nonsecure Voice Terminal (DNVT)
General Dynamics C4 Systems - Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) - PRC-112
Gerard Schnoebelen - high end items in eBay -
Green Acres Surplus - right on 880 in Oakland, MVs & shelters in outdoor lot, more in the warehouse. (415) 379-3997 -
Guru's Lair by Don Lancaster
Hanger 18 Surplus - RF & micreowave components and older test equipment - eBay: hangar18surplus
Harris RF Systems Division - Tatical & other radios
HdB Electronics - mainly distributor, but used to have some surplus
Helmut Singer Elecktronik - Germany page in English -
HSC - more of an industrial electronics surplus dealer
Imagic Design Ltd - test equipment
ITT Industries Aerospace/Communications - RT-1523 Configurations
J-Byte Electronics - claims to carry military surplus components
Jim Karlow, KA8TUR - repair of mil radios, PRC-68 family, PRC-74, etc.
Kurrajong Radio Museum - details on many tube type radios
L3 - East (Infosec, REMBASS sensor systems), Randtron Antenna Systems, Link simulators, Narda East, West, Microdyne,
Lehman Scientific - Ball/Efratom FRK-L Rubidium Oscillators
Levy Latham Global LLC - official US govt surplus dealer for ceartian Federal Supply Codes click a code to see a list of items
Oct 2002 now called Government Liquidation, LLC - both on line and sealed bid auctions
Logistics and Readiness Center - Battery Support
Luke International - supplier of Military obsolete components, IC's, Connectors, Passives
McVey Electroincs, T-17 mike cartridge replacement - Repairs
Marlin P. Jones & Assoc. - industrial surplus including good poswer supply deals
Max Gain systems - Telescoping Fiberglass tube (round & square), Bristol Wrenches
MCE Electronics Warehouse - eBay list - very slow to deliver, it's been almost a month since I paid and still no items.
McVey Electronics - Repairs mil electronic equipment
Mendelson Electronics - no radios but good deal on 28 VDC 90A cell site power supply - eBay meci -
MG Electronics - owned by Mike Couture and Manuals by Allen Fulmer, K4KDG
Mil Radio - For Sale -
Militaria Collector's Exchange - use your browsers "find" to search - alternative to eBay
Military Collectibles -
Military Kit Store - Great Britian, Radios - There have been some complaints of not receiving what was paid for, buyer beware.
Military Museum on the Web - EE8B field phone - Museum Shop with items for sale
Military Radio and Vehicle Locator -
Military Wireless in the Midlands - personal want/trade/buy
Mike Murphy's Surplus - fine quality radios - highly recommended
Miltronix - R390 related
MOBAT (Motorola & Bartel) -
Modern Military Radios - David Panek
Monteria - ELINT and a very interesting 3 dimensional patented DF system (looks like 3 parallel DSPs working on X, Y and Z.
Motorola -INFOSEC - Advanced INFOSEC Machine (AIM) -
Motorola - Radio Products -
Motorbo - digital 2-way radios
Motorola products & services (other than cell phone) - Yesterday's Products
Moser Electronics Company - big and pricy, but interesting
Museum of Radio and Technology - Links - wireless -
N5FSL Home Page - The Horn Speaker newsletter -
Napco - mfg.
Natick Soldier Research Center - govt R&D, not dealer
Naval Institute Press - in addition to publishing scholarly papers they also have a bookstore -
Newark - has many mil type connectors
Nextira Federal LLC = TimePlex Federal Systems + Williams Communications Solutions
Nexus - Audio Plugs & Jacks
NTE Electronics (bought ECG) - replacement electronic components
Ocean State Electronics -
Omaha's - surplus store with some interesting stuff
On Semiconductor (formerly Motorola Semi Group) - makes diodes and ICs but not big computer chips
Ontario Surplus - Ontario Surplus is a small surplus business specializing in the unusual and especially large and heavy items - AB-577/GR 50' mast - TM 11-5820-538-35 Mast, AB-577/GRC is available on the Army Technical Manuals (ETM) page.
Ostron - German mil surplus dealer -Radios - R-155P radio - Babel Fish
Outback Equipment Company - semiconductor and other electronic surplus
Panik's Electronics - commercial secure VHF/UHF radios and related equipment
Pasternack Enterprises - connectors and adapters
Pembleton Electronics, Inc. - Ft. Wayne, IN
PhotoTelesis Corporation - Equipment to Tx/Rx images over voice comm channels
Pietro makes a number of inverting type battery adapters for BC-611, PRC-6, PRC-8, PRC-9, PRC-10, CPRC-26, BC-1000, BC-625, GRC-9, MAB paramarine, and soviet radio series. Typically powered from a 6 Volt Gell Cell battery. eBay: inverter45
Piexx -some surplus and some ham components
Pomona Electronics - connectors, adapters, project boxes, etc. - Products for sale by Brooke, N6GCE
Precious Things Online - UIK radios, aeirals, etc
Previously Owned and Loved Electronic Equipment - Buy & Sell
PV Scientific Instruments (Arcs and Sparks) - Crystal and Regenerative Radios - Radio Kits -
Pvt. Jarhead's Surplus Stuff - Vietnam era radios & related
Radiall/Larsen Antenna Technologies -
Radio Daze - wire, tubes and related components - old radios, both commercial & military
Radio-Locator- lists all the commercial radio stations in the world
Radio History Society - Links-
Radio Research Instrument Co, Inc - complete radar systems - their web page looks like the flyer but almost no photos
Radiosurplus - Elettronica - In Italy, no English
Rapco - CARC and other mil paints (Mark Dodd)
Recycled Goods Warehouse - some Mil test equipment
Red Star Radio - Canidian eBay dealer in Chinese Radios (Korean & Vietnam vintage)
reforger - Germany with English web pages - has many radio parts
Relm Communications - Bendix King Radio - AN/PRC-127A
Resources Un-Ltd. - CCD cameras, Military people detector radars
RF Parts - components, tubes, cable, etc.
Right Choice Electronics - Willing to look for obsolete ICs and parts on an international basis
Robert & Susan Downs manuals & mil radio related
Rochester Electronics - Leaders on the Trailing Edge of Electronics = obsolete parts
Rodelco Electronics Corp - ARN-89
Rohde & Schwarz - Radios, Antennas, test equipment, etc.
S&G Photographic Equipment -S&G Electronics- Batteries for Antique & Mil Radios including military batteries, Military Electronics & Accesories - Multi-Meters & Panel Meters - military BB- Ni-Cad batteries
Saturn Surplus - Military Radio Related -
Saunders and Cooke - Antique Re-Creations
Scholar's Bookshelf- out of date Jane's books at deep discounts
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ -
Scientific and Antique -
SEA - Datamarine -
SECHAN -Test Sets and small run military systems including Ground Sensor Systems
Signal Magazine - publication of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) - Advertisers -
Semiconductor Products - by type
Shakespeare Company - HF, VHF, UHF Antennas, Mounts, and Accessories Broadband, Tactical, Vehicular, Shipboard -
Skycraft Parts and Surplus - Orlando, FL
Sonic Communictions - covert wirless in ear speaker
Sources of Boatanchor Manuals, Parts & Equipment - old list but still some good info
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI(tm)) - R&D contractor - Signal Exploitation and Geolocation Systems -
Special Forces Collectors Page - PRC-319 HF radio with built in digital messaging
Specialty Defense Systems - Ranger Assault Carrying Kit (RACK) has PRC-68 Family carry pouch that also works with patented MOLE
STANO Components, Inc.- night vision, intrusion detection
Steve Haney - antennas and other mil radio stuff, recommended by Brooke - eBay Store - 817-309-2220 Texas
Steve Hilsz - Phone Surplus - Antique Telephone Repair
Sunair Electronics, Inc. - HF transmitters, ant couplers & receivers
Surplex Ltd ( QueCan on eBay) - -
Surplus2000 - eBay -
Surplus Angebote - in German - World: translation - by Alta Vista
Surplus Electronics - nothing here all on eBay as seller riatla
Surplus Military Radio by Menno Putman - Links to European military surplus dealers - and many more pages of links
Surplus Radio Society The Netherlands - Links -
Surplus Sales of Nebraska - mostly components but some boxes
Surplus Shed - mainly optics, but some electronics
Surplus Stuff -Lee Frank - manuals, tubes, parts, etc.
Swede and Sons Military Surplus - PRC-25 -
Systems and Electronics Inc (SEI) (formerly Fourdee) -
Tacticom -
Tadiran Communications Ltd. - makes all kinds of mil radios
Tartin Electronics 520-5777-1022
Team Electronics Man - eBay list -
tecno surplus by Carmelo Litrico - the battery adapters are now sold by Pietro
Technomad Military PA Systems - one mounted on HUMMER
Ted Manufacturing - may be a source for hard to get coax connectors (more to follow if they are)
Telex - head/hand sets, antennas
Tesseract Early Scientific Instruments -
The Gemmary - Antique Scientific Instruments -
Thomas Electronics - (acquired General Atronics in 1992) might be a source for replacement SDU or Pan Adapter CRTs
Tiger Tactical - both Temprate, and Arid (Desert) material onto SINGLE boonie
Toronto Surplus and Scientific, Inc. - interesting & Canadian stuff
Transcrypt International - EF Johnson -Apr 2008 web pages all messed up
Transworld - see Datron -
Trompeter - manuf of connectors and cables
Troph-e-Shop - Germany (English option) - general mil surplus & mil radios
TRW - Defense & Intelligence Systems -,1458,4_39_134%5E3%5E134%5E134,00.html
U.K.Systems -Japanese use page translation - Google
Ultra Electronics - coms & crypto equipment
Universal Radio - new and used receivers, Fred Osterman, President wrote Shortwave Receivers Past and Present -
UNICOR - U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Prision IndustriesV
Warbird Parts and Memorabilia - Radio Equipment -
Warbird Relics - Radio Equipment - note you must manually go to each of the radio pages.
Watson's Antiques of Canada -
Weapons of Mass Destruction - reasonably priced
Wenzlau - Masts - Shelters - Trailers -
Westland Military Antiques - can not browse, only search
William Perry Co - Connectors:Amphenol, Bendix, Cannon, Burndy, Cinch and Winchester, + + +
W.J. Ford Surplus Enterprises Technical Reference & Manuals -
Mailing Address:
10424 Hite Creek Rd.
Louisville, KY 40241Shipping Address:
8119 New LaGrange Rd
Louisville, KY 40222email:
Home phone: (502) 893-8724
Cell: (502) 551-1710
Yank Azman Toronto -
Yasuo Tokuda - Japanese
Yesterdaze Antique Scientific Instruments and Optics -
Zeta, an Integrated Defense Technologies Company - signals intercept, direction finding (DF), emitter location and jamming systems
Electronic Parts Outlet - YouTubeProducts for Sale, Brooke's Military Information, Brooke's Home Page
3753 Fondren Rd B, Houston, TX 77063
Apex Surplus - YouTube
8909 San Fernando Rd
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Chester Electronics - YouTube
7709 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, WI 53143
Good Bytes: The Computer & Electronics Goodwill Store - YouTube
8457 W Center Road
Omaha, NE 68124
Seattle Store - YouTube
Address: 1565 6th Ave. So. Seattle, WA 98134
Phone: (206) 623-9151
Tukwila Store
Address: 600 Andover Park East Tukwila, WA 98188
Phone: (206) 575-8737
page created 5 Aug 2000.