I found this while searching for a Nikon Plan 2x/0.05 microscope objective for my Labophot microscope. This device cost less than the going price for just the objective even including shipping it. It turns out to be an automated inverted microscope designed to look at a tray full of petri dishes. There are three Airpax stepper motors, one for Front-Back, one for Left-Right and one for Up-Down (behind front panel) movement. In The objective looks up and is coupled to an machine vision TV camera and that whole assembly moves up/down to focus. There's an arm with a lamp house and condenser system that accepts two sliders.
Here's a photo I found on line that shows the 3600 model and what may be a PC computer, monitor and keyboard, or it may be a custom electronics package?
The major components are mounted on a 27" x 16" wood base. There is an arm mounted at the rear of the baseboard that holds the power supply, lamp controls, lamp house and condenser assembly. I suspect this came from a commercial microscope. If you know which manufacturer/model let me know. The mechanical stage is mounted to the front of the baseboard and consists of the X-Y-Z stage and the optical assembly.
X-Y-Z Stage
Based on Airpax stepper motors with timing belts for X and Y and a screw jack for Z.
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Objective & Camera
The objective image is turned 90 degrees by a mirror (maybe a prism?) and feeds an MTI CCD72 TV camera.
Came with cable but not controller, which is on order.
Fig 4
Fig 5
Microscope Objective Standards
Table of Microscope Objectives & photos taken with camera (not microscope)
B&L Stereo Zoom Microscope
Unitron No. 83444 Microscope
Mitutoyo Toolmakers Measuring Microscope 176-134
Nikon Labophot Microscope & accessories
Nikon Multiphot stand & Table of Nikon "phot" microscopes
DigitalPhotography101 Digital Photography 101: The Basics
Digital Photography 201 Stacking Images
Digital Photography 202: Close-Up, Macro & Micro
Digital Photography 203: Color Management
Digital Photography 204: Studio Flash
Digital Photography 205: Astrophotography
Digital Photography 206 Micro Photography - Tube Lens - Unitron Compound Microscope
EOG Electro-optical Gadgets
Lights sources
Nikon Nikon (and Kodak DC290) Cameras
Nikon Multiphot System - Macro photography stand and list of "phot" family microscopes
NikonSB25 - Nikon SB-25 Flash & Manfrotto C1575B Avenger Super Clamp
Optical Bench w/ old Microscope
Optical Spectrum Analyzers
Optics Day & Night
Spectronic 20D Spectrophotometer
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