Can Wrench (Wiki)
Multi Tool (216 Bell System Tool)
Harris Corporation p/n 44567 Dracon Division

7/16" and 3/8" sockets that fit many
telephone hex nuts, like in old and new Demarcation boxes
Note that the hole in each socket is over 1-1/4" deep so
that it will work on tall binding posts.
Jonard: History
of Can Wrenches
There are also 5/8" and 9/16" male hex
drivers for opening Telephone Company boxes (Wiki: Cans)
The slot is to hold the cutter for wire stripping and it's
fallen out. Where to get replacement? Let me know.
This is a different tool that has the wire
stripping bit installed.
It was reasonably priced, probably lower price than than
getting a replacement bit.
Fluke TS52Pro

M - T rocker switch if for Monitor or Talk
(Off Hook).
Loosen 4 screws and remove left battery cover to access
the 9V battery compartment.
Note the STORE-PROG button acts as yellow shift when
pressed just prior to pressing another button (it is NOT
held down while the other button is pressed).
The small clip at right front is alternate
location for the carry hook.
[RCL] 9 = ANAC Mode (Wiki)
Harris TS19 Butt Set

Switch: Pulse or Tone
Button: LNR = Last Number Recall [typically used for
dialing ANI (Wiki)]
Switch: Hi-Z (monitor) - Ring (monitor) - Talk (off hook)
No battery.
When this buttset is connected to the
at&t DSL modem using the Banjo there is no sound in
the speaker and no indication that there's RF data on the
line. There are more modern butt sets that have the
capability of detecting digital data, and I have the Fluke
TS52 on order.
Note this is not a problem for disturging ADSL (Wiki)
because connecting a butt set and going off hook will only
effect the POTS function. BUT . . if the technician
does not know the line is carrying ADSL and then swaps it
for another line he may disable the DSL because of bridges
or loading coils (Wiki)
on the alternate line.
But may be for things like burglar alarms or T1 lines?
Security Screwdriver (multiple bits)

4846042 Tool Handle with Rotatable Cap, W.
Les Wetty, Jul 11, 1989
Comes with 5 double ended bits for 10 drivers. Very
Buttset Modular Adapter aka Banjo w/ K
Plugs cord.


Note the extra long, more rugged, line plugs are
called "K Plugs".
DC on Line
Red LED:
Positive on Red
DC on Line
Green LED:
Positive on Black
Inductive amplifier having two-terminal auto-on function, Douglas S. Clement, Progressive
Electronics Inc , 1993-06-04 -"Toner"
Inductive amplifier, Donald
P. Lalley, Progressive
Electronics Inc, 1985-12-23
Tests 77HP Toner with Fluke 87 V DMM (Red to Red, Black to Black):
Switch: Tone
ACV: 4
DCV: 0
Ohms: 2 Meg [AC coupled. when used on active phone
line phone stays on hook)
Hz Max: 1010
HZ Min: 982.7
Switch: Cont
ACV: 0
DCV: 9.6 (Probably just the battery voltage, can be used
for "Talk Battery")
Ohms: na [DC coupled)
Siemon S66BT punch down tool

Wire installing tool, Robert H. Knickerbocker, Siemon Co,
1978-03-06 - Needs to
be configured to match the 66 Block terminal
and to either punch down and cut wire or only punch
Connecting Tool, The
Siemon Company, Sep 14, 1971, 29/750;
29/650; D08/14 - cavities in rotating bar Siemon
66 Punch Down tool Siemon S66BT.
It has two cavities, one for 66 block terminals that are
0.038" thick and another for 0.045" think.
The rotatable bar has one end for cutting wire and the
other end for not cutting.
I've set it up for 0.038" thick terminals (that's what's
on the 66M1-50
split block) and for cutting wire.
When the blade is removed the handle will swivel open and
there's a slot to store a spare blade.
110 Punch Down tool: Commercial Electric 898 110 sold by
Home Depot.
It comes with a 110 tool that can be reversed, one end for
cutting wire and the other for not cutting wire.
There is a hole in the handle to store another blade.
Fluke TS100 Cable Fault Tester

Can replace the Progressive 77HP Toner and
adds some new features.
See it's web page: Fluke TS100
Cable Fault Tester for more