HEXJAMHand Emplaced Expendable JammerModel No. 4286-031 |
VHF Low Band Jammer01-P21691G001 |
While studing various aspects of Cryptology I learned that just prior to W.W.II the U.S. had developed a number of jammers, mainly for various radio communications bands, but also for RADAR and other utility transmissions. But . . . the radio communication jammers were not deployed because it was more productive to listen in to the enemy communications. The T96 may be an example of a jammer that was built but not used. Let me know.
During W.W.II a number of communication (and RADAR) jammers were developed, but the com jammers ended up on shelves not being used. That was because we were listening to the messages the enemy thought were secret because they were using cryptography. When you can break someone's crypto then it's best to not jam but instead listen.
I used to have a cylindrical jammer that may have been made from paper or cardboard that was varnished. It had a knob on the end, maybe tied to a timer. I think it worked using batteries and a spark gap. Brown and/or yellow color.
![]() The Type-NF connector is
marked ANT and the BNC jack nestled in the heatsink fins
is marked EXT ANT. The implication is that the ANT
connector is for a wave whip and the EXT ANT
connector is for an antenna matched to 50 Ohms, like the OE-254. Note it's very
difficult to use a simple whip antenna for the VHF low
band (30 to 90 MHz) so they typically have a network
containing a load lowering the efficiency.
![]() The uP board has been removed
from the bottom slot and is shown below.
There are positions for two other boards, but no sockets on the mother board for them so they may be used in a different model like the UHF version. The removable board with the metal can on the left appears to be a synthyzer. The black box at the right bottom (above the guide pin) is a 15 to 32 VDC In to 12.0 VDC Output conveter rated for 700 ma, i.e. the total power consumption of this jammer is about 8 Watts to the output power maybe 4 Watts average. Above the syn board is a box containing the power amp. |
The power Amp has 7 lines
plus 2 (power & ground).
The AC line connector on the battery box is a: MS3114E14-5P Wiring:
01-P32880C001 It can hold two or three BA-5590/U Primary batteries, or two or three BB-590/U Ni-Cad batteries. \ There are no contacts for the thermistors in the BB-390 Ni-MH so these should not be used. |
![]() ![]() The 40 pin chip at the left is an MC 146805E2 uP. It's program is in the MC27C64 just above the Zero Insertion Force socket that holds the parameter EEPROM chip. Just below the ZIF socket is a 160 kHz unit oscillator and a 74HC390 dual decade divider. The 40 pin chip on the right is an MC146823 RAM and the 24 pin chip in the lower right corner is an MC 146818 timer. The 8 pin DIP in the upper left is an MM5437 Digital White Noise Generator. Probably a modulation source or frequency setting source driving the synth board. The 8 pin DIP at the left center is a MAX638 switching regulator to reduce the board 12 Volts to some lower voltage for the ICs. |
SynthesizerThe box on the left has 9 traces going to it on the top and 2 traces on the bottom (to 145158-8 Fin &-12 Mod. The 16 pin DIP about in the center of the board is an MV145158 Serial Input Dual Modulus PLL Synthesizer aimed at the TV market, AM/FM and 2-way radios.Pin 1 of the 145158 is fed from a 14.4 MHz unit oscillator in the upper right of the photo. The serial clock and data comes from the uP board. |
![]() Motorola VHF Jammer Synthesizer board |
I had part of the T96 jammer in the 1950s that was from a local surplus store. It was missing some parts, but I vividly remember the timer and recognized it on a recent eBay auction.
Modern Communications Jamming: Principles and Techniques By Richard Poisel
3600685Apparatus and method for interfering with radio communications, Doyle William C, Itek Corp, Mar 20, 1969, Aug 17, 1971, 455/1, 342/157965221 Selective disruptor for voice modulated communications, Vincent J Nardozza, Marvin R Clinch, Secretary Of The Air Force,
10 kHz Rx/Tx jamming cycle allows recording speech for later analysis while jamming enemy
Oct 22, 1969, Jun 21, 2011 (Top Secret for 42 years!), 342/15, 455/1, 342/13
The original voice signal is recorded and then played back after a delay. allows recording speech for later analysis while jamming enemy
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